Silencer, on 20 January 2018 - 02:12 PM, said:
And I disagree entirely. I think it's well constructed, decently shot with some great scenes, and overall well written with some poor choices. I hated the stampede through the casino scene, I really did. But having some bad scenes doesn't make the movie incoherent or anything.
And yes, it still struggles with a sense of time and travel time in this film like it did in TFA. But that's hardly the end of the world.
You'll have to be more clear about the plot-holes, because off the top of my head I can't think of any. Unless you mean the bunch of failures on the part of the heroes, in which case those aren't holes, they're a nice change from "everything goes according to plan, even though we're constantly winging it". Loved what they did with that.
I think I've broken this out before on the thread, but I'm willing to do it again in a more comprehensive way.
Let's start with plotholes/script contrivances:
Let's be clear, I consider the entire script a paint-by-numbers that Rian assembled with one point he wanted to make dictating the other points he made. As far as I'm concerned he came up with a bunch of "cool" scenes and strung them together by cobbling in scipt choices that GET the charcters there. It's not organic in any way as a STORY. It's a script full of NOTIONS.
- The end of TFA has the First Order in tentative retreat, their massive base destroyed along with a massive, massive portion of their military and soliders who were on world when SKB blew. The Resistance base on D'Qar celebrates the victory, and is seemignly ascendant. TLJ (from the very words of Johnson himself) begins right after TFA (I'm willing to give it a couple of days between)...but the crawl of TLJ has the First Order REIGNING....apparently. Not only that but the Resitance is on the run in small numbers. So the disconnect between the state of the galaxy in TFA and TLJ is a big plot hole to begin with.
- Rian needed a plotine where Poe was a dissident who went off book, causing a bunch of branching problems (will note later) that lead to the events later in the movie...but to start with he needed to kick off the slow motion chase through space. Now, he CAN'T have Leia be nominally in charge to get Poe to catalyse that plotline, becuasse Leia and Poe have a history where he's the rash captain and she's the underdstanding/forgiving commander. So that doesn't get Rian's script where he needs it to get. Same goes for Admiral Ackbar, as he is a stalwart and tried and true veteran of the he would also understand and trust Poe with any plans. So Rian has a bridge explosion where Leia is thrown into a coma and Ackbar is (unceremoniously fucking) that he can do what? Introduce a brand new character that even Poe (as a character) doesn't KNOW or have a relationship with. Why? To have her not trust Poe, AND hide the plan from him (her ostensibly lead captain, even though he was nominal leader of Black Squadron he is the next underling below her), so that Rian can enact both the slow motion chase AND the eventual "escape plan"...and hiding that plan from Poe triggers the ENTIRE Canto Bight sideplot...without Holdo EXISTING you don't get ANY of that plot, and you especially don't end up with a plot that ends in the lightspeed attack (cool as that scene was) or the escape to the planet below.
- Slow mo chase. The First Order can and should be able to blow the Reistance ships out of space. At no point in the chase are the Reistacne ever completely out of the FO's rech...and becuase they can be tracked through hyperspace...they don't jump...just run. There is zero reason to not attack them in full force, including fighter squadrons...the reason? Rian needs the slow motion chase to occur, so that the Canot Bight plotline happens, the Reistacne is betaryed, and the Crait plotline happens. So the main plotline of the film is one big plothole BECUASE Rian wanted Crait to happen. That's it. It makes zero sense in the history of Star Wars. If Thrawn had the Resistance in his sights and chasing them...he'd have destroyed them. so either every commnander (incluing smarty-pants Snoke) in the FO is a MORON...or Rian Johnson's script doens't work without these big gaping plotholes...guess which one is more likely?
- Speaking of the escape to Crait. Let's dig into a few GLARING omissions/holes. No one in any of the outer rim planets reposnds to the hails for help. You get that? Entire systems and everyone who was ever connected to the ignoring distress signals on multiple planets that could help (either by providing safe haven, or sending ships)....but nada. No one. That is one of the most unbelievable things in the film. that the galaxy is SO seemingly small that no one has the stones to help. That's nonsense....but again it serves only one thing. Rian's Script calls for the Resistance fleet to be helplessly slow motion chased thorugh space, to eventually end up on a planet with no one but crustal trigger his end game in that planet. There is NO oher reason for the galaxy to react like that en masse, esepcially after gaining freedom 29 years ago from the Empire. No WAY an entire galaxy of free systems thinks "Oh, new Empire like people are trying to take control of the galaxy? Better just ignore it, it will be fine" Lothal at the VERY least would have responded, let alone Cosruscant.
