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The Star Wars MegaThread Movie discussions, announcements, etc

#921 User is offline   Traveller 

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Posted 17 December 2015 - 06:18 AM

10 hours...

Whole day offline I think!
So that's the story. And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge.

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Posted 17 December 2015 - 10:00 AM

They came with white hands and left with red hands.

#923 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 17 December 2015 - 03:05 PM

This is change I can believe in:


#924 User is offline   Ribald 

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Posted 17 December 2015 - 05:19 PM

I wrote a review of this today

Part of it is below, the rest is on the blog.

Spoiler Free Review: Star Wars –The Force Awakens (dir. JJ Abrams, 2015)

Short Version:

A new Star Wars for a newgeneration. Plenty here to please oldfans and new. Finally an SF franchisethat JJ Abrams’ sensibilities mesh with instead of clash. No Jar Jar or midi-chlorians. Better than the prequels.

Actual Review:

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens JJ Abrams had a nearly impossible task,he had to please old fans and acquire new ones, pay homage to the old films,undo the errors of the prequels, and yet also create a new Star Wars for thenew generation. The film had to appealto children and adults alike and therefore had to indulge the older fan’s nostalgiabut not let it dominate the storytelling, have enough action and visual effectsto entertain today’s jaded youth but refrain from the frenetic screen clutterthat plagued the prequels making the actions sequences migraine inducing blursof sound and light, and, above all else, launch a new mythic storyline. Given that this was not just a film but alsopart of a multi-billion dollar media franchise and of one of the most belovedfilm franchises of the modern age, to say expectations were high is perhaps abit of an understatement.

So because anticipation was so great,because expectations were so ridiculously high, it should come as littlesurprise when I say that The ForceAwakens is a mixed bag. It isn’tterrible, and it isn’t amazing. It hadits high points and it had its weak moments. There were some great lines and some misses. In Abrams’ defence, no matter what heproduced it was not going to be able to please all the fans all the time, so Iam actually surprised at how much I enjoyed this. If we are measuring it solely against theprequels then in this regard Abrams cleared it with a parsec to spare. Against the original Star Wars: A New Hope… that is a more complex comparison.

Just in case anyone has missed thenumerous plot summaries, speculations, in depth interviews, featurettes,spotlight specials and extensive trailers and cast videos, a brief detail-lightsummary of the set-up is as follows:
There is a new villain, a dark militaristic force in the galaxy the First Order,led by a slimmer and slightly more sartorially elegant Darth Vader wannabe,Kylo Ren (Adam Driver).

There are two new young heroes, Rey(Daisy Ridley) and Finn (John Boyega), who, despite their disparate backgroundswill undoubtedly turn out to be instrumental in saving the galaxy.

There is a new cutesy droid, BB-8,that is attempting to take the place of R2-D2 in our hearts, and comes close todoing so. Adorkable is the word thatsprings to mind.

And there are X-wings, Tie Fightersand all the classic elements of Star Wars galore. So rather than attempting to re-invent thewheel as the prequels did, Abrams went with tried and tested crowd pleasers.

So let’s start by discussing acouple of the really good points without getting into too many specifics as Idon’t want to spoil the film for anyone.

The opening wall crawl. There is something about the logo appearingand the wall crawl against the starry background while John Williams’ overture assaultsthe brain that will forever be ‘cool’ in my book. When the music started I couldn’t help it butgrin and feel excited. What was evenbetter was that there was no mention of a trade embargo, sanctions, disruptednegotiations or a diplomatic deadlock in a bureaucratic senate in the scrollingtext. It then pans down in classicfashion to a shot of a giant spaceship. I hope no one regards that as a spoiler, not least because it is a blandand generic version of the events, but also it is the classic opening and itoccurs in the first couple of seconds of screen time. Not a single, horrendously racist caricatureto be seen in the first minute. Soalready it is well ahead of The Phantom Menace.

It was also great having newcharacters to carry on the story. StarWars: The Next Generation, if you will. Asmuch as I loved the story of Luke, Han and Leia… and was less enamoured withthe prequels going back in time to set up the story of Luke, Han and Leia, itwas genuinely nice to have new characters, about whom I knew next to nothing,who promised to lead the story into new territory. Daisy Ridley’sRey is a nice change of pace for the Star Wars cinematic universe in that wefinally have a competent, intelligent, talented, and independent femalecharacter who is centre screen as a hero and not a spunky support or loveinterest to the main heroes. Strongly reminiscentof the young Luke Skywalker (they clearly shop in the same desert paraphernaliashop) it seems that Rey is going to be central to the entire new trilogy. Rather unkindly my brain automaticallylabelled her as Discount Keira Knightley and I haven’t been able to shake thecomparison.

John Boyega’s Finn is asurprisingly complex character who wants to be a hero, wants to do the rightthing, but is plagued by crippling self-doubt and more than a smidgeon of self-loathing. A curious mix for a hero in training, especiallyas he veers from the super-competent to the blaringly incompetent in a violentsee-saw fashion as the script demands, but it is certainly engaging to watch. Both Rey and Finn promise to develop evenmore fully as the series continues, and that is only a good thing as they havean odd dynamic on screen, and it will be nice to see them settle into theirroles and see what they can create.

