gIV Malazan Empire Eclipse R9 player order: Twelve,IH,MorCF,Tapper,Khell,D'rek,Tatts,Gnaw
Posted 08 September 2014 - 12:24 PM
Deinfluence Deneb.
Cubes back to science.
Reinfluence Deneb with 2 materials cubes.
Cubes back to science.
Reinfluence Deneb with 2 materials cubes.
Apt is the only one who reads this. Apt is nice.
Posted 08 September 2014 - 02:19 PM
Round 8 Action Phase
Turn 3
Morgoth - RESEARCH - tachyon source for 6, wormhole generator for 12. -18 sci == 0 remaining
IH - Upgrade
Twelve - Pass first of round
Gnaw - Influence
Tatts - Move ships, that is cruiser and dreadnought into homeworld.
Drek - RESearch Tachyon Source -6 sci == 19 remaining
Khell - somewhat hesitantly MOVE two interceptors from Serpentis to Zeta Herculis,
Tapper - Upgrade
Turn 4
Morgoth - Umh, I'll add the new powersource and antimatter cannon to my cruisers.
IH - Build dreadnought in 101 and cruiser in 108. Leaves me with 2 material in the bank. -11 mats == 2 remaining
Twelve - no reaction
Gnaw - Influence
Tatts - Upgrade both cruiser and dread with source
Drek - RESearch Antimatter Cannons. -10 sci == 9 remaining
Tapper - Upgrade Cruiser:
Turn 5
Morgoth - move - cruiser from 239 to 104 and fighter from 224 to 201.
IH - move my dreadnought from 101 to 305.
Twelve - no reaction
Gnaw - Move:
Tatts - Upgrade cruiser with plasma cannons over ion cannons
Drek - BUIld - 2 starbases in Rigel and 1 interceptor in Sigma Draconis -9 mats == 20 remaining
Khell - Pass. 2nd of round.
Tapper -
Turn 6
Morgoth - upgrade - tachyon source and gluon computer on fighter.
IH - Pass
Twelve - No Reaction
Gnaw - Influence
Tatts - Influence
Drek - ??
Khell - No Reaction (assumed)
Tapper - Pass
Turn 7
Morgoth -
IH -
Twelve -
Gnaw -
Tatts -
Drek -
Khell -
Tapper -
Turn 8
Morgoth -
IH -
Twelve -
Gnaw -
Tatts -
Drek -
Khell -
Tapper -
Turn 3
Morgoth - RESEARCH - tachyon source for 6, wormhole generator for 12. -18 sci == 0 remaining
IH - Upgrade
- plasma cannon on cruiser and dread over ion, and
- put a fusion source over the nuclear source on my interceptor.
Twelve - Pass first of round
Gnaw - Influence
- Zeta chameleonis
- Delta corvi
- Colonise mats in Zeta chameleonis
- Colonize mats in Psi Capricorni.
- Flip ships
- -7 upkeep. $2, 5 sci, 3 mats. Three colony ships available.
Tatts - Move ships, that is cruiser and dreadnought into homeworld.
Drek - RESearch Tachyon Source -6 sci == 19 remaining
Khell - somewhat hesitantly MOVE two interceptors from Serpentis to Zeta Herculis,
Tapper - Upgrade
- Ion Cannon on dread to Anti-Matter cannon
- Hull on Cruiser to 3 HP hull.
Turn 4
Morgoth - Umh, I'll add the new powersource and antimatter cannon to my cruisers.
IH - Build dreadnought in 101 and cruiser in 108. Leaves me with 2 material in the bank. -11 mats == 2 remaining
Twelve - no reaction
Gnaw - Influence
- Procyon
- Colonise orbital in Zeta chameleonis with money
- Colonize orbital in Psi Capricorni with money
- Flip ships
- -13 upkeep. $2, 5 sci, 3 mats. Three colony ships available.
Tatts - Upgrade both cruiser and dread with source
Drek - RESearch Antimatter Cannons. -10 sci == 9 remaining
- Interceptors with Plasma Cannon over one of the Nuclear drives, and
- Fusion Source over Nuclear Source on...dreadnaughts.
Tapper - Upgrade Cruiser:
- computer to +2 comp
- cannon to AM-cannon.
