Egwene, on 26 October 2017 - 05:32 PM, said:
Editing the Wiki has meant that I keep dipping into FoD and FoL and they have grown on me in the process. Those visits, looking at specific details, have made me aware of a lot of subtle stuff that I missed in the initial read - more so than happened with GotM and subsequently, I have begun to value Kharkanas more. However, initially... I don't think it was the style - I love introspection and philosophy... probably more a lack of characters to identify with and the general bleakness which Andorion referred to. In some ways, the Tiste are just 'too grand'... whereas the Malazan series is about the foot soldier at the core and politics as seen from the bottom the trilogy is about ruling houses and politics from the top down. Add to that grand names and readers trying to overlay what they know of the same people thousands of years later... it becomes heavy going.
I hope that SE will publish the third book eventually, even if only as an e-book but in the meantime, I shall look forward to going back to Seven Cities and hopefully a dose of the familiar mix of action and history, shocking convergences and brilliant humour and everything else which makes me so love this series
Just like everything SE, the books improve greatly on the reread.
I will actually say Fall of Light gave mo more relatable characters than FoL. I really liked Korya PoVs. Also the chapters with K'rul were some of the most mouth-watering (from a lore perspective) I have ever read.
While the bleakness does tend to get one down, all the tidbits he threw in, especially with the Hounds, was awesome.