Tiamatha, on 19 March 2014 - 04:26 PM, said:
No not at all. But when you have a bunch of people who say that they are going to be low posters and you guys beg them to sign up. Then you complain that they low posting. That makes you a dumpass and makes me and I assume other people who can only post a few times a day not want to sign up for another game. So here is an idea. Next time you can't find the people to fill out your game. Don't ask people who say that they would only be able to be low posters to sign up. Then enjoy your game with the 8 players who don't have a fucking life and are able to post all the fucking time. If you want bodies to extend your circle jerk of a game longer for your hand enjoyment then shut the fuck up about peoples participation. Yes scum can hide behind low poster. But hey you know what else scum can hide behind high posting and middle of the road posting fucking posters. So get off your fucking horse you god dam fucking ass monkey. You want to play the fucking game rather then blame everyone else for you 2 inch dick. Go play your Xbox like you usually do. Those of us who work for a fucking living and who have responsibilities are only doing this shit as a fucking favor. Really I don't give a shit anymore.
I miss you Tiam, and your explosive overreactions That having been said, it would nevertheless be good if you have comments to make on others. Who do you see as scummy/not scummy - sometimes the quick glances/quick comments bring better insights than the lengthy postulations, which can often become blinkered around one thing.