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Gardens of the Moon Awesomeness

#1 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 07 March 2014 - 04:25 PM



Now these ashes have grown cold, we open the old book.
These oil-stained pages recount the tales of the Fallen,
a frayed empire, words without warmth. The hearth
has ebbed, its gleam and life's sparks are but memories
against dimming eyes - what cast my mind, what hue my
thought as I open the Book of the Fallen
and breathe deep the scent of history?
Listen, then to these words carried on that breath.
These tales are the tales of us all, again yet again.
We are history relived and that is all, without end that is all.

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 10 March 2014 - 08:41 AM

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#2 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 08:34 AM

PS Password = warroom
SH Password = quest

View PostTattersail_, on 15 September 2012 - 06:26 PM, said:

Game Mechanics

1 - General Structure
Players may begin posting as soon as the mods announce that the game has started on the thread. The game begins during the day. The day ends when when a sufficient number of people have voted to lynch a player (remove that player from the game) or voted to end the day without a lynch. Many games also have time limits on the days, and if no consensus is reached when the time expires, the day ends with no lynch (36 hours is the time limit for the present game). When the day phase has ended, night begins. The mods will then post a scene reporting the outcome of the day. Players may continue posting in the thread (unless they've been voted out) but no voting is allowed. Night ends when the mods post the morning scene reporting the outcome of the night actions. Day and night phases continue to alternate until the game ends.

2 - Day Phase
During the day, players may post in the thread and vote. Some roles may have special powers which can be used during the day.

2.1 - Voting Mechanics
To vote for a player: bold "vote" and that player's name.
To vote to end the day without a lynch: bold the phrase "vote night".
To remove your vote without casting a new vote: bold the phrase "remove vote".
To change your vote for a player: First bold remove vote then vote for the new player.

The vote should be positioned at the end of a post, and be clearly seperated from the rest of the post. Example:


your text, many quotes, brilliant arguments and a clever and convincing conclusion. Alternatively, a lame joke.

remove vote

vote Killer

2.2 - Voting Restrictions
You may only vote during the day phase. You can only have one vote outstanding at any time. You may not edit a vote into a post. You may not edit a vote out of a post.

2.3 - Bold Restrictions
The use of bold should be limited to voting. If you want to emphasize a players name or another word, you can underline the word or post using a different color

2.4 - Majority Defined
A majority means either more than half of the active players voting for one player's lynch or half or more of the active players voting to go to night without a lynch.
If a player is modkilled during the day, the majorities will not adjust.
If a player dies during the day due to a player's ability, majorities will adjust.

2.5 - Ending the Day
The day ends as soon as a majority is reached (or, if the game has a day time limit and the players fail to achieve a majority, once the time limit has elapsed). Anyone lynched is no longer an active player and must not post in the thread. Votes can no longer be withdrawn and new votes cannot be cast until the night phase ends.

2.6 - Evening Scene
The mods will post a scene shortly after the day ends to report the results of the day actions. If the day ended with a player's lynch, the mods might also reveal information about the lynched player, such as the player's alt or alignment. This is the mods' choice, and they'll explain what, if any, information will be revealed in the game rules. There are no hidden clues in the evening scenes.

3 - Night Phase
During the night, players may post in the thread but may not vote. Some players will have the ability to perform special actions. Once again, the mods decide which roles will be included for their game, so be sure to fully read the game rules and any role descriptions which may be included.

3.1 - Performing a Night Action
If your role includes the ability to perform a special action at night, you need to PM the mods to indicate the action you wish to take. Most, if not all, roles have the ability to "withhold" their powers (i.e. take no action). This will be made clear to the roled players, and, usually, to all other players as well. If you chose to not perform your allowed action, you must PM "no action" to the mods. Most games have a time limit on nights (12 hours is the time limit for the present game). All players must PM their night actions to the mods within this timeframe. Players are strongly encouraged to send their night actions as soon as possible. You may also send in a PM for your special action during the day phase, this is very strongly encouraged.

