I'm thinking of reading the Saga of Recluce novels by L.E. Modesitt Jr. In the past I've read the first two novels and enjoyed them, but that was years ago. Since then Modesitt's published a total of 16 novels in the series with two more planned for next year and at least one more after that. While I enjoyed the books I've read so far I'm not too fussed on the jumping around with regard to the chronology. I've seen plenty of lists on the net for reading the books in a chronological order but I've also read that Modesitt himself strongly recommends reading the books in published order. I was under the impression that the books are pretty much stand alone so wasn't sure what would be the best. Has anyone here read them in chronological vs published order and can recommend one over the other? Unless someone gives really strong reason against chronological I was thinking of going that route just to make things easier for my brain

Thanks in advance!