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Mafia 91 Spoilers

#1 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 07:41 AM

If you are in this thread and shouldn't be, I will castrate you with a live goose, then force a giant sea squid to strangle you until you are almost dead, and then I will force Gilbert Godfried to give you mouth to mouth while you listen to him read 50 Shades of Grey.


I'm 4 srs.

And fin.
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#2 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 07:46 AM

1.Silencer - Kalse
2.Brujah - Anomandaris
3.Roldom - Tennes
4.KL - D'riss
5.Gust Hubb - Sheltatha Lore
6.Azathmaster - Tulas Shorn
7.JLV - Ruse
8.Vengeance - Silanah
9.STarling - Rashan
10.The_Dude - Kaschan
11.Tattersail - Telas
12.Sixty - Eloth
13.Blend - Fener
14.Ansible - Anthras
15.Bliss - Osseric
16.HD - Emurlahn
17.Mott = Ampelas
18.EmperorMagus - Thyrllan
19.DIBS - Tellan
20.D'rek - Atrahal
21.Mentalist - Liosan

Path-Shaper is oldscratch
SH is 'Shinigami'

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 16 August 2012 - 04:51 AM

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#3 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 08:07 AM

Forum Name/Alt = "Role Name" BasePowerLevel(ChangedPowerLevel) "Why the change" "Current Location"

Denarians -
D'rek/Atrahal = Nicodemus 7(7) St Marys Killed Night 3
The_Dude/Kaschan = Imariel 5(5) Gold Coast Lynched Day 6
Roldom/Tennes = Thorned Namishel 5(5) McAnallys Pub Lynched Day 3
Open = Magog 4(4) Coin held by Nicodemus Destroyed Day 3
Open = Lasciel (4+)(4+) Coin held by Nicodemus

Gust Hubb/Sheltatha Lore = Prince Broc 6(6) Undertown Lynched Day 2
JLV/Ruse = Squad Alpha Team 1 4(4) Undertown Killed Night 3
DIBS/Tellan = Squad Beta Team 1 4(4) Undertown Lynched Day 4
EmperorMagus/Thyrllan = Squad Alpha Team 2 4(4) Undertown Lynched Day 2
Azathmaster/Tulas Shorn = Squad Beta Team 2 4(4) Undertown Lynched Day 4

Starling/Rashan = Ivy 8(8) Pub
Mentalist/Liosan = Kincaid 4(4) Pub

Summer Court
KL/D'riss = Fix 5(5) Undertown
Mott/Ampelas = Lily 6(6) Undertown
Sixty/Eloth = Wizard Gruff 6(6) Undertown

Winter Court
Bliss/Osseric = Mab 5(5) St marys
Tattersail/Telas = Lea 5(5) St Marys
Vengeance/Silanah = Dresden 7(7) Pub Won Day 7

Silencer/Kalse - Ferrovax 10(10) The Gold Coast Modkilled Day 2 after being inactive on thread for over 60 hours and inactive in PMs for over 48
Blend/Fener - Mac McAnally 6/3(3) McAnallys Pub
Brujah/Anomandaris - Donar Vadderung 8(8) St Mary of the Angels
HD/Emurlahn - Ebenezer "Blackstaff" McCoy 6(7) "Holds the Blackstaff +1 Power" Demonreach
Ansible/Anthras - Bob The Skull 3(3) Held by McAnally Won Day 7

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 23 August 2012 - 04:00 PM

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 08:47 AM

Role PM's Denarians


You are Nicodemus. Power Level of 7

Victory Conditions: (Dead, not won and left the thread, which means you must kill these people before they achieve their victory conditions.)
Ivy and Kincaid must be dead. (Holding Grudges is a good thing)
Donar Vadderung must be dead.
The Winter Court must all be dead.
You must Acquire Bob The Skull.

Your current team includes Kaschan and Tennes. You may talk off thread, but only in a conversation I open for the three of you.

You are currently in The Gold Coast, enjoying the food and wine your power can bring you.

You currently have two coins with you, besides your own. They are:
Magog (Power level 4, does not allow the host to play anymore. If you give someone this coin, you take over their alt in addition to your own starting the next night, and that player is removed from the game.
Lasciel (Power level 4+. If the host accepts the coin, up to 4 is added onto their power level (up to 7 total power) and they join you as a denarian. If they refuse the coin they join as a denarian at the beginning of the third day after you offered the coin, but only with a power level of 4.