3.2 - Contingent PM
If you send in a PM during the day phase, you may choose to list alternative actions contingent on the manner in which the day ended. If none of the contingencies you list actually occur, your PM will be disregarded, and you must send a new PM to the mods (example: if Meanas is lynched I kill Kaschan, otherwise I kill Hood's Path).

3.3 - Provisional PM
You may choose to send a provisional PM if you want to further consider your night action but do not want to extend the night if all other roled players have decided upon their actions. Provisional PMs must be clearly marked as such. A provisional PM will not be acted upon by the mods until it becomes a 'definite PM.' A provisional PM becomes definite as soon as ( a ) you confirm your choice with another PM, ( b ) all other roled players that need to send night actions have done so, or ( c ) the time limit for the night has expired.

As a courtesy to other players we ask that you confirm your provisional PM as soon as you are able.

3.4 - Last Resort PM
In extraordinary circumstances you may be allowed to send in a last resort PM. A last resort PM will not be acted upon by the mods until ( a ) you confirm your choice with another PM or ( b ) the time limit for the night has expired. Should you need to send a last resort PM, you must first seek the mods approval by explaining the circumstances that necessitate such a PM. Last resort PMs are accepted only at the discretion of the mods.

3.5 - Failure to PM
If not all PMs are received within the time limit, everyone who has failed to send in a PM will be considered to have taken no action. In addition, those who failed to send in a PM will be warned by the mods or may risk further penalties.

3.6 - Changing a Night Action
PMs to the mod can be changed at any point before the new day is announced. A PM is considered to be changed only after the mod receives and has read the PM. The player bears the risk that the mod will post the morning scene after the player has sent in a new PM but before the mod has actually read it.

3.7 - Abusing the Time Limit
If the mods have included a night time limit, it begins as soon as the previous day ended, regardless of when the mods posted the evening scene. However, this time limit is a maximum limit, and all players should send in PMs as soon as they feel comfortable doing so. Players (and mods) prefer shorter nights, as people are anxious to see who may have died and to begin voting again. If the mods feel that a player is abusing the time limit by unreasonably stalling, they may force the player to take no night action or take other appropriate action.

3.8 Preventing Night Actions
Except where expressly noted, no night actions prevent any other night actions sent in from taking effect.

3.9 - Morning Scene
The night phase ends when the mods post the morning scene. The mods will post the scene shortly after all night action PMs have been received. The scene will report any player deaths that occurred during the night, and might also reveal information about the lynched player, such as the player's alt or alignment. There are no hidden clues in the morning scenes. As soon as the scene is posted any players who have been killed at night will no longer be active players and can no longer post in the thread. The time limit for the new day will begin with the morning scene.

Section 4 - Endgame
The game will continue to alternate between day and night phases until the game ends. The game can end after either a day or night phase.

4.1 - Winning Conditions
The game ends once one faction has reached its winning conditions, which the mods will state in a later post.

Mafia is a team game. Once one faction achieves its winning conditions, all members of that faction have won whether or not they are active players when the winning conditions are achieved.

4.2 - Ending Scene
The mods will post an ending scene and declare the game over shortly after one faction achieves its winning conditions. If for any reason it becomes impossible for either faction to achieve its winning conditions, the mods will declare the game a draw.

The game is only over when a mod posts the ending scene. Even if you know (or believe you know) the result of the game before then, you may not post in the thread unless you are an active player.

4.3 - Calling the Game Early
The mods reserve the right to end the game at any time before a faction achieves its winning conditions provided there are compelling reasons to do so. In general, the mods will end the game early as soon as one faction's victory becomes inevitable.

4.4 - Spoilers
When the game is over, the mods will reveal the alts and roles of everybody who played and also give everyone access to the spoiled spectator threads on the discussion board.


