Whatevs though. I'd have to dispute that with the game's manufacturer. It's a small matter anyway.
If you look at it another way, I *could* potentially move to Delta corvi, if only to force D'rek to choose between defending her system and helping IH.
- If she pins my 2 interceptors with a cruiser and her orbital, I can still fly an interceptor through to help you out next turn.
- If she decides to pin all 3 by putting 2 cruisers in Delta corvi, then IH is left on his own and I have potential to destroy a cruiser or two of D'rek's and weaken her for Tattersail, and you have good potential to win on IH's world.
- If she decides to pin none, I can leave a single interceptor in Delta Corvi, and supply you with 2 to help in the fight against IH.
- If she goes through our back door using cloaking devices, I can simply move back to intercept.
Any way you shake it, it works out in our favour. How 'bout it Twelve?