Once again it shall be National Novel Writing Month. At this point I assume most of you know what this is. For those who do not I refer you to the NaNoWriMo info pages Here and Here.
I know it is not yet November but my last two years have taught me that at least one good month of preparation is always a good idea. I encourage you all to start building your setting, making your notes and brain storming to be ready.
Who will comprise team Malazan this year? What will you be writing? Swashbuckling high adventure harlequin? Morose surrealism? Experimental moral post-modernism?
This thread is to keep each other motivated and look for help if needed. I'm hoping there will be a good many of you. 50'000 words seems like a lot but it really isn't. I also failed the first time I tried, but since then I have succeeded and hope to make it a good three in a row. Don't be discouraged by the past think of the November to come and how you will shred your keyboards.
The First group is those sticking to the rules, a new story of fiction.
The Second group is those who stick only to the word count (writing non-fiction, continuing other works).
The Third group is the moral support, those whose lives prevent them from getting directly involved.
The Orthodoxy
-Trull's Son
The Unorthodox
-Sinisdar Toste
The Cheerleaders
Good Luck to us All.
This post has been edited by Darkwatch: 29 October 2013 - 11:10 PM