All players must:

A1) Have an account on

A2) Log in and view the thread and the discussion board anonymously at all times, unless they have informed the mods that this is not possible for technical reasons or if you are the all powerful tyrant Steve

A3) Post at least once every 36 hours. Any player who has not posted within the last 36 hours will be automatically modkilled, whether or not the mods announce this on the thread. Warnings will be issued after 24 hours and subsequently closer to the deadline.

The mods may grant extensions to this limit in some cases (if so, they will give details in a later post). However, if they have not posted on the thread to announce an extension before the 24 hour limit is reached, no extension will be granted, whatever may have been said elsewhere. Please contact the mods as early as possible if you wish to request an extension.

A4) Send in role prescribed night actions (including the desire to take no action) within the time limit

A5) Treat everybody else playing with courtesy and respect

A6) Make any edits the mods request of them as soon as possible, whether or not they believe that the posts need to be edited.

A7) Contact the game mods as soon as possible if they feel you are at risk of breaking a rule or fear they or another person may have already done so.

A8) You must not edit previous posts unless to change spelling or grammar.

Players must not:

B1) Act in any way intended to reduce the chance of their faction achieving its win conditions. (However, should all surviving members of a faction agree that they wish to resign and end the game early, they may do so by PMing the mods privately, without stating their intentions on-thread until the mods post to announce that the game is over.)

B2) Discuss the game with any other living players outside this game thread except when told they may do so in their role PMs.

B3) Reveal any information about the game at all in any other thread than this one, or in any other forum (including message boards and chat rooms) where it may be seen by a living player.

B4) Give anybody access to any of their accounts (including game alts, if the game is using them), either here or on the mafia discussion board.

B5) Attempt to obtain advice about the game from anybody not currently playing.

B6) Post information on the thread relating to another player's past or current activity on (or absence from) the board that would not otherwise be available to anybody reading the thread.

B7) Quote, in whole or part, PMs from (or other private conversations with) the mods on the thread, or discuss the timing of any PMs sent to the mods.

B8) Post on the thread at any time after they are dead until the mods themselves post on the thread to announce that the game is over. Any posts accidently made after death should be immediately edited blank.

B9) Make any bets about the game.

B10) Offer to break any of these rules or any other rules the mods have set in place for the game, encourage others to do so or help to conceal the fact that rules have been broken.

B11) Revealing the name of your character is expressly forbidden both in the living thread and in the beyond, doing so will result in a modkill and the removal of your player from both here and heaven.


C1) Failure to comply with the rules may result in any punishment the mods deem appropriate, including, but not limited to: a request to edit posts; formal warnings on thread; "modkilling", lashing, spanking, paddling, the rack, thumbscrews, waterboarding, time-out, death and/or ending the game prematurely in favor of one faction or none. Except where clearly stated in the rules, the mods are free to respond to any rules violation in whatever manner they wish. In all cases the mods' decision on these matters is final.

C2) Feel free to PM your thoughts (or questions) to the mods. We love to hear them!

C3) The mods reserve the right to amend the rules during the game if we realize we've forgotten to cover something.


As well as running the game on this thread, the mods are also responsible for administering the spoiler thread on the temporary forum and anybody not actively involved in the game (whether spectators or dead players who no longer wish to play) can request access to this thread by PMing the mods. Only dead players will have access to the Beyond. Please note that while in general the mods will be happy to let anybody have access to this thread, they do reserve the right to refuse access to anybody for any reason. Accordingly, please do not ask anybody other than the mods for access to the spoiler thread or give yourself access to it, even if you have the power to do so. Any posts found to contravene these rules will be deleted and the responsible players will be added to a blacklist for any future games run my this mod.

Once given access to the thread, spoiled spectators should also take note of the following rules, and must not:

D1) Share any information from the spoiler thread with living players, or post such in a forum where it may be seen by living players.

D2) Offer any advice, hints or strategy to living players.

D3) Make personal attacks on players in the game or on posters in the spoiler thread itself

D4) Post on the game thread before the mods announce that the game is over.

D5) PM living or dead players with comments on the game.