Turn 5
Morgoth - move - cruiser from 239 to 104 and fighter from 224 to 201.
IH - move my dreadnought from 101 to 305.
Twelve - no reaction
Gnaw - Move:
- Interceptor from Lamda Aurigae 230 to Epsilon Carinae 324
- Interceptor from Procyon 221 to Epsilon Indi 206
- Exchange ambassadors with the squids; cube on money
- Squids accept and place cube on mats
- -17 upkeep, $2, 5 sci, 3 mats in bank. 3 colony ships available. Income $15, 3 sci, 8 mats.
Tatts - Upgrade cruiser with plasma cannons over ion cannons
Drek - BUIld - 2 starbases in Rigel and 1 interceptor in Sigma Draconis -9 mats == 20 remaining
Khell - Pass. 2nd of round.
Tapper -
- Flip 3 colonyships for materials.
- Build 1 fighter in Epsilon Indi
- Build 1 fighter in the Galactic Centre +3 mats -6 mats == 13 remaining.
Turn 6
Morgoth - upgrade - tachyon source and gluon computer on fighter.
IH - Pass
Twelve - No Reaction
Gnaw - Influence
- Remove disc from Delta Corvi
- Colonize money in Psi Capricorni and Materials in Procyon.
- Flip ships.
- -17 upkeep, $2, 5 sci, 3 mats in bank. 3 colony ships available.
Tatts - Influence
- Deinfluence Deneb.
- Cubes back to science.
- Reinfluence Deneb with 2 materials cubes.
- Flip ships (assumed)
Drek - ??
Khell - No Reaction (assumed)
Tapper - Pass
Turn 7
Morgoth -
IH -
Twelve -
Gnaw -
Tatts -
Drek -
Khell -
Tapper -
Turn 8
Morgoth -
IH -
Twelve -
Gnaw -
Tatts -
Drek -
Khell -
Tapper -
Posted 08 September 2014 - 03:53 PM
UPGrade Starbase - Tachyon Source over left Hull; Antimatter Cannon over center Hull.
Posted 08 September 2014 - 05:38 PM
Come on let's get the game finished within one year!
Posted 08 September 2014 - 05:39 PM
How come you don't play mafia IH, PhD?
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl
Posted 08 September 2014 - 05:44 PM
Just never got into it when it started, and now the games all look super complicated. Plus I know I'd spend far to much time playing, which at the time I didn't have.
Posted 08 September 2014 - 05:46 PM
Imperial Historian, on 08 September 2014 - 05:44 PM, said:
Just never got into it when it started, and now the games all look super complicated. Plus I know I'd spend far to much time playing, which at the time I didn't have.
Complicated is why it's so fun.
And time? It doesn't take much time. It's not like it's addictive.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl
Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:04 AM
huh, I posted my orders two days ago I thought.
upgrade - fighter with antimatter cannon and fusion engine
upgrade - fighter with antimatter cannon and fusion engine
Take good care to keep relations civil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil
Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:46 AM
Assume I pass until it comes round to me again. Also I just noticed how long this thread has got, over 5000 posts maybe Mafia is less time consuming than eclipse!
Posted 10 September 2014 - 09:10 PM
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl
Posted 11 September 2014 - 04:22 PM
Gnaw, on 10 September 2014 - 09:10 PM, said:
Gnaw what do you think, I should pass or do another upgrade? D'rek has the moves and equpiment to prepare better than me, she is certainly going to have the initiative.
Apt is the only one who reads this. Apt is nice.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 05:11 PM
Tattersail_, on 11 September 2014 - 04:22 PM, said:
You were dead when IH decided not to send a ship to help. I could have moved my cruiser but only at great expense. Figure she'll put a +3 and another AntiM cannon. That's 4 shots before you can fire. Best case you get one shot.
I would suggest putting double hulls over one gun on the cruiser and one computer on the dread. Then attempt retreat.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl
Posted 11 September 2014 - 05:21 PM
Upgrade hull over computer on dread and Hull over cannon on cruiser.
Apt is the only one who reads this. Apt is nice.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 05:38 PM
Round 8 Action Phase
Turn 5
Morgoth - move - cruiser from 239 to 104 and fighter from 224 to 201.
IH - move my dreadnought from 101 to 305.