Night Actions:
Defend - You defend yourself with your thralls and demonic dogs, making you invlunerable. This protects against both friendly and unfriendly actions, but will give away your location on thread in the End of Night Scene, as well as your location should you move at the beginning of the next day.
Tell Denarian - You tell one of your fellow Denarians to do something, and they must do it within the next day/night cycle. It can be an order to vote, or to use one of their actions. You may only use this twice in the game before the others Resent you and refuse to do it. You must both PM Path-Shaper this, and tell them in the conversation thread.
Give Coin (Coin Name Here) - you attempt to give a coin to someone at the same location as you. If that person is unable to accept the coin, you will get it back and know at the night resolution. In this edition, Fairies CAN accept the coin, but certain other people cannot.
Find - you use your fiendish contacts to discover the role name of another player. If you already have this, either through a friendly find or on thread reveal, your find then discovers their power level and abilities.

Day Actions:
Illuminating - Once every other day, starting day 2, you may see the location of everyone at the end of day, before the night moves.

Special Conditions:
Noose - Only Dresden knows how to kill you. Only those he tells directly, not on thread, will be able to kill you. If anyone else defeats you, your power level will reduce to 0, and they will take any items, and may destroy one coin if you are carrying any. Your power level will remain at 0 throughout the day and the next night, preventing you from voting or using any of your actions besides changing locations.


You are Imariel. Power Level of 5

Victory Conditions: (Dead, not won and left the thread, which means you must kill these people before they achieve their victory conditions.)
Ivy and Kincaid must be dead. (Holding Grudges is a good thing)
Donar Vadderung must be dead.
The Winter Court must all be dead.

Your current team includes Atrahal and Tennes. You may talk off thread, but only in a conversation I open for the three of you.

You are currently in The Gold Coast, enjoying the food and wine your power can bring you.

Night Actions:
Kill - You try to kill someone.
Follow - You follow someone around, learn what location they had that night and if they moved before the day phase, and any night actions they performed, although you will not know who they performed them on.
Regroup - As long as Nicodemus(Atrahal) is alive, you may stay by his side, and this increases your power level for that night to his power level, and you move to his location before any other night actions.

Special Conditions:
Regeneration - Only overwhelming fire can kill you. If the person who defeats you is not at least 3 PowerLevel above you, AND using fire, either magic or normal, you are able to regenerate yourself, but you are unable to do any actions for 1 day and 1 night, which includes moving and voting, although you can still talk on thread and in private.


You are Thorned Namishel. Power Level of 5

Victory Conditions: (Dead, not won and left the thread, which means you must kill these people before they achieve their victory conditions.)
Ivy and Kincaid must be dead. (Holding Grudges is a good thing)
Donar Vadderung must be dead.
Dresden Must Be Dead.

Your current team includes Atrahal and Kaschan. You may talk off thread, but only in a conversation I open for the three of you.

You are currently in The Gold Coast, enjoying the food and wine your power can bring you.

Night Actions:
Kill - You try to kill someone.
Strangle - You use your black tentacle spell to take the items from anyone you hit with this spell. If their power level is 2 or more less than yours, this also kills them. It will not work on someone with an equal power level to yours.
Regroup - As long as Nicodemus(Atrahal) is alive, you may stay by his side, and this increases your power level for that night to his power level, and you move to his location before any other night actions.

Special Conditions:
Sorcery - If you are killed by actions and not lynching, your corpse explodes, doing your powerlevel+2 damage to your attacker. If that is enough to kill them, Nicodemus receives your coin and may force it upon another person on thread. You will not go to SH, nor may you post on thread if this happens, as you will be able to continue playing the game. If this happens you MAY continue talking in private to your team on this alt.

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#5 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 09:21 AM

Fomor Role PMs


You are Prince Broc. Power Level of 6

Victory Conditions:
Being Alive at the end of the game, and having either destroyed or fought off every other power in the game.
Your faction (The Fomor) must have killed (either through actions or a majority of your team on the train) 1 person from the Summer Court and one from the Winter Court.

Your current team includes:
Ruse - Squad Alpha Team 1
Tellan - Squad Beta Team 1
Thyrllan - Squad Alpha Team 2
Tulas Shorn - Squad Beta Team 2

You may not talk to them off thread, except as directed in your powers below. You do know that the different teams have Radios and so can talk to each other off thread. A Single team cannot have more than 2 members.

You are currently in The Undertown. Your base is in Undertown. Any Captives you have will be held there.

