Thanks Dolmen, yeah it just sort of set me off.
a few offerings..
These two I'd started a few days a go and finished last night
First Steps
A look, a smile or furtive glance
can set the course for random chance
and steer it in a certain way
allow emotions into play.
Something grabs hold of our thoughts,
maybe words and witty retorts,
or just a look, a style, a grace,
perhaps a striking pretty face.
A shapely leg, how her clothes fit
The way she walks, the way she sits.
A spark strikes imagination,
grows and feeds infatuation,
Fed and watered along the way
with something new in every day.
A trickling stream that starts to spread
With every new word that is said,
every shared contact of the eyes,
the gripping thrill of sweet replies.
The growing bond, each added chain
that binds together in this game.
The almost accidental touch,
that sends a shock and means so much.
The subtle coyly cautious signs
as two lives gradually entwine.
The fragile bravely spreading strands
that knit together like clasped hands.
My Shame
Your smile, once such a joy to me,
is now a source of pain.
The hopes that you had lent to me,
are gurgling down the drain.
The trust that you once placed in me
sits heavy on my heart.
The plans that you had made with me
fall torn and ripped apart.
The dreams that you presented me
lie crushed beneath my feet.
The life, which you had joined to me
is shattered, incomplete.
The arms you used to comfort me
carry no share of blame.
The love that you had gifted me
now burns my bones with shame.
This one I wrote last night, and I like the rhyming structure in it.
Domestic Bliss
Head bowed against the stairs
she glares into an empty space
her face distressed and red
embedded in it harsh and clear
her fear and with it pain
remaining as a hand shaped mark
set stark against her cheek
a bleak reminder of the blow
let go against her pride
she hides the evidence of course
remorse the balm applied
a tide of insincere glib lies
disguise the sordid fact
attacked behind her own front door
before her children’s eyes
their cries a counterpoint to those
that rose against her loud
endowed with rage and bitter hate
a spate of vicious bile
reviling her with drunken spite
a fight she could not halt
the fault not hers although she paid
in spades for it despite
the rights and wrongs she took the blame
her shame completed as
the bastard hit her in the face
disgracefully aware
of their disparate strengths no doubt
without a moment’s thought
he sought to beat down her reply
a violent answer that
her battered face showed clear
her tears a poignant plea
for freedom from her misery