HiddenOne, on 09 October 2013 - 10:20 PM, said:
Aaaa WHAT was my brain thinking... XD XD A Norwegian film, I watched it in norsk without subs, perhaps subconsciously assumed you'd speak some Scandinavian language...DOH. Nothing important, just told I'd seen the documentary and that those dumber trolls not mastering any human tongues lived for the most part in Norway. And that it contained some incorrect information about jötnar. :-D
Dolmen+, on 09 October 2013 - 06:46 PM, said:

I generally work in this manner but have learn't a ton since then, I'm a bit cleaner about the process which remarkable as I lack patience and work at a glaciers pace when unmotivated. These days I refine and detail before I color. I blob out the scene and detail it in grayscale, gradually blocking and fading things in. It feels like sculpting that way and you tend to "find" your character which I really enjoy.
Very cool and interesting, thanks! :-D I tend to "assemble" the scene with the blue wiresketches to find a balance (sometimes doesn't work) and about half the time work on a mirrored layers. I wish I had more time to test out new techniques (particularly speedpainting, where such a blob-out method might work better than outlines), but I swear I even normally work with the speed of continental drift, which makes glaciers look like professional sprinters.