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 10 March 2014 - 09:26 AM

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#3 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 08:37 AM

View PostTattersail_, on 07 March 2014 - 03:31 PM, said:

Only 1 symp will be active for town if less than 16 players.

View PostTattersail_, on 15 September 2012 - 06:34 PM, said:

Game Set Up

Okay. Roughly 16 players. 3 scum. 4 Roled Town.

Scum Team.

1 Leader can kill. Knows that there is other two scum but cannot communicate. 1 kill per night.

Guard Pair (Lovers) know their leader and can communicate (only with each other). Each night they can choose to guard one player. If leader is killed then communication is ceased. Guard 1 gets elevated to leader. Guard 2 stays guard. If Leader 2 gets killed then final guard becomes Leader/Killer.


Finder/Guard 1. On night one can select either find or guard. On night two must choose the other action or nothing. Night 3 resets. Continues.( can communicate with each other)

Finder/Guard 2. On night one can select either find or guard. On night two must choose the other action or nothing. Night 3 resets. Continues.

Finder 1 symp. Knows the identity of Finder 1.

(don't know each other)

Finder 2 symp. Knows Identity of Finder 2.

The rest of town are RI with non significant actions.

View PostTattersail_, on 15 September 2012 - 07:40 PM, said:

Core Set Up:

This is a Town versus Scum game. There are no roles that you will be unfamiliar with. Town need to eliminate scum. Scum need to reach a parity with town.


Sorry - You are cold. You don't need to think. You Kill. That is what you do and what you are. A Cold Blooded Killer. In the daytime you try and fit in, but when night comes, well, you kill whom you choose and however you choose to do it. You know that there are two other scum. You do not know who they are.

Abilities - Kill, you have to give me a name of an alt that you would like to kill and how you would like to kill them.

Shadowthrone -

You are the mastermind behind the scene. You are one of a Guard Pair. You know that you have sent Sorry (Alt) out to kill. Each night you can choose to guard one player. If successful that player cannot perform an action during night. You partner is Cotillion (Alt)

If Sorry (Alt) is lynched/killed then communication is ceased. You will become the new Killer. Each night you will choose a target. If successful then that player will die.

You can communicate off thread with (alt).

Cotillion - You are tired. A lot of your efforts are going into the possession of a young girl. You are one of a Guard Pair. You know that you have sent Sorry (Alt) out to kill. Each night you can choose to guard one player. If successful that player cannot perform an action during night. Your partner is Shadowthrone (Alt).

If Sorry (Alt) is lynched/killed then communication is ceased. You will remain a guard. Shadowthrone will become the new killer.

If Shadowthrone is dead then you will become the new Killer. Each night you will choose a target. If successful then that player will die.

You can communicate off thread with alt.

View PostTattersail_, on 25 September 2012 - 08:47 AM, said:

Tattersail - Things are stirring. You feel it in your bones. You know you must act but you don't know who against. Your feeling a little lost and the cards are calling. To use them you must let down your guard for one night, they are taxing and you know you must use them wisely.

You are one of a Finder/Guard pair. On night one you can select either find or guard. On night two must choose the other action or nothing. Night 3 resets and so on.

You can communicate off thread with Fiddler (alt).

Fiddler - Things are stirring. You feel it in your bones. You know you must act but you don't know who against. Your feeling a little lost and the cards are calling. To use them you must let down your guard for one night, they are taxing and you know you must use them wisely.

You are one of a Finder/Guard pair. On night one you can select either find or guard. On night two must choose the other action or nothing. Night 3 resets and so on.

You can communicate off thread with Tattersail (alt).

Ganoes Paran - She looked after you. You owe her something. You want to meet up with the rest of the company but she is alluring. Sexy too. You fancy her a little. Okay a lot. You sense she is worrying. Something is on her mind. You resolve to be there for her no matter what. Oh sweet Tattersail.

You know the identity of Tattersail (alt). You know she can read the Deck of Dragons. You know she is a powerful mage. You fancy her.

