again I am a bit confused about a motivation under which certain character takes certain action - this time its about Onrack and those hound statues he found while travelling with Trull Sengar (HoC chapter 9).
So, during their conversation, Onrack says something like "too bad I will most likely never meet a Hound of Shadow, because I would really like to kill one". Trull replies "dont be so sure of yourself man, they are pretty hard to kill", and Onrack says "yea? then watch out" and hits one of the statues with his sword. Then the statue collapses. Then the other one does. Then Onrack gets his ass kicked like never before.
So I was just wondering, was this just a really badly chosen target for Onrack to display his power? Or did he expect this outcome for some reason (since he didnt seem very surprised to me after the hounds left). And, did he intend to free those two dogs (Trull asked him if he is aware of what he unleshed by this)?
Thanks anyone for an explanation:)
This post has been edited by Haplo: 01 March 2018 - 01:15 PM