Thinking about that, I am now looking at the map in MoI, Genabackis. And there is a possible fit! Compare the map in FoD of the "Thel Akai, Jaghut, Tiste realms" (though where are the Tiste on that one??) to the top left part of the map of Genabackis in MoI. (And imagine 300k disastrous years pass in between.)
- There is a sea west, Thel Akai / Toblai north, Blackdog + Rhivi / Dog runners south.
- There is the Bole brothers - Varandas link. Mott and Blackdog forest are positioned pretty much along the Jaghut 'Exodus road'.
- Around where the Jheck were, there is a city called Greydog.
- There is the odd coincidence of 'Jhelarkan' being a place on the FoD map, and a prince in MoI.
- Tiste Edur keep popping up in and around Genabackis.
- Fanderay still wanders the land where her current body was born, being trapped in it.
- In the prologue, which takes place around the same time FoD does or not long after, we see Kilava traveling to Morn. Which is on Genabackis. Across 'L'Amath'. The MoI book calls it the 'Plain of Lamathath'. This location also fits with 'dog runners in the south'.
That implies that roughly from the Rhivi Plain to the Dwelling Plain (MoI map again) was in FoD times the Imass' First Empire. And indeed, there is a Bhederin plateau there, and it is surrounded by Moranth, Rhivi and Barghast. All people directly descended from the surviving Imass. Raest's tomb near Darujhistan is right in the middle of that area. Fitting with him having been a Tyrant in that particular First Empire. And his imprisonment being part of the war that had so diminished Pran Choles people in the MoI prologue.
There are also problems with this idea... mostly hinging on the timeline wich is still frustratingly vague. Kilava sees the Rent at Morn and considers where it leads: Tellann? (no), Starvald Demelain? (unlikely), so must be Omtose Phellack, right? (no)
If Omtose Phellack is a warren, and also if there are no more Jaghut on the continent, then we must be significantly past the events of FoD, right? Yet it is before the Ritual of Tellann. Is that possible? I think so. Though it is pretty disturbing that the Imass would first destroy all of the Jaghut on the continent + their Ice Age (granted, aided by the other Jaghut) and only after that, make themselves undead to continue the war. Something seems off there... (Olar Ethil perhaps...)
It also implies that the K'Chain civilization and wars and their destruction happened even before the Tiste and Jaghut civilizations. Does that clash with the Tiste later seen as invaders fighting the K'Chain? Is there time travel involved??
I don't think it is impossible, as that later mess happened on the Letheras continent, right? And I think I remember reading it was the Forkrul who destroyed the Matron and her people around Morn? I must admit the whole K'Chain history/timeline has always baffled me.
So the Genabackan timeline would go like this (maybe...):
- >310k years ago, the K'Chain ruled (much of) Genabackis.
- There was infighting with the Nahruk, after wich the Forkrul mopped up what was left. Taking a heavy blow in the process.
- Imass moved into the area, Jaghut Tyrant(s) shaped them into an Empire.
- Desperate Forkrul start a war with the Tiste, pretty much destroying eachother. The Tiste win, at a staggering cost.
- The Jaghut declare war on Death and mostly leave the continent.
- The Tiste implode into civil war and eventually a kind of nuclear winter. They (K'rul? Dragons?) remove the mess to their new Holds and use them to leave for another continent (Letheras) or stay in them (Liosan).
- About 298,650 years ago: Imass (+ Jaghut) war on the left-over Jaghut until none are left, Imass are nearly destroyed too. Then they join the Ritual of Tellan and fight on, on different continents.
- Slowly, on Genabackis the land heals and the few remaining Imass, Tiste (maybe?), Thel Akai and whatever else got left behind (Boles?) turn into (mostly) human tribes and eventually cities again. Maybe also including the people that came in the 'Ship of the High King'?
This post has been edited by Felisin Fatter: 16 February 2016 - 10:36 AM