Obdigore, on 23 October 2012 - 07:12 AM, said:
Morgoth, on 23 October 2012 - 07:06 AM, said:
Loki, on 23 October 2012 - 06:57 AM, said:
Bioware has never disappointed me yet so I feel I can get excited now XD
Yeah, I still havent forgiven them for DA2, so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Current trends would imply that we're getting something like Fable, rather than something resembling DA:O
I'd prefer a first (or third) person Baldurs Gate 2. Build up your castle/land enough to survive without you. Meanwhile you are out doing whatever. If you do things correctly you can attract blacksmiths and farriers and better soldiers to your castle. But then I've been thinking about putting Stronghold back on my PC for a castle building sim, so w/e.
I think that was baldurs gate 2 where you got the castle and could upgrade it and whatnot.
Yup, it was BG2.
I'm mostly surprised with them already mentioning DA 4/5/6 whatever. I thought it was to be a trilogy?
The franchise hasn't been the insane success ME was, either.
As for castles and inhabitants of castles: all in all, who REALLY gives a flying fuck?
The design of anything that acts as a base and isn't part of a TBS or RTS is usually very rudimentary (with all attention going to textures and architecture and little to actual function) and is a waste of disc space and loading times.
Nine times out of ten, the upgrades you get from it by attracting followers to it aren't as good as the magical stuff you get from quests, and most designers shy away from giving it other lasting impacts (party-size, having to go there to heal instead of quaffing a potion, et cetera - too hardcore).
In 95% of the cases in RPGs, homes et cetera thus have no lasting gameplay influence but act as fluff and a timesink to artificially lengthen the game with - having to enter the home (load time) run to the room where the letters questgiver is, talk, run out (load time). Do that six/seven times and you've lengthened the game time with an hour.
I mean, look at ME's Normandy and its levels and loading times. Worst design in the entire game. Timesink, and not with much value for money (unlike follower convo's). Imho, the game would have been massively improved with all followers standing/ sitting/ lying around in the Mess and the captain's room connected to it. Far less running, less elevator times....
And even the eye-candy-aspect kind of sucks. Player homes invariably look purrrty but you can't change/ redecorate the interior, except take away (like Skyrim). Basically, they're a one-time "empty it out and leave" cash bonus. In that respect, Heartfire's garden/greenhouse was actually a pleasant surprise.
Even so, the Sims probably does it better than 90% of the good games out there (depressing thought).
The only usual "gaming" purpose for just about any home in a RPG is storage, and to provide a smooth flowing game, there are more elegant designs (yet probably less aesthetically pleasing) for that. Instead, increasing a player's backpack, perhaps by adding a section that isn't accessible in quest zones, gives as much efficiency without undoing the backpack limitations.
/end rant
Everyone is entitled to his own wrong opinion. - Lizrad