Night Actions:
Take Energy - You take energy from one of your captives, giving yourself a temporary +1 to power this first night. It becomes a temporary +1 to everyone on your faction the second night in a row. It becomes a permanent +1 to everyone in your faction the third night in a row.
Convert - You try to convert one of your captives to your cause. If they have 6 or less PowerLevel, this only takes one night. If they have 7 or more it takes two nights.

Day Actions:
Mission - You may order the other members of your team upon missions to either Capture, Kill, or Study. To Capture you need the targets powerlevel+2, to Kill you only need to match the targets powerlevel, but if you only match it you will most likely lose one of your squads. To Study you need the targets PL -2. Studying will find their name and PL, and nothing else. Squad powerlevels are as follow:
First Squad Ordered on Specific Mission = PL4
Second Squad = +2PL (6 total for the mission)
Each Additional Squad ordered on the mission = +1PL per additional squad.
(Mission is ordered during the day and happens at night)
Maintain - Any captives you hold must be held by enough PL that they cannot escape. To do this you must detail squads to stay behind. PL needed to prevent escape is half the PL of the captives. Your presence is worth 3 PL by itself, and any squads detailed to stay behind are worth 4 PL each.(Maintain Orders last until the next time you would make orders for a mission)

Special Conditions:
Sacrifice - If you are attacked and one of your Squads is at your location, they will intercept your attacker and defend you, regardless of the action against you. This will cause the action to target them instead of you.

For the 4 squadies, I just changed the names and who their partners are.


You are Squad Alpha Team 1. Power Level of 4

You cannot change locations. You may be sent on missions but you will always be in Undertown.

Victory Conditions:
Being Alive at the end of the game, and having either destroyed or fought off every other power in the game.
Your faction (The Fomor) must have killed (either through actions or a majority of your team on the train) 1 person from the Summer Court and one from the Winter Court.

Your current team includes:
Sheltatha Lore - Prince Broc
Tellan - Squad Beta Team 1
And another Team you do not know the identity of.

You may speak off thread with Tellan, but only in the conversation I have setup. Sheltatha Lore is your leader and may give you missions to go on. If he does not give you orders you are free to try and run missions yourself, or with Tellan.

You are currently in The Undertown. Your base is in Undertown. Any Captives you have will be held there.

Night Actions:
Kill - You try to kill someone.
Kidnap - You try to Kidnap someone and bring them to your base
Study - You follow someone around, and learn their Role Name and Power Level.
Teamwork - If you and your teammate both choose Teamwork AND both choose the same Night Action, you will work together on the mission, and your Powerlevel will be 6.

Day Actions:
Maintain Base - If you have captives at your base, you need to prevent them from escaping. By choosing to Defend you add your Powerlevel to that effect.

Special Conditions:
Devotion - If you are at your base when Prince Broc is attacked, you will rush to his defense, intercepting the attack.


You are Squad Beta Team 1. Power Level of 4

You cannot change locations. You may be sent on missions but you will always be in Undertown.

Victory Conditions:
Being Alive at the end of the game, and having either destroyed or fought off every other power in the game.
Your faction (The Fomor) must have killed (either through actions or a majority of your team on the train) 1 person from the Summer Court and one from the Winter Court.

Your current team includes:
Sheltatha Lore - Prince Broc
Tuse - Squad Alpha Team 1
And another Team you do not know the identity of.

You may speak off thread with Ruse, but only in the conversation I have setup. Sheltatha Lore is your leader and may give you missions to go on. If he does not give you orders you are free to try and run missions yourself, or with Ruse.

You are currently in The Undertown. Your base is in Undertown. Any Captives you have will be held there.

Night Actions:
Kill - You try to kill someone.
Kidnap - You try to Kidnap someone and bring them to your base
Study - You follow someone around, and learn their Role Name and Power Level.
Teamwork - If you and your teammate both choose Teamwork AND both choose the same Night Action, you will work together on the mission, and your Powerlevel will be 6.

Day Actions:
[b]Maintain Base
- If you have captives at your base, you need to prevent them from escaping. By choosing to Defend you add your Powerlevel to that effect.

Special Conditions:
- If you are at your base when Prince Broc is attacked, you will rush to his defense, intercepting the attack.


You are Squad Alpha Team 2. Power Level of 4

You cannot change locations. You may be sent on missions but you will always be in Undertown.

Victory Conditions:
Being Alive at the end of the game, and having either destroyed or fought off every other power in the game.
Your faction (The Fomor) must have killed (either through actions or a majority of your team on the train) 1 person from the Summer Court and one from the Winter Court.

Your current team includes:
Sheltatha Lore - Prince Broc
Tulas Shorn - Squad Beta Team 2
And another Team you do not know the identity of.

You may speak off thread with Tulas Shorn, but only in the conversation I have setup. Sheltatha Lore is your leader and may give you missions to go on. If he does not give you orders you are free to try and run missions yourself, or with Tulas Shorn.

You are currently in The Undertown. Your base is in Undertown. Any Captives you have will be held there.

Night Actions:
Kill - You try to kill someone.
Kidnap - You try to Kidnap someone and bring them to your base
Study - You follow someone around, and learn their Role Name and Power Level.
Teamwork - If you and your teammate both choose Teamwork AND both choose the same Night Action, you will work together on the mission, and your Powerlevel will be 6.

Day Actions:
Maintain Base - If you have captives at your base, you need to prevent them from escaping. By choosing to Defend you add your Powerlevel to that effect.

Special Conditions:
Devotion - If you are at your base when Prince Broc is attacked, you will rush to his defense, intercepting the attack.


You are Squad Beta Team 2. Power Level of 4

You cannot change locations. You may be sent on missions but you will always be in Undertown.

Victory Conditions:
Being Alive at the end of the game, and having either destroyed or fought off every other power in the game.
Your faction (The Fomor) must have killed (either through actions or a majority of your team on the train) 1 person from the Summer Court and one from the Winter Court.

Your current team includes:
Sheltatha Lore - Prince Broc
Thyrllan - Squad Alpha Team 2
And another Team you do not know the identity of.

You may speak off thread with Thyrllan, but only in the conversation I have setup. Sheltatha Lore is your leader and may give you missions to go on. If he does not give you orders you are free to try and run missions yourself, or with Thyrllan.

You are currently in The Undertown. Your base is in Undertown. Any Captives you have will be held there.

Night Actions:
Kill - You try to kill someone.
Kidnap - You try to Kidnap someone and bring them to your base
Study - You follow someone around, and learn their Role Name and Power Level.
Teamwork - If you and your teammate both choose Teamwork AND both choose the same Night Action, you will work together on the mission, and your Powerlevel will be 6.

Day Actions:
Maintain Base - If you have captives at your base, you need to prevent them from escaping. By choosing to Defend you add your Powerlevel to that effect.

Special Conditions:
Devotion - If you are at your base when Prince Broc is attacked, you will rush to his defense, intercepting the attack.

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 07 August 2012 - 09:22 AM

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#6 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 09:43 AM



You are Ivy(The Archive). Power Level of 8

Victory Conditions:
Being Alive at the end of the game.
The Denarians must be gone.
Bob the Skull must be Destroyed or with A Human.

Your current team includes:

You may speak off thread with Liosan, but only in the conversation I have setup.

You are currently in McAnallys Pub.

Night Actions:
Find - You try to find someones Role Name and Powerlevel
Extreme Prejudice - If you find a Denarian, you can destroy them with Fire.
Teamwork - If you and Kincaid are on the same Location, you can make his defense up to your powerlevel, and he still gets to do whatever action he was going to do, but that action is at his current powerlevel.

Day Actions:
Read Writing - Once every three days, if a Human is a Captive, you learn their Role PM, Alt Name, and Where they are held captive.
Assault Base - If you find someone held captive, you may assault the base to free them. This must be done in agreement with Kincaid.


You are Kincaid. Power Level of 4

Victory Conditions:
Being Alive at the end of the game.
Ivy must be Alive.

Your current team includes:

You may speak off thread with Rashan, but only in the conversation I have setup.

You are currently in McAnallys Pub.

Night Actions:
Snipe - You try to shoot someone in the head. Powerlevel is ignored but other things matter.
Fireball Rounds - You attack someone with fireball rounds in your shotgun. This adds +3 to your attack, and counts as a flame attack.
Save Ivy - If you and Ivy are in the same location, you automatically snipe anyone attempting to attack her.

Day Actions:
Assault Base - If Ivy finds someone held captive, you may assault the base to free them. This is only in agreement with Ivy AND only after Ivy has found a captive.

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#7 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 09:58 AM

Summer Court Role PMs


You are Fix. Power Level of 5

Victory Conditions:
The Winter Court must not have a chance at victory
The Formor are defeated

Your current Team Includes

You may speak off thread with Ampelas, but only in the conversation I have setup.

You are currently in Lincoln Park.

Night Actions:
Wrenching - You attempt to beat someone with your wrench. This will make their powerlevel 0 for 1 day and 1 night after your attack, if sucessfull.
Kerosine - You pour Gasoline upon your enemies, then light it on fire.

Special Conditions:
Love - You love Ampelas. If the two of you are in the same location, your power levels are added together for defense.


You are Lily. Power Level of 6

Victory Conditions:
The Winter Court must not have a chance at victory
The Formor are defeated

Your current Team Includes

You may speak off thread with D'riss, but only in the conversation I have setup.

You are currently in Lincoln Park.

Night Actions:
Rampant Growth - You grow vines/trees/plants so fast and so thick that no one at your location can do any actions, or be targeted by any actions.
Entangling Vines - You surround someone in vines so they cannot move for 1 day and 1 night cycle afterwords. They cannot defend themself or do any actions.
Orders - You order Eloth to do something. Either attack someone, move somewhere, or vote for someone. Eloth will be sent this at the resolution of night and is required to do it within 1 day and 1 night cycle. This action may not be used for 2 nights after each time it is used.

Special Conditions:
Love - You love D'riss. If the two of you are in the same location, your power levels are added together for defense.


You are Wizard Gruff. Power Level of 6

Victory Conditions:
The Winter Court must not have a chance at victory
The Formor are defeated

Your current Team Includes

You may not speak off thread.

You are currently in Lincoln Park.

Night Actions:
Fairy Find - You find someones' Role Name and their location at the end of Night.
Green Acid - You shoot beams of acid through your target, dissolving them and eating away at their power if it does not kill them.
Call of the Gruffs - You may call upon your brother Gruffs to herd someone into a specified location, and keep them there for one day and one night.

Special Conditions:
DresdenProof - Your abilities have no effect upon Dresden, but nor is he able to effect you at all.
Orders Once in a while Eloth may send your an Order through Path-Shaper. You are bound to do your best to complete that order within one day and one night cycle. It can be an order to vote a certain way, attack someone, or move somewhere.

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#8 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 10:23 AM

Winter Court


You are Mab, Power Level of 5

Victory Conditions:
The Summer Court must not have a chance at victory
The Formor are defeated
Thorned Namishel is out of the game (Denarian)

Your current Team Includes

You may speak off thread with Both of them, but only in the conversation I have setup.

You are currently in Lincoln Park.

Night Actions:
Freezing Cold - You make the area so cold that nothing works and no one goes outside. This cancels all night actions at your current location, both from people there and to people there.
Icy Prison - You freeze someone in that location for one day and one night. They are unable to move, use any ablities, or defend themselves.

Special Conditions:
[Queen of Air and Darkness]The only way you leave the game is through being hung of victory. You cannot be killed at night. If something happens that should kill you, or powerlevel goes to 0 for one day and one night (which means you cannot vote or use any night actions, but CAN talk on thread on in private conversations).


You are Lea. Power Level of 5

Victory Conditions:
The Summer Court must not have a chance at victory
The Formor are defeated

Your current Team Includes

You may speak off thread with both, but only in the conversation I have setup.

You are currently in Lincoln Park.

Night Actions:
Fairy Godmother - You smile sweetly, then convince the target to attack someone else. They may not do any other actions until they have done an action against the target you specified, or that target is dead.
Hound Transformation - You transform your target into a hound for one day and one night. This makes them immune to all other actions, including lynchings, and prevents them from doing any actions.

Special Conditions:
Mabs Vassal - While Mab(Osseric) is alive, you cannot be defeated as she sustains you. If you should be killed, you lose all powerlevel for one day and one night, while Mab heals you. This will overright Mab's actions during this time as well. This means you will not be able to vote nor do any actions (including moving) during this time.


You are Dresden. Power Level of 7

Victory Conditions:
The Fomor are defeated
Thorned Namishel is out of the game
Bob the Skull is in your possession once more.

Your current Team Includes

You may speak off thread with both, but only in the conversation I have setup.

You are currently in Lincoln Park.

Night Actions:
Bring the Boom - You attack someone, with the intent to kill them.
Summon Toot-Toot - You summon Toot-Toot to do a Role Name, Powerlevel, and Location find upon someone.
Track Bob - You find out where Bob the Skull's location was that Night.

Day Actons:
Nicodemus Knowledge - You, and only you, know that to fully kill Nicodemus you must strangle him with the noose around his neck. You may only share this knowledge (allowing them to kill Nicodemus) with one person every other day.

Special Conditions:
Fire and Ice - You are a master of two elements, Fire and Ice. You must choose one to attack with and one to defend with. You may change this option any time during the day but may not change it at night.
Hesitate - If you attack any of the people you are friends with in the books without having done a find upon them, you will get find results, and if you still want to kill them you will need to attack them again on a different night.
Demonreach - When you stand upon Demonreach, you now everyone who is upon demonreach (alt name), and receive a +3 powerlevel bonus while you remain upon the island.

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#9 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 10:52 AM

And Independent Role PM's


You are Ferrovax. Power Level of 10

Victory Conditions:
You Posses Bob the Skull.
You have a Human Slave.
You have tasted the flesh of 3 different factions.

You are currently at McAnallys Pub

Night Actions:
Namer - If someone reveals on thread, or in a PM to you, you have full power over them. The first night you order them to a location (either where you are or where you are going). The Second night in a row you crush their resistance. The Third Night in a Row they become your slave, doing everything they can to please you.
Rending and Gnashing - You turn into a smaller than full size, but still quite strong, Dragon. You then proceed to destroy your target. Om Nom Nom Nom.
Track Bob - You find out where Bob the Skull's location was that Night.
Monkey Fear - Once every three nights, you may create a Lunar Eclipse, halving the next day.

Day Actions:
Mind to Mind - Once a day, for the entire day, you can have an off-thread communication with your target. Path-Shaper will create the communication Thread, and that is the only place you may communicate.

Special Conditions:
Snooze - Every day, you must snooze. You cannot move while snoozing, but are aware (notified) of people moving into and out of the location you are at.
Dragon - You are immune to fire, and cannot be recruited by these puny humans.


You are 'Mac' McAnally. Power Level of 6/3. (Six while you are in your pub, 3 while you are outside of it)

Victory Conditions:
You are alive at the end of the game.

You are currently at McAnallys Pub

Night Actions:
Bartender - You know the alt name and role PM of anyone moving into your pub.
Accorded Neutral Territory - Once every three nights, you may make it so that any actions into and out (and staying inside) your location are cancelled.

Special Conditions:
Fry Grease - A 1Time BP, if anyone attacks you, you throw fry grease in their eyes, blinding them and allowing you to escape. You will be sent to a random location, and can return to your Pub at the next movement phase.
Bob The Skull - You are currently in possesion of Bob The Skull. Bob is a Living Object with which you may communicate. As long as you possess him, he MUST follow your orders, if you give him any. P-S will create a thread for you two to talk in.


You are Donar Vadderung. Power Level of 7(8). (Seven normally, but 8 because of your eyepiece. See Special Conditions.

Victory Conditions:
You are alive at the end of the game.
The Dragon does not get Bob the Skull.
Dresden is alive at the end of the game.

You are currently at McAnallys Pub

Night Actions:
Force Of Gaze - You can stare at someone so hard they are pinned to the ground, unable to move that night.
Call of the Valkyrie - You can call a supernatural hit squad to attack your target (they do not have to be at the same location as you).
Some Things You Have To Do Yourself - You attack someone (they do have to be at the same location as you)
Knowledge of the Ancients - Role Name and Powerlevel Find.

Day Actions:
Legend of the Frost Giants - You summon Spirits from Valhalla and tell the story of your wars with the frost giants. This skips night for everyone in the game. It may only be used ONCE.

Special Conditions:
Old God - You cannot be recruited by Humans.
Eyepatch of the Blackest Night - Lets you see one second into the future, increasing your powerlevel by 1.


You are Ebenezer "Blackstaff" McCoy. Power Level of 6(7). (You get +1 powerlevel for holding the Blackstaff)

Victory Conditions:
You are alive at the end of the game.
The Dragon does not get Bob the Skull.
Dresden is alive at the end of the game.

You are currently at Undertown

Night Actions:
Redneck Guesstimation - You get the first half of your target's Role Name.
Roll Up your Sleeves - You attack your target, seeking to kick their ass up between their ears (disable for one day and one night, but not kill)
Find That Damned Air Elemental - Know the location of Bob The Skull

Day Actions:
Summon Wardens - You may summon a large force of Wardens, causing everyone to hide inside, and making day only half as long. This may be done only ONCE.

Special Conditions:
Blackstaff - (Item)(Night Action) You have the Blackstaff. You must target three people, if their power level is lower than yours, they die. If it is higher, they are unable to do any actions that night. If 2 or more of their powerlevels are equal or higher than yours, you take a permanent -1 to your powerlevel.


