Traveller, on 17 August 2021 - 03:49 PM, said:
I can't be the only person that feels that (whatever your opinion of them) the ST seem like an island, apart from the rest of the SW content. It just doesn't seem to have succeeded in forging a link with the previous movies.
Briar King, on 17 August 2021 - 03:58 PM, said:
ST needs to be trashed and redone.
I think this is something that even Disney/LFL knows at this point. THE CLONE WARS S7, THE BAD BATCH, and MANDALORIAN have been widely regarded as all great SW content, and there's very little dissension amongst most viewers about them. Not so with the divisive Sequels, and I mean all of them, not just the one I despise most. You don't see railing online fights about MANDO, for example. It just is. Disney brass has to notice this fact and that it's much more conducive to the shareholders making money than anything that divides people.
So yeah, I really do think that they are letting Filoni and Co. build something new from the wreckage, and feeding that into the existing universe of the franchise. I also think this is why so much effort was put into the High Republic stuff. It's like they are scrubbing the main timeline a bit to shift it over and tell a new story from a new basis.
Will it incorporate the ST? Oh very probably in minor ways. But think about what all the forthcoming content is:
VISIONS (Elseworlds SW content; the old EU did this)
ANDOR (OT content)
MANDO S3 (OT/PT content)
AHSOKA (OT/PT content)
RANGERS OF THE NEW REPUBLIC (would have been OT to ST content, but it's been scrapped as far as I know)
ROGUE SQUADRON movie (OT content)
ACOLYTE (High Republic Content)
None of this is aimed at the ST, or getting close to it. Even Luke's involvement with Grogu likely won't bend long enough to do that.
So yeah. I feel like from a business standpoint. They know what butters their bread, and it ain't the ST.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon