Randomander, on 25 December 2013 - 12:29 AM, said:
"T'iam, Kalse, Silannah, Ampelas, Okaros, Karosis, Sorrit, Atrahal, Eloth, Anthras, Kessobahn, Alkend, Karatallid, Korbas…Olar. Eleint. Draconean. Dragons. The Pure Dragons. The place where the road comes from is closed. By the mixed bloods who gathered long ago. Draconus, K'rul, Anomandaris, Osserc, Silchas Ruin, Scabandari, Sheltatha Lore, Sukul Ankhadu and Menandore". That's a quote from either DoD or TCG, listing Draconus as soletaken and Olar as pure. Not too sure what it means but it's something
Also, I'm pretty sure soletaken have access to SD, that's the magic they "breathe" onto ppl
Also, I'm pretty sure soletaken have access to SD, that's the magic they "breathe" onto ppl
this is actual really sneaky of SE... see, 'olar' is apparently the imass word for dragon. olar ethil is named dragon ethil, though she is not a pure dragon herself. Forge of Darkness reveals some of her early history. Rud elalle (the speaker in the above passage) is listing the different words he knows for dragon (bolded), olar being one of them.