After an unhealthy 8 weeks of work and exams I have finely been able to return to the Malazan universe. Really enjoyed this book (much preferred it to nok) BUT I found the first half an absolute chore. Found it difficult to read and ended up not taking in much of it. However, the second half was masterful and I could not put the book down through the final battle. Anyway, as usual, here come the questions:
1) I don't really understand the time difference between GOTM and ROTCG. ROTCG seems to hint that the prince has been gone for ages (dead) and the guard not seen for eons, and yet not so long ago Brood met with the Prince, Cowl, Blues and Fingers made the Andii look like amateurs?? Am I being silly or does it not add up very well?
2) What was going on with Skinner? For someone who was mentioned in the same breath as Dassem in swordmanship, the guy seem like complete crap when fighting. As he just lost his touch or is there an explanation for his supposed lack of skill (perhaps Dassem now having a powerful sword and being a God has tipped everything in his favour)? Also why was his armour able to keep out vengence? Ardarta I feel is a name mentioned previously (brain is saying by Pusts' wife Mogora????)
3) Why did Dassem suddenly show up to kick Skinners ass? Just vengence? Or part of the Shadownthrone/Cotillion alliance?
4) Is Cowl gone for good? If so, seems a crap way to get rid of arguably the second most powerful human mage in the universe (also if Tay is gone I am gonna be pissed)
5) Are we meant to know who the girl who kills Lassen is? The only thought I could have was Vorcans daughter (mentioned with Mallik Rel near the tsrat of the book). Not sure if appearances match.
6) What would be thye best reading order to get to the Crippled God? I was thinking TTH, SW, DOD, CG or can stonewielder wait till after TCG?
Thanks in advance!!
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Man I missed Malazan
Posted 13 June 2016 - 06:19 AM
1) This K'azz was a fake. It will be mentioned in TTH. (Esslemont just forgot that K'azz was in GotM and they had to do something to save the story)
2) Maybe the armour also slowed him down and limited his movements? Ardata made an apperance in the Bonehunters and helped healing Mappo. She is a powerful ascendend and somehow also connected to spiders and Mogara
3) Probably to prevent that an ally of the Crippled God rules the Malazan Empire
4) Are you asking for spoilers?
5) Yes, Taya killed her. She was Mallick's shaved knuckle in the hole
6) You can read SW also afterwards. You could also read it now and go on afterwards with TtH. I don't think that there are any spoilers.
2) Maybe the armour also slowed him down and limited his movements? Ardata made an apperance in the Bonehunters and helped healing Mappo. She is a powerful ascendend and somehow also connected to spiders and Mogara
3) Probably to prevent that an ally of the Crippled God rules the Malazan Empire
4) Are you asking for spoilers?

5) Yes, Taya killed her. She was Mallick's shaved knuckle in the hole
6) You can read SW also afterwards. You could also read it now and go on afterwards with TtH. I don't think that there are any spoilers.
This post has been edited by Coltaine93: 13 June 2016 - 11:00 AM
Posted 13 June 2016 - 11:49 PM
Soletaken1, on 12 June 2016 - 11:44 PM, said:
After an unhealthy 8 weeks of work and exams I have finely been able to return to the Malazan universe. Really enjoyed this book (much preferred it to nok) BUT I found the first half an absolute chore. Found it difficult to read and ended up not taking in much of it. However, the second half was masterful and I could not put the book down through the final battle. Anyway, as usual, here come the questions:
1) I don't really understand the time difference between GOTM and ROTCG. ROTCG seems to hint that the prince has been gone for ages (dead) and the guard not seen for eons, and yet not so long ago Brood met with the Prince, Cowl, Blues and Fingers made the Andii look like amateurs?? Am I being silly or does it not add up very well?
2) What was going on with Skinner? For someone who was mentioned in the same breath as Dassem in swordmanship, the guy seem like complete crap when fighting. As he just lost his touch or is there an explanation for his supposed lack of skill (perhaps Dassem now having a powerful sword and being a God has tipped everything in his favour)? Also why was his armour able to keep out vengence? Ardarta I feel is a name mentioned previously (brain is saying by Pusts' wife Mogora????)
3) Why did Dassem suddenly show up to kick Skinners ass? Just vengence? Or part of the Shadownthrone/Cotillion alliance?
4) Is Cowl gone for good? If so, seems a crap way to get rid of arguably the second most powerful human mage in the universe (also if Tay is gone I am gonna be pissed)
5) Are we meant to know who the girl who kills Lassen is? The only thought I could have was Vorcans daughter (mentioned with Mallik Rel near the tsrat of the book). Not sure if appearances match.
6) What would be thye best reading order to get to the Crippled God? I was thinking TTH, SW, DOD, CG or can stonewielder wait till after TCG?
Thanks in advance!!
1) I don't really understand the time difference between GOTM and ROTCG. ROTCG seems to hint that the prince has been gone for ages (dead) and the guard not seen for eons, and yet not so long ago Brood met with the Prince, Cowl, Blues and Fingers made the Andii look like amateurs?? Am I being silly or does it not add up very well?
2) What was going on with Skinner? For someone who was mentioned in the same breath as Dassem in swordmanship, the guy seem like complete crap when fighting. As he just lost his touch or is there an explanation for his supposed lack of skill (perhaps Dassem now having a powerful sword and being a God has tipped everything in his favour)? Also why was his armour able to keep out vengence? Ardarta I feel is a name mentioned previously (brain is saying by Pusts' wife Mogora????)
3) Why did Dassem suddenly show up to kick Skinners ass? Just vengence? Or part of the Shadownthrone/Cotillion alliance?
4) Is Cowl gone for good? If so, seems a crap way to get rid of arguably the second most powerful human mage in the universe (also if Tay is gone I am gonna be pissed)
5) Are we meant to know who the girl who kills Lassen is? The only thought I could have was Vorcans daughter (mentioned with Mallik Rel near the tsrat of the book). Not sure if appearances match.
6) What would be thye best reading order to get to the Crippled God? I was thinking TTH, SW, DOD, CG or can stonewielder wait till after TCG?
Thanks in advance!!
1. Fake K'azz in Gardens. Also it's a few years since GotM.
2. He has gotten lazy due to overconfidence in his armor.
3. Dassem showed up out of loyalty to the remaining members of his bodyguard and also to prevent Skinner from taking more power.
4. No one in a House of the Azath is truly gone. See: Midnight Tides, Reaper's Gale
5. Taya did.
6. TTH is next. I would put SW either before DoD or after CG. Mainly because DoD ends on a cliffhanger and you're not going to want to read SW in between.
Laseen did nothing wrong.
I demand Telorast & Curdle plushies.
I demand Telorast & Curdle plushies.
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