I have read all books in Malazan universe except Assail and FoD.
What is the status of the Crippled god before Assail book?
After reading SW, TCG and B&B it is still little bit confusing to me. Is he finally free? Did I get it right that B&B happened before the end of TCG? If yes, than it is less confusing.
What happened with the "Lady" shard? Are there other shards non-united except Celeste?
I am new to this forum so I am not sure if I needed to put some spoiler tag in my post..
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Status of Crippled God
Posted 13 September 2015 - 03:56 PM
Berix, on 13 September 2015 - 02:34 PM, said:
I have read all books in Malazan universe except Assail and FoD.
What is the status of the Crippled god before Assail book?
After reading SW, TCG and B&B it is still little bit confusing to me. Is he finally free? Did I get it right that B&B happened before the end of TCG? If yes, than it is less confusing.
What happened with the "Lady" shard? Are there other shards non-united except Celeste?
I am new to this forum so I am not sure if I needed to put some spoiler tag in my post..
What is the status of the Crippled god before Assail book?
After reading SW, TCG and B&B it is still little bit confusing to me. Is he finally free? Did I get it right that B&B happened before the end of TCG? If yes, than it is less confusing.
What happened with the "Lady" shard? Are there other shards non-united except Celeste?
I am new to this forum so I am not sure if I needed to put some spoiler tag in my post..
BaB happens around the same time as TCG. Don't really know which one ends first. Also, as to your main question, "Is TCG free?", well, there's some debate about it on the TCG forums. He's either free or dead, it's kind of a "choose which one you like more" situation. Assail is the last book in terms of chronology as of now. The Toblakai Trilogy will very likely go beyond it, but as of now, everything seems to end before Assail begins.
I'm not sure about spoiler tags either. To be sure you might add a warning in the beginning of your post. The mods will tell you "with furious anger" if you need to add the spoiler tags

This post has been edited by Esa1996: 13 September 2015 - 03:56 PM
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