Opposite them is Adam Driver’s KyloRen, who, at first glance, appears to be a bargain basement Emo Vader. Face mask, metallic voice, red light saber,dresses in black, temper tantrums because it is just so emotional, and willforce choke you as soon as look at you. However, he soon becomes a great deal more interesting and, as hisbackstory and motivations are explored, his character develops a depth and complexitythat Vader never quite achieved in the original trilogy. Admittedly, he is not quite as dominating onscreen as Vader, nor does he have the gravitas of James Earl Jones’ voice, butin a number of regards he is a lot more chilling and arresting on screen. Thankfully,unlike Tom Hardy’s Bane and Christian Bale’s Batman in The Dark Knight Rises you can actually understand what Driver issaying even when his face is obscured, something I was actually concernedabout.
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#925 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 17 December 2015 - 05:21 PM

I think what ever text program you used ate your spaces when you copy pasted this.

#926 User is offline   Serenity 

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Posted 17 December 2015 - 05:37 PM

I don't normally swear, but holy fucking shit, it was BRILLIANT! Actual characters, humour, drama, emotion, thrills. It should be renamed The Fun Awakens. Thank you JJ!

#927 User is offline   Ribald 

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Posted 17 December 2015 - 09:59 PM

View PostApt, on 17 December 2015 - 05:21 PM, said:

I think what ever text program you used ate your spaces when you copy pasted this.

Well that is a pain in the arse. I am now going to have to double check that the copy on the site is actually legible.

Thanks for pointing it out. I hadn't noticed.

Sorry about that.

Edit: It seems ok on my site.

This post has been edited by Ribald: 17 December 2015 - 10:02 PM

Trust me, I'm a doctor.

#928 User is offline   Traveller 

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Posted 17 December 2015 - 11:20 PM

Heh, that was a blast. Are we spoilering? I managed to avoid spoilers, shots of sets and making-of documentaries so it was all new to me.

My thoughts half hour after it finished...

Good to see a real, passable sequel though - my eyes were a bit blurry for some reason for several scenes there.

This post has been edited by Traveller: 17 December 2015 - 11:56 PM

So that's the story. And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge.

#929 User is offline   Silencer 

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 03:27 AM

View PostTraveller, on 17 December 2015 - 11:20 PM, said:

My thoughts half hour after it finished...

To address some of these:



Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


#930 User is offline   Nevyn 

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 04:12 AM

View PostTraveller, on 17 December 2015 - 11:20 PM, said:

Heh, that was a blast. Are we spoilering? I managed to avoid spoilers, shots of sets and making-of documentaries so it was all new to me.

My thoughts half hour after it finished...

Good to see a real, passable sequel though - my eyes were a bit blurry for some reason for several scenes there.

I am still trying to figure out how much I liked it. Three stars for now ... may eventually end up giving it another half.

But a lot of the same things bothered me.

In reply to your comments


Now, things I liked


BUT ..... the things that are bugging me beyond the above


I think that's about it for now. Trying not to go into a bigger rant because I really did enjoy it for the most part.

This post has been edited by Nevyn: 18 December 2015 - 04:32 AM

Tatts early in SH game: Hmm, so if I'm liberal I should have voted Nein to make sure I'm president? I'm not that selfish

Tatts later in SAME game: I'm going to be a corrupt official. I have turned from my liberal ways, and now will vote against the pesky liberals. Viva la Fascism.
When Venge's turn comes, he will get a yes from Mess, Dolmen, Nevyn and Venge but a no from the 3 fascists and me. **** with my Government, and i'll **** with yours

#931 User is offline   Obdigore 

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 04:45 AM

Enjoyed it very much.

To answer your questions:

I didn't like the big target much. Would have preferred much more space fleet battles.

I'm also confused as to what 'the resistance' is in regards to the Republic which was what, tolerating the First Order? I'm completely confused by that whole part.
Monster Hunter World Iceborne: It's like hunting monsters, but on crack, but the monsters are also on crack.

#932 User is offline   Nevyn 

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 05:14 AM

View PostObdigore, on 18 December 2015 - 04:45 AM, said:

Enjoyed it very much.

To answer your questions:

I didn't like the big target much. Would have preferred much more space fleet battles.

I'm also confused as to what 'the resistance' is in regards to the Republic which was what, tolerating the First Order? I'm completely confused by that whole part.


