Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 11:54 AM, said:
it depends on concinving liosan to join us voting for spite, and we risk lio and galin and spite teaming up on us

Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 11:58 AM, said:
post a case! say that you were spite before, and before that osseric, and that at least one fm if not more have jumped into spite! that because of atrahal only you were stupid enough to jump here and that with the limited amount of targets in lio spite and the other one that theres a good chance more of the fms jumped into spite!
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 12:12 PM, said:
I was spite last night, the night before I was osseric, which is why I made that case against osseric yesterday
with everyone revealing last night, it meant three FM's jumped into the three alts that are left, telas, lio or spite
now theres no way of knowing where everyone jumped into, but whats the chance that they all ended up in different alts?
we know for a fact that spite is an fm, if you hit me or galain u kill one fm, If you hit spite you kill at least 1 FM if not more
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 12:14 PM, said:
I won't be able to post for about twenty minutes. Hold the fort!
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 12:19 PM, said:
are we sticking together or changing alts? if we split, jump into 2 diff alts, vote night and then jump in the third alt? Im expecting 2 alts at least to die tonight
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 12:25 PM, said:
See what comes of spite's Cf. I'll reply in detail in a few minutes, let me set up my computer.
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 12:26 PM, said:
i cant see anyone jumping into galain, or atrahl for that matter, so that leaves liosan and telas, both are going to be over crowded...
depends on how many fms we kill in spite
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 12:27 PM, said:
Remove provional
we are all here to talk about it and make sure we make the right choice
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 12:42 PM, said:
Who's provisional are you removing? I'm the only one who has posted one. Until all the of us do, nothing will happen

Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 12:54 PM, said:
lol nevermind then
Whats our plan of attack then? or are we just waiting on ps to check up?
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 01:00 PM, said:
Argh, sorry for the slow replies, can't get the wi-fi to work so still on my phone.
I suggest we sign off messages with our original alt name so we don't get confused.
I think all 3 of us should split into different alts, to avoid the single person saying they know an alt with 2fms in it.
But what exactly will do should depend on how many alts there were in spite.
- atrahal
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 01:13 PM, said:
if we split into three then we risk not all being able to reform up and win
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 01:21 PM, said:
Yes you're right, it won't work. Even if four alts are around tomorrow, once we lunch the one we're not in, we can't all rejoin. Hmm.
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 01:24 PM, said:
we need to, lynch one and jump into the other, but then its 3 players left... first to get voted for loses
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 01:39 PM, said:
Hypothetical example.what if:
2 of us jump into liosan, one into telas.
Atrahal is lynched.
Instead of rejoining, 2 in liosan jump into telas, the one in telas jumps into galain.
We lynch liosan (if still alive).
Then there's two alts left and we share the win because that would be a draw?
- atrahal
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 01:44 PM, said:
I expect telas and lio to be pretty full 2mo...
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 02:01 PM, said:
It may be that they're all piled in there now and will have to get out.
The spread, if we're all fms, is: 3, 2, 2, 1, 1 OR 3, 3, 1, 1, 1.
We may know better after spite's CF.
Anyway, the alts I used were examples, we can use other ones. It's more about the plan of keeping one of usa away from the other two.
Atrahal, on 25 October 2012 - 02:10 PM, said:
I would suggest that one risks staying behind in atrahal, but the others jumping away automatically kill that person

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.