Twelve - no reaction
Gnaw - Move:
Tatts - Upgrade cruiser with plasma cannons over ion cannons
Drek - BUIld - 2 starbases in Rigel and 1 interceptor in Sigma Draconis -9 mats == 20 remaining
Khell - Pass. 2nd of round.
Tapper -
Turn 6
Morgoth - upgrade - tachyon source and gluon computer on fighter.
IH - Pass
Twelve - No Reaction
Gnaw - Influence
Tatts - Influence
Drek - UPGrade Starbase - Tachyon Source over left Hull; Antimatter Cannon over center Hull.
Khell - No Reaction (assumed)
Tapper - Pass
Turn 7
Morgoth - upgrade - fighter with antimatter cannon and fusion engine
IH - Pass
Twelve - No Reaction
Gnaw - Pass
Tatts - Upgrade hull over computer on dread and Hull over cannon on cruiser.
Drek -
Khell -
Tapper -
Turn 8
Morgoth -
IH -
Twelve -
Gnaw -
Tatts -
Drek -
Khell -
Tapper -
Turn 5
Morgoth - move - cruiser from 239 to 104 and fighter from 224 to 201.
IH - move my dreadnought from 101 to 305.
Twelve - no reaction
Gnaw - Move:
- Interceptor from Lamda Aurigae 230 to Epsilon Carinae 324
- Interceptor from Procyon 221 to Epsilon Indi 206
- Exchange ambassadors with the squids; cube on money
- Squids accept and place cube on mats
- -17 upkeep, $2, 5 sci, 3 mats in bank. 3 colony ships available. Income $15, 3 sci, 8 mats.
Tatts - Upgrade cruiser with plasma cannons over ion cannons
Drek - BUIld - 2 starbases in Rigel and 1 interceptor in Sigma Draconis -9 mats == 20 remaining
Khell - Pass. 2nd of round.
Tapper -
- Flip 3 colonyships for materials.
- Build 1 fighter in Epsilon Indi
- Build 1 fighter in the Galactic Centre +3 mats -6 mats == 13 remaining.
Turn 6
Morgoth - upgrade - tachyon source and gluon computer on fighter.
IH - Pass
Twelve - No Reaction
Gnaw - Influence
- Remove disc from Delta Corvi
- Colonize money in Psi Capricorni and Materials in Procyon.
- Flip ships.
- -17 upkeep, $2, 5 sci, 3 mats in bank. 3 colony ships available.
Tatts - Influence
- Deinfluence Deneb.
- Cubes back to science.
- Reinfluence Deneb with 2 materials cubes.
- Flip ships (assumed)
Drek - UPGrade Starbase - Tachyon Source over left Hull; Antimatter Cannon over center Hull.
Khell - No Reaction (assumed)
Tapper - Pass
Turn 7
Morgoth - upgrade - fighter with antimatter cannon and fusion engine
IH - Pass
Twelve - No Reaction
Gnaw - Pass
Tatts - Upgrade hull over computer on dread and Hull over cannon on cruiser.
Drek -
Khell -
Tapper -
Turn 8
Morgoth -
IH -
Twelve -
Gnaw -
Tatts -
Drek -
Khell -
Tapper -
Posted 11 September 2014 - 09:00 PM
Gnaw, on 11 September 2014 - 05:11 PM, said:
Tattersail_, on 11 September 2014 - 04:22 PM, said:
You were dead when IH decided not to send a ship to help. I could have moved my cruiser but only at great expense. Figure she'll put a +3 and another AntiM cannon. That's 4 shots before you can fire. Best case you get one shot.
I would suggest putting double hulls over one gun on the cruiser and one computer on the dread. Then attempt retreat.
You're right!
UPG - antimatter cannon and Gluon computer over default ion cannon and electron computers on starbase.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 11:04 PM
Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:27 PM
Hello, is there anyone out there?
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl
Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:31 PM
I am but not much I can do as I've already passed.
I don't know what I'm doing but it sounds good.
Posted 15 September 2014 - 02:38 PM
Twelve, how do you feel about a battle royale for your homeworld? I'm considering building shellworld there. By my count it would be a 17 pt swing hex though so not sure whether I'll risk it. Thoughts gnaw tatts?