As to the confusion, I agree. They sort of trusted in the nostalgia and the action to carry people along for the ride, without having them sweat the details. Some of the set up is haphazard.
Tatts early in SH game: Hmm, so if I'm liberal I should have voted Nein to make sure I'm president? I'm not that selfish

Tatts later in SAME game: I'm going to be a corrupt official. I have turned from my liberal ways, and now will vote against the pesky liberals. Viva la Fascism.
When Venge's turn comes, he will get a yes from Mess, Dolmen, Nevyn and Venge but a no from the 3 fascists and me. **** with my Government, and i'll **** with yours

#933 User is offline   amphibian 

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 06:06 AM

Last week, I rewatched Fury Road for the fifth time. It's a tremendous movie that manages to make a "there and back again chase" plot work with velocity and extreme tension. In part, I wanted to feel the visceral rush once again to compare how that made me feel, despite never being a big Mad Max fan. I was not planning on watching SWFA, but about 20 friends all got together and bought me a ticket, which I accepted after 6 or 7 of them gave me individual pitches about how they would like it if I were there watching with them. They said that they really liked it, were super excited, that my 10 year vow to have nothing to do with Star Wars should be broken to come hang with them on this big day and so on and on. That level of effort and care touched me, so I went.

It's interesting to see how intense fandom of differing parts of Star Wars (or anything really) drives people to have different takes on the same overall thing.

I'm coming from a perspective in which I was a huge Star Wars nerd from ages 4 to 20 and then I quit cold turkey for 10 years (with only relapses for Matt Stover and JJ Abrams), did other stuff, found that I enjoyed other things way more than I ever did Star Wars, yet retained somewhat of a fond memory for what I did enjoy before Lucas's floundering and broken prequels trashed it.

So I'm not a fan of Star Wars, not like most of you. I'm not a full on movie critic either, but I do kinda know what I'm talking about there, and some of you listen to me because you've known me for a while and I listen to you.

I liked this movie. It's not the greatest of all time and has several problems/weaknesses, but it's fairly good. This and the future movies will connect well to new audiences.

Here starts the substantive discussion in spoilers:


This post has been edited by amphibian: 18 December 2015 - 06:11 AM

I survived the Permian and all I got was this t-shirt.

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 06:47 AM

Tears. Awesome. 9 out of 10 on the cynical side.
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Posted 18 December 2015 - 07:28 AM

Btw, rewatching all the old lightsaber duels:

Darth Maul duels are terrible. Great tension in the 1 vs 2 duel. Otherwise so, so bad at fighting, at scene-moving, and at creating tension.

Obi-Wan vs Jango had a good beginning, but the hand-to-hand combat was awful - like the director/editors didn't understand how to show hand-to-hand combat at all.

Palpatine vs. Windu and the 3 others has a first half that absolutely makes sense. He slices through the three Jedi like they're nothing and he does it fast. It works. Then he and Windu start dancing. Ugh.

Nothing Yoda does makes sense. He has such a tremendous speed and experience advantage. He should be setting traps and rushing into the new openings, rather than spinning around like a top, even if he has a defensive mindset. Dooku also has such massive force power that he should be trying to finish people fast or to create opportunities to use those force slams. He doesn't use that strategy either.

Palpatine vs Yoda is bad. Just a stinker of a duel.

Anakin vs Obi Wan in RotS is great, until they get to the giant table. Violent, tension-filled, and really seems like Anakin wants to end Obi-Wan. Then it turns to shit dancing with ok to good using-the-scene movements.

ANH, Alec Guinness vs Prowse is actually kinda good. Both guys act out as though they are aware how even a tiny bit of touching by a lightsaber really jacks a person up. Very old school fencing-ish. I thought for a moment that old Guinness might not be able to make it look good, but even with a critical eye, it's alright.

ESB, all time best using-the-scenery/moving-the-action movements here. Everything is so, so good. All time great duel at balancing tension, character motives, and actual fighting. The presentation is genuinely excellent with great stage-setting early to make Vader look like a king being challenged. It might be THE film sword duel.

RotJ, great scene movement. Actual choreography starts great, but then suffers by a too quick Vader decline after Luke hides under the walkway.

SWFA, going spoilers

This post has been edited by amphibian: 18 December 2015 - 07:28 AM

I survived the Permian and all I got was this t-shirt.

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 12:18 PM

That was utterly incredible. I was in awe for 2 hrs and 16 minutes. Loved ever last minute. And if I have complaints they are very, very minor that I can't think of some right now.


This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 18 December 2015 - 12:23 PM

"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 12:22 PM

Posting Star Wars spoilers should be a crime.

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 12:30 PM

Also, anyone else catch the Big Bang episode last night, where they went to see the new Star Wars. Will Wheaton dressed as a vulcan. Funny stuff.
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#939 User is offline   polishgenius 

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 01:21 PM

It was pretty good. I mean, as franchise re-invigorations go it wasn't Mad Max, but it was good.


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Posted 18 December 2015 - 02:05 PM

View Postpolishgenius, on 18 December 2015 - 01:21 PM, said:

It was pretty good. I mean, as franchise re-invigorations go it wasn't Mad Max, but it was good.


Better than MAD MAX for me...but I'm a die-hard Star Wars I think it was always going to be that for me.


On another point: A few score notes (as I bought it last night after the screening, and tried my best to pay attention to it during the movie).

Which I'll also spoiler.


"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

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