Character Information (Role PM)
Your character's faction.
Tile on which you begin the game.
Hit Points: X/Y
X = current HP
Y = total HP
You cannot have more HP than your total unless told otherwise. Once you hit 0 HP, you will die unless told otherwise.
Movement Speed: X/Y
X = number of normal tiles you can move per dusk phase
Y = number of croach-infested tiles you can move per dusk phase
If you are not a Vord, when you move from a non-infested tile to an infested tile, you stop immediately and cannot move until the following dusk phase.
Movement can only be made via the black lines on the tile map. Blue lines are special ‘roads’ which are only available to certain characters. Your character profile will contain this information if it is relevant to you.
Attack Power: X
X = unmodified attack power for your attack ability.
Your attack power can be modified using Furies (see following section for more information).
A list of furies available to your character, as well as the abilities those furies grant, will be provided in this section. Each type of fury has a passive action which offers a range of modifiers such as protection, changing your attack to long ranged, etc. and an active action, which directly modifies your attack ability. When submitting your dawn action, if you choose to use your attack, you must tell PS which Fury, if any, you would like to use to modify your attack. The fury modifiers will not necessarily be identical for every character that has access to furies. For example, Isana is a stronger water crafter than Odiana, so her heals will be more effective. Araris Valerian is a stronger metal crafter than Aldrick ex Gladius, so he can take more extra damage than Aldrick before dying. Here is a list of the basic modifying statistics you can receive from furies:
Wind Furies
Passive Action: You cannot be detected by Earth Furies as you can fly.
Active Action: You can use your Wind Furies to effectively slow time around you, allowing you to move quickly when fighting an enemy. If you are targeted by an attack while this ability is activated, the attack will cause X less damage. Your attack will do the same amount of damage.
Fire Furies
Passive Action: If you are targeted by Water Furies, you will also raise a steam cloud around you at the end of the current dawn phase, making the next attack directed your way do 0 damage. If you are not targeted by an attack, the steam cloud will dissipate at the end of the following dawn phase.
Active Action: You may target another player. That player will take attack power + X damage, no matter which tile they are on.
Metal Furies
Passive Action: You may take up to X damage more than your total HP without dying. If you are at negative HP, you MUST be healed to 0 or more HP by the end of the next dawn phase in order to stay alive. If you are at exactly 0 HP, you will not die unless you are reduced to less than 0 HP. If you take enough damage to leave you at less than -X damage, you will die.
Active Action: You may attack a target player. If that character is on the same tile as you, he or she will take attack damage + X that cannot be reduced by other effects. If that character is on a different tile, they will take 0 damage.
Water Furies
Passive Action: If you are targeted by a fire fury, you will nullify the damage it is meant to inflict. You will also raise a steam cloud around you during the dawn phase, making the next attack directed your way do 0 damage. If you are not targeted by an attack, the steam cloud will dissipate during the following dawn phase.
Active Action: Your attack is changed into a heal. You may heal any player, including yourself. If your target is another player he or she is healed for attack power + X damage if he or she is on the same tile as you. If your target is yourself, you will be healed for half that amount.
Earth Furies
Passive Action: During the dawn phase, you will be told how many players are on your current tile, including yourself.
Active Action: Raise fortifications on the tile you are currently standing on, adding X extra points to the infestation counter total (i.e. it will require the Vord to attain X additional infestation points to infest the tile).
Wood Furies
Passive Action: Changes your attack into a long ranged attack. If your target is within 2 tiles of your current location, your attack will hit them. This effect does not stack with active fury actions (i.e. healing from water furies will not be long range)
Active Action: Your attack is now a guard ability. If your target is within 2 tiles of your current location, you will guard them during the current Dawn phase.
This list will contain any additional abilities your character has. These abilities work like abilities in any other game. You may either use Attack, or one of your abilities, but not both, during the Dawn Phase, unless told otherwise.
This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 18 June 2013 - 03:05 PM