- The Canto Bight plotline. Let's begin with arrival. Finn and Rose land on this Monaco-like city and park on a secret goddamned the middle of the fucking BEACH. They don't even attempt to hide the ship in the bush, or up on the bluffs they end up on later. Nope. Covert mission? Better park in the middle of the most conspicious place we can find. And what ends them up in jail? A PARKING INFRACTION. Got that? Now, why does all this happen? Becuase once again Rian's script calls for it to make a bunch of other stuff happen. He needs someone to betray the Resitance to the First Order including their escape plan to Crait. So he has the two protags land in a stupid place, get a parking infraction, and end up (while looking for a code hacker that Maz reccomended) in a jail cell...with guessed it ANOTHER CODE HACKER. What a lovely, dovetailed COINCIDENCE! But ths one is sketchy and doens't come with the level of trust that Maz's reccomendation did (that would be Jennifer Aniston's hubby). Perfect, Rian thinks, he can betray them then! I have no issues with the fact that there is failure in it...that's fine. My problem is that Rian johnson CONSTANTLY needs shit to happpen later in his movie, and writes backwards from that thing to get them there. The entrie Canto Bight plotline exists to serve the "get the Rebels on Crait, and the Reistance to know about it, we can have the FO VS Resistance plotline, and the Kylo VS Luke one" That's it. You get that? He designed an ENTIRE failing sideplot...just to make other things happen in his script. The level of inorganic that is from a storytelling POV is STAGGERING. So it's not that the Canto Bight plotline ends in's that the whole thing is created for another reason ans serve that plot instead, and it's full of wierd contreivances and holes as a result of the fact that it HAS to go nowhere intersting for either Rose or Finn. I think he even RELAIZES this, so he has him at least face off against Phasma one more time to TRY to make Finn's plot in this movie be worthwhile. It's not. But that's why he did that.
- Luke. Aside from my obvious issues with Luke's storyline in TLJ...le's dip into plot holes. Luke says in TLJ "I came here to die, and for the Jedi to end"...but if that was ACTUALLY the case....why go to the planet that the Imperials records (That's where the map in TFA comes from, Palpatine's map of the Jedi temple locaitons so he could hunt them down and exterminate them; R2 gets it in ANH when he logs into the Death Star [according to JJ Abrams]) SAY is the planet with the First Jedi temple? Seems like that's a REALLY quick way to get found by the First Order who HAVE access to Imperial records like that. He may as well have hid out ON Starkiller base with a blinking sign "Kylo, look here". Ben Solo and Luke spent like 5 years seeking out old Jedi locaitons and studied he "hid" in a place that he woudl eventually have been found. If he REALLY wanted to die and end the Jedi Order...he'd have gone to an outer rim planet with no connections to the this was one of the MYRIAD of shit that Rian dind't like in JJ's script, so he wrote it out and left a plothole instead. He also pursepoely doesn't have Force Ghost Anakin or Force Ghost Obi-Wan show up becuase they woudl BOTH have insight into dealing with a jedi with darkness in them who could be turned back. So he has Luke cut himself off from the force...and then when he recononects...just Yoda, and long after Kylo is gone to the dark side. The ghosts in any normal script would have appeared together (as they did in ROTJ) and guided him through the rebuilding of the Jedi Order...but Rian didn't want that becuase he wanted to wipe the table of the old charaxcters instead. He wants untrained Rey to lead that instead...for some inexplcable reason. So just Yoda shows up, which is glaringly stupid and inorganic considering the hisotry of the ghosts and their nature.
- Crait. On Crait we have two glaring plotholes. One is that the Reistance gets into the Rebel base and whoever epxlores it is INCOMPETENT...becuase they say "there is no back way out"...necessetating the hail mary run aginst the First Order...but when the Crystal Foxes show there Is a back route out...the "way" is a cave opening the size of a goddamned apprently whoever did recon was a disabled blind chimp? Becuase I coudl undertsand them missing a small hole...but they miss a MASSIVE CAVE. Why? Becuase Rian wanted the Resiatnce VS FO on Crait like Hoth. He even puts in one more contrivance to get Luke's plotline VS Kylo. He has Finn do a run aginst the door buster laser...but has Rose STOP him before he does the damage he would have done(say what you will, even if he died in teh attempt, the debris from his ship would have damaged the laser canon and allowed a rEbel escape) so that we can get to Luke VS Kylo.
-The concept of connecting to the force with a vision across the vast distance of space....Easy for Snoke to do to connect Rey & Kylo for the whole problem...but Kylo tells Rey that SHE can't be doig it becuase the effort would kill her. This is Rian's scrit point/reason why Luke dies later when he does it. But if we believe that then we believe that Snoke is more powerful than Luke...which makes no sense because Snoke was terrified of Luke. Why would he be afraid of a guy he's obviosuly stronger than if his skill tree is higher?
-smaller stuff like how does Rey get down to Crait, is still a plothole but minor enough to ignore.
There are a bunch of story elemnts that also don't work with rergards to canon...but moreover those are my personal preference and don't pertain.
Rian doesn't like TFA. Didn't like the plot strands JJ left hanging, so he wrote a FIRST film in a trilogy...instead of a sequel and a middle film and fuck everyhting else. Nothing in his film works with TFA as the predecessor. Nothing. In fact, even character motivations in TLJ are not the same as they were in TLJ, with the possible exception of Kylo and MAYBE Rey. Everyone else acts strangely. When I watch TFA and (if I ever watch it again) chase it wiht TLJ...I can't fathom how disconncted they will be.
But the main glut of my post was to illustrate how it's a bad FILM and not just a bad Star Wars film. Rian Johnson needs to go back to film school and take the scriptwirting course again and stop taking lessons from M. Night Shamylan.
It's a paint-by-numbers flick that only works in any way, becuase he penned a whole bunch of little contrivances to make the big ones work...which without those contrivances DON'T work even a little bit.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon