Kaamos, on 12 November 2013 - 08:35 AM, said:

...Finnish comprises of around 14 dialects plus the written speech, which often doesn't resemble regional dialects much. In my city, the R is particularly accentuated, and sometimes D's become R's as well, which is why it sounds particularly trollish. What kinds of languages do you have in SA? Afrikaans I know about, but have no idea what it sounds like.
Thats a ton of dialects! SA has 11 languages. I won't be able to list 'em all of the top of my head but the prominent ones are Afrikaans, isiZulu, isiXhosa, Venda, Shona and Sotho. I can survive an Afrikaans and Zulu conversation but I'm better versed in English and am passingly fluent in Chewa, a language more common in Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe, as is Shona. All this is to say I am useless at languages. English is the only language I can really make myself understood in. My dad can speak about five.
Kaamos, on 12 November 2013 - 08:35 AM, said:
Yule (Joulu) is a rough time. Snow poisoning is common, which makes your skin turn blue as well. Happens often to tourists who think it's cooled candyfloss (we do tell them not to devour it, but do they ever listen...). I guess that's one reason why I didn't shy off from Mr. Manhattan and the Napan.

"Excuse me madam no eating the snow please. Sir that's a class three Snow offence. That will be 30 Euros."
Forgive my imagination. I already have visions of SWAT teams cracking down on blue people cartels...
RE: Detoran
Seems we have a winner.