A long time ago we had a thread here in the Inn where we took turns trying to draw a subject like "Title of the Movie" etc. and the other users had to try to guess what you were drawing. It was really popular for a while but we sort of ran out of material and the novelty wore off.
I've tried looking back through my old threads but I can't find it, so I thought I'd make a new thread. This game is like Pictionary. For those who haven't played pictionary or an equivelant of it, I will explain the rules.
In the game Pictionary you pick a card that tells you to draw something specific. Like a song: "Fly Me to the Moon (Frank Sinatra)" or an object "Banana Stand" etc. and then the other people have to guess what you are drawing. You are not allowed to use sounds, words or body language to signal anything.
The way we played it on the forum was sort of similar. The way it works is that I draw a picture and you try to guess the title or name. The one who makes the right guess gets to draw the next picture and so it goes. Don't guess unless you want to participate (You are free to mock peoples drawing skill though). However if nobody guesses the right question or if the winner does not submit a new picture within says... 36 hours? The honor goes back to the former "artist". You are free to draw several pictures and, depending upon the level of difficulty or the skill of the artist, you may need to.
The way we did it last time, the one who drew the last picture PM's the winner with a new subject. The artist also needs to remember to post in the thread who was correct, so that people don't just continue guessing. Usually the new drawing is followed by basic information like: Movie title, etc. to help clue the audience in.
As an example I remember Cerveza giving me a really hard movie title as a subject one time. He wanted me to draw the Clint Eastwood film with the title "Hang 'em high". So I tried to draw a bunch of people getting lynched with one person pointing above their heads and yelling something in an empty speech bubble... or something like that. I remember it was impossible to put that title into an image.
This will probably be a lot easier or simpler for the resident Malazan artists who use digital art, but for the rest I just recommend using MS Paint. Half the fun is making people try to decipher your crappy mouse cursor art.
I'm not sure if there's still enough activity in the Inn for this to get traction but here goes nothing.
An easy opener. Video game:

Number of downloads: 7
This post has been edited by Aptorian: 10 April 2020 - 06:47 PM