You are Bob The Skull. Power Level of 3.

Victory Conditions:
You are alive at the end of the game.
The Dragon does not get Bob the Skull.

You are currently held by McAnally, at McAnally's Pub

Night Actions:
Find - You do a find, getting Role Name and Power Level.
Location Find - You find all the alts in a particular location.
Knowledge - Your Knowledge of, well... everything... helps your holder escape damage. Their defensive powerlevel is +1.
Know who seeks - If someone uses magic to find you, you are informed of the Role Name of the person who did it.

Day Actions:
24 Hours - You bargain with your holder to leave for 24 hours. If successful you get the entire Role PM's (minus teammate names) of 2 targets, but cannot do anything for a night and day afterwords) Your Holder must Agree to this.

Special Conditions:
Item/Skull - You can be passed around like an item, and anyone holding your skull can crush it, dooming you to servitude among the winter fae (death). Don't piss them off too much. The Skulls owner may order you to do Night Actions. You must do those night actions if so ordered. If you are ordered to do 3 in a row, the third time you can demand a 24 hour action, instead of doing the ordered night action.

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Posted 07 August 2012 - 11:31 AM

Wow. Quite awesome. Loads of work there. I do have a load of questions, but they're perhaps more based on seeing everything and not having thought about it much. The Blackstaff item looks insanely overpowered, is my first thought. But then, there's quite a bit of immunity around.

One thing: the summer and winter courts... the other side must not have had a chance at victory. That's rather vague, isn;t it?
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Posted 07 August 2012 - 12:02 PM

You are right, it was, because I hadn't attached a CD to it. I altered it so it cannot be used for 3 nights after it is used. That should balance it.

And yes, it is rather vague. It pretty much means they need to eliminate each other, but Mab pretty much cant die and if Dresden is gone Winter does not have the power to take out Summer.
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Posted 07 August 2012 - 12:20 PM

Requirements for actions to go through.

Find = Finder needs at least 3/4 the powerlevel of the findee.
Guard/Heal/Stun = Attacker needs at least the same powerlevel of the attacked.
Kill = Killer needs Target+2 Powerlevel. (Same with kidnapping)

Orders/Movement go here.

Day 1
Denarians -
D'rek/Atrahal =
The_Dude/Kaschan =
Roldom/Tennes = Move to St Mary of the Angels.
Open = Magog 4(4) Coin held by Nicodemus
Open = Lasciel (4+)(4+) Coin held by Nicodemus

Gust Hubb/Sheltatha Lore =
JLV/Ruse =
DIBS/Tellan =
EmperorMagus/Thyrllan =
Azathmaster/Tulas Shorn =

Starling/Rashan =
Mentalist/Liosan =

Summer Court
KL/D'riss =
Mott/Ampelas =
Sixty/Eloth =

Winter Court
Bliss/Osseric = Move to Undertown
Tattersail/Telas = Move to Gold Coast
Vengeance/Silanah = Move to Gold Coast

Silencer/Kalse -
Blend/Fener -
Brujah/Anomandaris - Move to St Mary of the Angels
HD/Emurlahn - Move to McAnallys
Ansible/Anthras -

Night 1
Denarians -
D'rek/Atrahal = Find Emurlahn
The_Dude/Kaschan = Follow Rashan
Roldom/Tennes =
Open = Magog 4(4) Coin held by Nicodemus
Open = Lasciel (4+)(4+) Coin held by Nicodemus

Gust Hubb/Sheltatha Lore = Team 1 Study Fener, Team 2 Study Silanah
JLV/Ruse = If Shelly Lynched, Kill Fener(Teamwork). If Not, Study Anomandaris
DIBS/Tellan = If Shelly Lynched, Kill Fener(Teamwork). If Not, Study Liosan
EmperorMagus/Thyrllan = Kidnap Ruse
Azathmaster/Tulas Shorn = Study Liosan

Starling/Rashan = Find Ampelas
Mentalist/Liosan =

Summer Court
KL/D'riss = Kerosine Telas
Mott/Ampelas = Entangle Atrahal
Sixty/Eloth = Fairy Find Liosan

Winter Court
Bliss/Osseric = Freezing Cold, Move to Pub (Day2)
Tattersail/Telas = Fairy Godmother Liosan to target Sheltatha Lore, Move to Undertown (Day2)
Vengeance/Silanah = Attack Liosan with Ice, Defend with Fire. Move to Demonreach(Day 2)