Hedge - The last few weeks have been hectic. Those tunnels collapsing were a nasty business. Fiddler has had your back and you know in your heart you'll always have his.

You know the identity of Fiddler (Alt) You know he can read the Deck of Dragons. You know he is alright at Sapping. But you, you are better.

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#4 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 08:44 AM

Days will be 36 hours. Nights will resolve when actions are in and/or a mod is available (no longer than 12 hours).

Reveals welcome do not quote your PM.

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 10 March 2014 - 08:45 AM

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#5 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 08:45 AM

Sorry is the initial killer sent out by Shadowthrone and Cotillion. Her goal is to kill as many people as she can. Once she is lynched the helm will be passed onto Shadowthrone or if he is no longer in the game then it gets passed onto The Rope.

Town in this game is going to be taken from the Malazans from GotM.

The Malazans

  • Whiskeyjack – A Sergeant in the Bridgeburners, former commander of the 2nd Army. Demoted due to his suspected loyalty to the late Emperor.
  • Quick Ben – The Bridgeburners cadre mage. Good friend of Kalam.
  • Kalam – Assassin in the Bridgeburners, a former Claw agent and friend to Quick Ben.
  • Hedge & Picker – Sappers, or munitions experts in the Bridgeburners.
  • Fiddler – A Bridgeburner [sapper].
  • Ganoes Paran – The new Captain of the Bridgeburners, only son of a powerful Malazan noble family, and aide to Adjunct Lorn.
  • Lorn – Adjunct to the Empress, survivor of Laseen's massacre in Malaz City. Carries an otataral sword.
  • Laseen – Empress of the Malazan Empire. Formerly Surly, a serving wench in a tavern and later commander and founder of the Claw.
  • Tayschrenn – High Mage of the Empire.
  • Topper – The current head of the Claw.
  • Toc the Younger – Claw agent and scout of the 2nd Army.
  • Dujek – High Fist of Genabackis and commander of the 2nd Army.
  • Tattersail – The commander of the 2nd's mage cadre.
  • Calot
  • Hairlock – Members of the 2nd's mage cadre.

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 10 March 2014 - 08:46 AM

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#6 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 08:49 AM

The finders find out if the player has an ability. So until Shadowthrone and Cotillion ascend they will just come up as guard.

That way if they find one of the other "guard scum" they will come up with no kill ability listed until the real killer is found (based loosely on D'rek's Meng Huo character)
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#7 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 09:27 AM

From Sign Ups -

Fuck yeah, Mafia is Awesome. So are YOU! Time to put on the boots and make a name for yourself.

I don't know who's game it is.

I don't know what role you will receive.

I don't know when it will start.

I do know you will fucking enjoy yourself. So sign up.

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  • Peanutbutta

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 10 March 2014 - 09:28 AM

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#8 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 09:54 AM

Core Set Up:

This is a Town versus Scum game. There are no roles that you will be unfamiliar with. Town need to eliminate scum. Scum need to reach a parity with town.

Days will be 36 hours. Nights will resolve when actions are in and/or a mod is available (no longer than 12 hours).

Reveals welcome do not quote your PM.

The two strangers stare down at a land painted in red. The best laid plans have to start somewhere and that somewhere is the back end of Hood's arsehole. Yes that's right, you couldn't get any deeper if you tried. The number of dead? Who cares, what matters is the number that live. One. That is where this story begins.

The huts are blurring rapidly to each side of her, she is out of breath, she feels as though she has been running for days, death chases her, she hears their howls, she hears their screams, all sounds mixed into one terrifying blood curdling feeling of dread. Her legs give way, she spins as she falls, something is coming toward her, something dreadful, she hits the ground but does not feel the pain.

She opens her eyes, the dream felt too real, she is breathing rapidly and her heart is pumping menacingly in her chest. The smell has been burning her nostrils but now she is awake she notices it and spews up. She takes a look around and wishes she was still dreaming. Blood, rubble, parts of bodies, it is all too much to take in. She knows she cannot stay where she is, she gets up and just starts walking through all the sludge. Her mind feels detached, unemotional which is strange because she should be hysterical, she should be weeping for her village, for her father but no. She walks and with each step she feels a sense of purpose.

