Anywho, right off the bat, I'm not wrong in thinking that Traveller hasn't actually been explicitly stated to be Dassem as of yet, right? I had suspicions of his identity as far back as HoC and the meeting on Drift Avalii, RotCG just mostly confirmed my suspicions but in reading the scene between Traveller and Shadowthrone/Cotillion I suddenly realised that it actually hasn't been outright confirmed. I have found assumptions dangerous and often unfounded in the series thus far, I must say though that I didn't think I was making an assumption here, I think part of my brain actually believed it had been confirmed in RotCG.
As for Traveller, I was racking my brains trying to think of a legitimate reason why Mael might want him as Shadowthrone suggests. I can only think that perhaps Male wished him to kill (or not kill as the case may be) Rhulad - having no reason to believe in the efficacy of Karsa and too much reason to believe in the efficacy of Icarium, the world's best swordsman may have seemed a great option. I racked my brains considering the finale of RG and how it relates timeline wise to the events of RotCG and TtH and considering the year or more the journey from Malaz Island to Lether took the Bonehunters it seems entirely possible that the assault on Traveller's ship and crew could've begun before the events at the close of RG and that by the time Traveller meets S/C these events have transpired, allowing Karsa to be on the continent of Genebackis.
Right or wrong I am dreadfully excited at the prospect of a Karsa/Traveller meeting. Though I will admit to a secret (and perhaps petty) delight in the idea of Karsa being pulled down a peg or two by the ultimate badass Dassem Ultor, I fear that instead the two shall become fast friends - of course any interaction at all will still be all kinds of awesome and I look forward in much anticipation.
I genuinely love the tone of Erikson's writing in this novel so far, to the point where I could read philosophizing internal monologues of character after character and never grow tired (well after awhile

As I said I just love the tone so far in this book, even the poetry is great! One I particularly loved:
From her ribs and from the hair of women
Seen swimming sun-warmed rivers in summer's light,
From untroubled brows and eyes clear and driven
Gazing out from tower windows when falls the night
From hands cupped round pipe bowls alabaster carved
When veiled invitations coy as blossoms under shade
Invite a virgin's dance a rose-dappled love so starved
Where seen a coarse matron not yet ready to fade
And the tall bones of legs 'neath rounded vessels perched
Swaying lusty as a tropical storm above white coral sands
Where in all these gathered recollections I have searched
To fashion this love anew from soil worked well by my hands
And into the bower garland-woven petals fluttering down
Hovers the newfound woman's familiar unknown face
For on this earth no solitude is welcomed when found
And she who is gone must be in turn be replaced
And by the look in her eye I am a composite man
Assembled alike from stone, twig and stirred sediments
Lovers lost and all those who might have been
We neither should rail nor stoke searing resentments
For all the rivers this world over do flow in but one
Love of the Broken
I read that 6 times before I moved on! I read these fantasy epics for Trolls and shizzle, now I'm legitimately adding a poem to my list of absolute faves!
(I said I would wax lyrical!)
EDIT: No idea why all the writing after the copy/paste is a different colour, at least it's still readable lol
This post has been edited by WinterPhoenix: 05 May 2016 - 10:40 PM