Silencer/Kalse - Track Bob
Blend/Fener - Bartender
Brujah/Anomandaris -
HD/Emurlahn - Find The Skull
Ansible/Anthras - Find Liosan

Day 2

Night 2
Denarians -
D'rek/Atrahal = Move to McAnallys Pub -> Give Lasciel Coin to Emurlahn
The_Dude/Kaschan = Follow Silanah
Roldom/Tennes = move to mcanallys pub, Strangle Osseric
Open = Magog 4(4) Coin held by Nicodemus
Open = Lasciel (4+)(4+) Coin held by Nicodemus

JLV/Ruse = kill fener with teamwork
DIBS/Tellan = kill fener with teamwork
Azathmaster/Tulas Shorn = Study on Atrahal

Starling/Rashan = Find Silanah.
Mentalist/Liosan =

Summer Court
KL/D'riss = Kerosene- Emur
Mott/Ampelas = Entangle Silanah
Sixty/Eloth = Fairy Find - Silanah

Winter Court
Bliss/Osseric = Move to Lincoln Park for night. Freeze Lincoln Park as night action.
Tattersail/Telas = Fairy Godmother - Atrahal, Target - Anomandaris
Vengeance/Silanah = Find Bob

Blend/Fener - Bartender
Brujah/Anomandaris - knowledge of the ancients - Anthras
HD/Emurlahn - Provisional Redneck guesstimation on Rashan (Move to Demonreach at night)
Ansible/Anthras - Find Atrahal

Natural List for copy/pasting purposes with 'forever' provisionals
Denarians -
D'rek/Atrahal =
The_Dude/Kaschan =
Roldom/Tennes =
Open = Magog 4(4) Coin held by Nicodemus
Open = Lasciel (4+)(4+) Coin held by Nicodemus

JLV/Ruse = Study Anomandaris
DIBS/Tellan =
Azathmaster/Tulas Shorn =

Starling/Rashan =
Mentalist/Liosan =

Summer Court
KL/D'riss =
Mott/Ampelas =
Sixty/Eloth =

Winter Court
Bliss/Osseric =
Tattersail/Telas =
Vengeance/Silanah =

Blend/Fener -
Brujah/Anomandaris -
HD/Emurlahn - Find The Skull
Ansible/Anthras -

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 11 August 2012 - 02:23 PM

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Posted 08 August 2012 - 09:18 AM

One question: because of the way Teams always stay in Undertown, as long as Broc stays there, he will essentially have 4 people taking the bullet for him?

Another: locations only affect abilities, right? There's no 'person X is at this location, you are at a different one, therefore your action doesn't work?'
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Posted 08 August 2012 - 09:23 AM

If the Teams are out on Missions overnight, and Broc gets attacked at Night, there is no one there to take the bullet for him.

Finds are not location-specific. Unless otherwise noted, stuff like Kills are. However the Teams are different, all their missions take them away from the base.

Other than that, locations only matter for specific people (Dresden and McAnally, for instance)
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Posted 08 August 2012 - 09:36 AM

Okidoki. I think that the winner's going to be either WC or the Denarians, with at the least 2 independents getting their victory. That would make for a very interesting game, really. '
The one thing I'm unsure about is how much thread-interaction you're going to get, as there's quite the chance for a stroke of bad luck (Harry-lynch) for quite a few players.
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Posted 08 August 2012 - 09:42 AM

Aye. I'm hoping the guys with day and night shortening abilities use them earlier just to freak people out. :cry:
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Posted 09 August 2012 - 03:40 PM

Why did the lynch fail?
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Posted 09 August 2012 - 03:58 PM

I thought I put it in the rules in here, but to lynch you need either 1/3rd the remaining players + your power level to vote for your lynch, or every player not currently on your team, whichever is lower.
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Posted 09 August 2012 - 05:22 PM

The only off-thread comm that really shocked me, this is from Anthras


Also from the OP:

"Now Winter Knight, Harry has spent this year rooting out and destroying Mabs enemies inside the white court."

So it looks like Harry is helping out the White Court (led by the White Council, which Blackstaff McCoy is a member of), and to me this means that both of those factions are opposed to the Summer Court, which is led by Mab.

OK, phew. I think that's everything we know for now.


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Posted 10 August 2012 - 05:55 AM

I also just sent a PM to Silencer/Kalse(Both accounts). It has been over 48 hours since he posted on thread, and if he does not do so within the next 6 hours I will have to modkill him.
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