Ganoes stares at Tattersail but he doesn't see her. His mind isn't in this place, he is thinking about the blood and sludge he had to endure when Adjunct Lorn took him for a "walk". Yes some walk that was, more like a battle of stomach versus mind. The smell wasn't the worst bit, no it was the swish crunch of each step, the sound that grated his teeth together. He didn't want to think about it, but it was nigh unforgettable.

Tattersail just wants to have sex again, she needs to put her mind at ease or take herself away from what's coming. She knows something is there, she knows she may have to pull out her cards, she knows but she doesn't want to, she looks up to see Ganoes with a weird look on his face, forget sex she thinks, I need a beer.

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 12 March 2014 - 10:03 AM

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#9 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 11:15 AM

Alt and passwords.

alkend = mignolet

denul = johnson
eloth = agger
galayn lord = sakho
kessobahn = enrique

lock = gerrard
monok ochem = henderson
bek okahn = leiva

korabas = sterling
rikkter = sturridge
tiamatha = suarez

okral lom = coutinho
ampelas = allen
kilava = skrtel
okaros = aspas
silchas ruin = flanagan

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 10 March 2014 - 11:29 AM

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#10 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 11:50 AM

Character and role distribution.

  • Dujek
  • Whiskeyjack
  • Adjunct Lorn
  • Ganoes Paran
  • Sorry
  • Cotillion
  • Shadowthrone
  • Quick Ben
  • Kalam
  • Hedge
  • Tattersail
  • Fiddler
  • Picker
  • Toc the younger
  • Tayschrenn
  • Hairlock


  • alkend
  • denul
  • eloth
  • galayn lord
  • kessobahn
  • lock
  • monok ochem
  • bek okahn
  • korabas
  • rikkter
  • tiamatha
  • okral lom
  • ampelas
  • kilava
  • okaros
  • silchas ruin

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 10 March 2014 - 11:52 AM

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#11 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 12:03 PM

List Randomizer

There were 16 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

Quick Ben
Ganoes Paran
Toc the younger
Adjunct Lorn

There were 16 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

okral lom
bek okahn
galayn lord
monok ochem
silchas ruin

Dujek = Okral Lom
Quick Ben = Bek Okhan
Kalam = Alkend
Whiskeyjack = Rikkter
Cotillion = Denul
Hedge = Galayn Lord
Tattersail = Eloth
Ganoes Paran = Okaros
Sorry = Monok Ochem
Fiddler = Kilava
Toc the younger = Korabas
Tayschrenn = Kessobahn
Picker = Lock
Shadowthrone = Tiamatha
Adjunct Lorn = Ampelas
Hairlock = Silchas ruin
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#12 User is offline   D'rek 

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 01:33 PM

View PostPath-Shaper, on 10 March 2014 - 08:49 AM, said:

The finders find out if the player has an ability. So until Shadowthrone and Cotillion ascend they will just come up as guard.

That way if they find one of the other guard scum they will come up with no kill ability listed until the real killer is found (based loosely on D'rek's Meng Huo character)

I'm not sure I get this... since everyone knows there is only those roles in the game, won't the town finders know they found scum anyways?

Overall the setup looks pretty good. I am, however, worried, that the town finder/guards since they can communicate off-thread find Sorry and start alternatingly guarding her each night while they continue to do finds on everyone else until they find the guard pair. Fairly easy for them to coordinate and do, while the scum guard pair can have a tough time finding them to guard them as there are many townies to go through and you have a 50% chance that when you pick the finder/guard they are finding that night so the scum don't realize they got the right person.

