Illuyankas, on 11 March 2013 - 01:56 PM, said:
Assail, on 11 March 2013 - 09:04 AM, said:
I'm saying that a man who cannot see that women need no empowerment but from within themselves is on the verge of mental illness. Why is it that you think that women need to be made into the protagonist that does the rescuing, or at least in a role where she is not this DiD, in a video game in order to be empowered? That's like being a homeless man and blaming your being homeless because you spent a lot of time living in the inner city as a child, seeing homeless men every day. People need to quit blaming bullshit for the reasons they don't feel empowered, or capable, or successful. Video games and their damsels aren't disempowering women, women are disempowering themselves, if that's how they feel. If they spent half the time going out and focusing on themselves and their own ambitions and goals instead of making videos blaming Donkey Kong for their lack of empowerment drive as a woman, they'd probably outweigh the amount of male CEOs in the Fortune 500.
Say what you will, but it's not advertising that has groomed me to want to be the breadwinner for my family, or protect the women of my family, it's the fact that that is how I was brought up. It also has to do with the fact that physically, I could probably protect a woman better than the average woman could protect herself. I'm faster, I'm more muscular, I am inherently built towards fighting, protecting, killing, working. It's not insulting, it's a fact. Now I say the "average" woman. There are always exceptions, and I won't deny that. So on that note regarding this response, I would say it's not advertisement that has subliminally programmed me to feel this way, it's my upbringing. I can't speak for the rest of the world, but you decided to personally talk about me, someone you know next to nothing about, so you get a response geared towards just that: me.
Women legally have every opportunity to succeed in the First World as much as men do. Will I say that that makes it a reality? No, but find me a perfect country where sexism, racism, bigotry, anything, does not exist. You won't. It's not possible, but would I say it's a giant issue that needs immediately redress? Fuck no. Women aren't getting shafted because of their gender at an alarming rate. It's not ruining lives. I'm not trivializing something that definitely needs improvement, but I am saying that the First World has a hell of a lot better things to consider and put their minds upon than video games apparently disempowering women.
Did you guys hear? SEXISM IS OVER!
Your homeless person metaphor is painfully wrong even beyond pretending external influences don't exist, you're ignoring the realities of how women are treated by our culture with bootstrap bullshit that is provably wrong and dishonest, you're saying it wasn't an external cultural influence you were exposed to as a child but instead an external cultural influence, you think women need your protection and your big manly muscles because they can't take care of themselves which is REALLY patronisingly shitty of you, if someone's body has a bigger influence on how you regard them - from needing your 'protection' to 'exceptions' - than their mind, then you are, unfortunatly, a dickhead. Oh, built towards 'working'? 'Not insulting, it's a fact'? Advertising is a part of culture as is the entertainment industry which includes video games, culture influences society, video games are a part of that culture and deserve a closer look.
Oh, and realistically you should be ignored by everyone for being utterly and completely wrong if you genuinely think women aren't getting shafted because of their gender at an alarming rate, or that's it's not ruining lives. It's not even debatable, they completely are.
Morgoth, on 11 March 2013 - 06:34 AM, said:
Wrong headed though he may seem, Assail is actively arguing for his opinions and is participating in a discussion that directly relates to those opinions. I don't think he deserves the sort of vitriol he's receiving.
It's fine really... everyone is guilty of jumping to person attacks when they disagree. I would say it's human nature lol. With that being said, don't feel as though you must edit these posts on my behalf (Admins

), I'm always up for a good laugh.
Personally I don't mind being called a fucktard or something as long as the person doing it is honestly challenging my posts with facts and content. One day Assail will get there. One day. That said, calling me a girly man or whatever was a bit pathetic. *goes back to kitchen barefoot and pregnant, just the way Assail likes it*
Where did I say sexism is over? Capitalizing it won't make the statement coming from me be any truer, so what is your exact point is saying it? None? Thought so.
Not at all. My homeless person metaphor is exactly what is happening. Instead of sorting ones own shit out, they're looking for a bullshit reason as to why the world is fucked and why they're being served up injustices. I'll say it again: a bullshit reason. Video games aren't disempowering women, nor are tropes, nor are men thinking they're better suited to certain avenues of life and vice versa. Lol, just because it's patronizing it doesn't make it any less true. But please, TRY to argue that women are more capable of physically taking care of themselves than a man is. When I say man, I'm talking an in shape, healthy man. Find me an "average" woman (And I realize average is extremely hard to agree on when talking about humans at all), and show me one that can do a better job of physically taking care of herself in a violent situation. Because that's what we're talking about. Genetics have got you beat on this, sorry to tell you. I couldn't care less if I look like a dickhead because I acknowledge the reality that men are genetically geared towards the physical things in life, thus making them inherently better than women are certain aspects of life, on a general level. It's reversed as well, as women can kick the shit out of me in plenty of different avenues in life. Do I feel disempowered as a man because that is so, and it's commented on and put in the spotlight in real life? No. Because I'm not going to let some bullshit that is external to myself dictate who I am as a person.
Listen, I don't know you, but I can promise you that if it comes down to it, I'm going to be able to go swing an axe out in the field for much longer periods with much more productivity than most women. That's what my body has evolved into over the years. When I say "built towards working", that's what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about a desk job, and in that situation, women can excel just as much as any man.
Like I said mate, if you're letting things like that dictate to you who you are, who you need to be, and how you feel, then take stock of shit and harden the fuck up. Props to you, I've never seen so eloquently defended the idea that it is acceptable to let video games or entertainment rule your life in the ways you're talking about.
I don't know you or your personal experiences, but I know women who are having zero issues going and getting out there and doing it successfully. One of them just got their BA and is now attending Stanford law before I even managed to end my 4 year stint in the Marine Corps. That's impressive, and I doubt she'll have any issue going out there and getting her shit together and making a living. My cousin at 29 years old just because a high school principle, and my other cousin just finished her first college text book on human sexuality... both women, neither with disempowerment issues nor being shafted due to sexism. Go out and get it, and quit making excuses. No, I don't think it's an alarming matter, and I don't think this is a huge issue that bears massive consideration in our day and age.
Lol, yes, I love my women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. I hope you can realize that I'm attempting to relay to you how sarcastic I am regarding that. By all means, tell me how manly you are

You're like.... well I won't go there, no personal attacks
Illuyankas, on 11 March 2013 - 03:19 PM, said:
Oh, and in case you were wondering why comments were disabled, this is why:
(long image full of bile and bigotry)
Nobody was I don't think... of course when you post a video on a public forum as large as youtube you're going to attract retards. Obviousness etc etc