Okaros, on 18 March 2014 - 07:13 AM, said:
Vote Denul
Because of the way he analyzed the lynch train and I think he's our best chance of getting numbers for a lynch if day times out in 6 hours.
Then PS extends the vote, so he drops the vote on me and tries a different tact. Is it because he is looking at other options, or because no one followed him onto my train?
Okaros, on 18 March 2014 - 02:41 PM, said:
Remove Vote
and look somewhere we haven't looked before.
Galayn Lord, on 17 March 2014 - 02:17 AM, said:
Harder to pin down a slider, skating by with a few thoughtful sounding (yet somehow worthless) posts. I think the most damnable post was that middle of the road post, and I'm glad people called him on it, but disappointed we aren't continuing to screw in the tacks.
I think ladies and gents we need to not get caught up in all the shitty SR drama, ignore the bloated egos and hurt prides and get poking at those sitting back and enjoying the show.
Vote Eloth
Underlined above is mine. This is GL's third and most recent post in almost an entire RL week of the game. That makes him the lowest poster by far and he drops in with a single vote and some analysis and leaves again. In particular, above, he suggests that we "get poking at those sitting back and enjoying the show." Quite astute, as GL is the most guilty of this out of everyone playing. His attempt to divide the lynch targets into his two groups is striking me wrongly right now, and there really isn't much in his "case" to go on...his reasoning is basically "look at people who voted on the train, one of may be scum" or "let's look at 'sliders'" as he says.
Now, I certainly would like to hear more from Eloth, I don't think he has posted in a good while? But GL falls into one of his own categories for sure (sliding right along) and he voted for Monok, but wasn't on the lynch train or around to vote later (nice self-separation from category 1). Reading his post right now sounds like scum laying low and popping up to add "content" but basically adds no new information at all. He quotes the lynch train, says very little about it, then votes for Eloth for playing middle of the road. Well, we have like half the damn players playing the exact same way, including GL, so his analysis points back to himself if anything.
Vote Galayn Lord
Because one reasonable sounding post as the lowest poster in the game does not a town player make. It'd be nice to hear from him, too.
He is quickly followed by Kesso which set off some alarm bells. Counter point though, Kesso makes some good points, and if he wasn't following Okaros I would probably have already voted for GL by this point.
Kessobahn, on 18 March 2014 - 03:06 PM, said:
Galayn Lord, on 17 March 2014 - 02:17 AM, said:
AND back to the game. Scum probably doesn't have to work hard with the implosions exploding everywhere. I think we need to put pressure on two groups: the voters and the sliders.
The lynch train (Kilava, Kessobahn, Rikkter, Tiamatha, Ampelas, Okaros, Eloth, Monok Ochem, Okral Lom), for all the talk, has hardly been analyzed and I see a lot of dodgy language from those who were on it (e.g. Amp and Kesso). But another who grabbed my attention was Tiamatha, doubting having another dead on day one after the mod-kill, but not really avoiding the opportunity of planting Lock in the ground.
Tiamatha, on 13 March 2014 - 06:50 PM, said:
In the sliders category, I am looking at Eloth, what little there is.
Eloth, on 13 March 2014 - 09:23 PM, said:
Tiamatha, on 13 March 2014 - 09:21 PM, said:
Eloth, on 13 March 2014 - 08:54 PM, said:
With Monok and Rikkter, there's even less there, other than the feeling that because day 1 lynch choices have been so spot on in some recent games (usually through sheer luck), that we could do worse than with going with the first choices on the menu!
Now that is some informed, logical reasoning if I ever did do some!
Nice middle of the road post.
I do agree that there isn't really any distinction between the three. However I feel that Lock's posts after his claw post smacks of desperation.
Vote Lock
Thanks. Middle of the road on day 1 when you don't know shit seems sensible to me

Eloth, on 13 March 2014 - 10:13 PM, said:
Harder to pin down a slider, skating by with a few thoughtful sounding (yet somehow worthless) posts. I think the most damnable post was that middle of the road post, and I'm glad people called him on it, but disappointed we aren't continuing to screw in the tacks.
I think ladies and gents we need to not get caught up in all the shitty SR drama, ignore the bloated egos and hurt prides and get poking at those sitting back and enjoying the show.
Vote Eloth
So GL puts suspicion on four separate people, out of the remaining 13, which many people believe is the number of scum. Of course, since I'm on that list, and I know for a fact I'm town, it seems to me like GL is setting up possible compromise lynch targets for the rest of the game. Who would put four different targets out there as suspicious, but instead of exploring each of them (he doesn't even quote mine and Amp's so called "dodgy language"), he goes on to vote Eloth for simply being a low poster. That doesn't sit right with me. If Amp, Tiam and myself are all suspicious due to actual evidence, then why go after Eloth, who's only sin is being a low poster? I don't like this post, seems too much like scum setting up targets so he can vote them later in the game without garnering suspicion. I know this evidence isn't particularly strong, but the post itself has my gut scumdar going crazy.
I'm going to be clear here, this is not an OMGUS vote, but a vote based on gut and this post which doesn't sit right with me.
Vote Galayn Lord.
So I guess it boils down to how I feel about Okaros. He was one of the swing votes on the Lock train. He has a huge OMGUS case on Bek that I feel was an abnormal reaction to a little bit of pressure. He then changes tact and attacks me, drops a vote and leaves the thread around what he thought was timeout, effectively making me the only feasible lynch option, when his second vote isn't followed he tries a new tact and goes after Gaylan lord. He does gain a little traction with the Gaylord case and is followed by Kesso, but imo Kesso makes good points independant of Okaros' case so that doesn't necessarily tie him to Okaros.
These little things just keep adding up. I know I am setting myself up for a rebuttal vote from Okaros here, but his play, to me, has been the most scummy so far.
Regarding the Gaylyn lord votes, like I said, Kesso made some good points, but he is following Okaros who I feel is playing scum like. This makes me hesitant to place a vote on gaylord. I would like to hear what others have to say in the next couple hours. I'll then drop a vote with 1-2 hours till timeout so we can discuss more. At this point I am leaning Okaros.