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 02:45 PM

Finders find ability. guard, heal, find, kill

As you can see, the killer can kill his own team mates, his team mates and other town have the potential to guard him, that should be balanced by the scum being found as guards until they ascend to murderers, they both are symps to start with. (instead of starting with 2 killers and a symp)

This game should be fun. I hope it is, can be run with 15 or 16 player or more. Waiting on Starling to confirm she can play or not.
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Posted 10 March 2014 - 02:54 PM

View PostD, on 10 March 2014 - 01:33 PM, said:

View PostPath-Shaper, on 10 March 2014 - 08:49 AM, said:

The finders find out if the player has an ability. So until Shadowthrone and Cotillion ascend they will just come up as guard.

That way if they find one of the other guard scum they will come up with no kill ability listed until the real killer is found (based loosely on D'rek's Meng Huo character)

I'm not sure I get this... since everyone knows there is only those roles in the game, won't the town finders know they found scum anyways?

Overall the setup looks pretty good. I am, however, worried, that the town finder/guards since they can communicate off-thread find Sorry and start alternatingly guarding her each night while they continue to do finds on everyone else until they find the guard pair. Fairly easy for them to coordinate and do, while the scum guard pair can have a tough time finding them to guard them as there are many townies to go through and you have a 50% chance that when you pick the finder/guard they are finding that night so the scum don't realize they got the right person.

I didn't reply to you there, just a cross post. How would you balance that?

I was just thinking that I didn't want Shadowthrone/Cotillion being found whilst they are guards, yes to when they are killers, how would you play that bit?
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Posted 10 March 2014 - 02:56 PM

Light bulb!

The finders only find if the person can kill?
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Posted 10 March 2014 - 03:00 PM

View PostD, on 10 March 2014 - 01:33 PM, said:

View PostPath-Shaper, on 10 March 2014 - 08:49 AM, said:

The finders find out if the player has an ability. So until Shadowthrone and Cotillion ascend they will just come up as guard.

That way if they find one of the other guard scum they will come up with no kill ability listed until the real killer is found (based loosely on D'rek's Meng Huo character)

I'm not sure I get this... since everyone knows there is only those roles in the game, won't the town finders know they found scum anyways?

Overall the setup looks pretty good. I am, however, worried, that the town finder/guards since they can communicate off-thread find Sorry and start alternatingly guarding her each night while they continue to do finds on everyone else until they find the guard pair. Fairly easy for them to coordinate and do, while the scum guard pair can have a tough time finding them to guard them as there are many townies to go through and you have a 50% chance that when you pick the finder/guard they are finding that night so the scum don't realize they got the right person.

They are a pair, they only get to do one action each night, they don't each have an action each. Should I phrase that differently? So they are able to guard Sorry one night, but the next night she will be able to kill unless they out/lynch her.
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Posted 10 March 2014 - 03:36 PM

The way you phrased it it sounded to me like the scum guards were paired - ie they together do one action per night (and are usually unguardable or have to pick who does it) - but that the town were two separate individual finder/guards who were also lovers.

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 03:38 PM


Finders find ability. guard, heal, find, kill
But if the roles are only: scum killer scum guard x2 (paired) town guard/finder town guard/finder and they all know that those are the only roles, and the town finders know each other, then they know every other person they find who has a guard ability is scum, no?

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 03:39 PM

View PostD, on 10 March 2014 - 03:36 PM, said:

The way you phrased it it sounded to me like the scum guards were paired - ie they together do one action per night (and are usually unguardable or have to pick who does it) - but that the town were two separate individual finder/guards who were also lovers.

I originally intended them to be seperate finders and if one revealed the other would counter and the symps would back them up but that was advised against and therefore that is why they are now lovers.
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Posted 10 March 2014 - 03:41 PM

View PostD, on 10 March 2014 - 03:38 PM, said:


Finders find ability. guard, heal, find, kill
But if the roles are only: scum killer scum guard x2 (paired) town guard/finder town guard/finder and they all know that those are the only roles, and the town finders know each other, then they know every other person they find who has a guard ability is scum, no?

Yes finders only find if the person has a kill ability or not. How would you phrase that?
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