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Mafia 87.5: The Numbers Game When Transcendentals Attack!

#561 User is offline   Anomandaris 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 07:27 PM

5 hours left, it's a weekday, and still not much activity. We really don't have a very good self preservation thing going do we guys?

Telas, if it comes down to the wire and you are our only lynch, I will have to hammer you. Hopefully people will then be able to move on. I'm still counting on people thinking through all this and coming up with a better lynch, but if we fail at that, it's almost too late anyways.

I'm going to take a look at D'riss now, see if there is anything there. I still stand by my vote on Korbas, and I think we need two votes there. Fingers crossed.'

Any thoughts from the peanut gallery. A lot of you keep calling me innocent (Thyr said he would lynch me on gut instinct but thinks I'm inno) so what of it people? If I am inno, will you at least look at my cases? Hmmm?

#562 User is offline   Anomandaris 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 08:40 PM

On day 1, D'riss enjoys playing right along side Shelly. D'riss takes up the gentry style RPing and chooses to follow TS out of Shelly's numerous suspects. D'riss basically takes the sniping approach, taking little bites out of TS over the course of the day in the same mocking manner as Shelly. However he doesn't lay down a vote until here:

View PostD, on 22 May 2012 - 11:50 PM, said:

If the tantrum were warrented, I would respect Tulas more.

However, the mere fact that he has failed to understand why he has been deemed suspicious shows the same lack of care to be found in his first suspiciously crafted post.

To be clear:

1) Shelly posted numerous nonsensical whimsies.

2) Tulas picked out one of them and treated it as if it were serious and slapdashedly fixed a vote on the supposed "suspect".

3) Subsequently, rather than defend himself, Tulas flings himself bodily into a fit of madness over the single comment of a single player by whom a vote had been cast onto Tulas.

4) With an odd first post and then with a willful tantrum, calculated to ignore the real issue of the suspicion placed on himself, Tulas seeks to distract and dismay those who have voted for him.

5) Thus

Vote Tulas Shorn

You sir, are scum.

Which is his "case." By now, however, TS already has several votes piled upon him, so not only is it a weak case, but it is kind of moot at this point in that day.

View PostD, on 23 May 2012 - 01:24 AM, said:

I am quite happy with my vote. Throwing insults is one thing, but Tulas also fails to address any of the points I (or anyone else) made. Rather (and I shall use current nomenclature in order to be crystal), his rebuttals amount to "NO YOU", rather than anything amounting to a productive defense.

Temper-tantrum continues to be D'riss' case against TS and even when Shelly says this is going to probably be an inno lynch, D'riss sticks to his convictions as is seen on day two.

View PostD, on 23 May 2012 - 01:26 AM, said:

View PostSheltatha Lore, on 23 May 2012 - 01:20 AM, said:

Fingers crossed on Tulas, but I'm thinking that this is going to be an inno lynch. You'll normally find killers early on (day 1, 2) hiding in the middle order - so Karosis, Rashan, D'riss, Fener, Thyrllan - these are the people I'd look at right now.

Tulas appears like he's in this same category but actually isn't - if he hadn't roused himself to defend from votes he'd be among the lowest posters.

This is the first post bordering on rational from you Shelly. Are you perhaps running a fever?

I do note, however, that your theory conveniently elminates yourself as a possibility...

View PostD, on 23 May 2012 - 03:16 AM, said:

He can "bag of dicks" me in SH all he wants, I still think TS was a good day 1 lynch as far as day 1 lynches go. The result isn't good, but nor is it atypical.

Night is only 1 hour, so I'll stick around for resolution.

Day 2. The typical weak case of Day 1 has come and gone, TS and Shelly are dead. So D'riss starts a new case:

View PostD, on 23 May 2012 - 12:00 PM, said:

View PostRashan, on 22 May 2012 - 07:10 PM, said:

View PostKorbas, on 22 May 2012 - 07:02 PM, said:

Oh no! Everyone who votes for Shelly just fell into his latest trap...... just kidding. Until I hear more from Tulas I'm leaning toward sticking with him, but if he can convince me of his innocence, then I may also hop aboard the SL express.

I agree, Tulas still needs looking at. I may change that way depending on what he has to say. At the moment I can see lazy townie that just grasped at a reason for a Day 1 vote. I'll be pleasantly surprised if he CFs scum. I think we may still be looking for a low poster that is trying to skate by, but I think its entirely possible that a killer could be trying to hide in plain site like Shelly is. All of our recent talk about avoiding voting for annoying posters could easily work in someone's favor.

Rashan spent most of his posts commenting/moaning about Shelly. He started the train on Shelly. He's cool with the Tulas lynch though... Both people are now dead. With both now dead, somehow I feel this quote above is a "I'm soon to be cleared of all wifom now" type of post. I'm finding that I can't put this properly into words (maybe I have to go back into my Day 1 character...), but this post rubbed me the wrong way.

I also disagree with the lazy townie thing - since Tulas was town I think it was clear that he was voting with some sort of conviction. It just suffered from being a single drive-by post. Hell, I thought it was suspicious but had enough to vote it by conviction and not just to add to a train.

This post by me barely counts as a "case" on Rashan, but Malazan mafia boasts players who leave very little to make cases these days when scum.

So I'm gonna shake the Rashan tree to see if the fishy smell gets stronger.

Vote Rashan

Even he admits the above is a weak case. It is the first vote on Rashan and heralds the Rashan/Telas/Amp pissing match of Day 2. D'riss still piles fuel onto his case though, now expounding upon the act of distancing that Rashan seems to make in the above quoted response to Korbas.

Again, someone links their thoughts to mine, D'riss trying to gain validity through saying, "Look Ano is making a similar style case too! Therefore, since Ano seems inno and his case sturdy, so to must my case be sturdy."

View PostD, on 23 May 2012 - 12:09 PM, said:

I think what I just posted isn't clear. I blame being half-asleep.

What I'm getting at, is Rashan seems to have distanced himself from any connection to Day 1 because the only people he has talked about are dead. That may sound like wifom, but since looking at "distancing" is legitimate analysis I feel this is worth pointing out. It's the perfect distancing.

Both Ano and I are talking distancing, but from a different perspective.

Yet D'riss starts to change his tune and weirdness creeps in, as seen in the below quote:

View PostD, on 23 May 2012 - 09:50 PM, said:

D'riss has returned to much fanfare! (/roleplay)

Rashan has become very proactive and helpful. It's too bad there isn't any way to know if this is due to me plopping a vote on him, or he would have done this on Day 2 anyways. My suspicion is the former - it's out of character compared to his Day 1 play since he didn't really do anything on his own on Day 1 (good when you want to avoid the random day 1 lynch over some small perceived error). Now all of a sudden he feels pressure to contribute or face people looking at him.

As for things being said about others

Fener - I think he needs to post more. I don't get much from him except "indignancy" about this and that.

Amp - The case is ok, but a bit of a stretch. As Telas points out, it can be interpreted either way.

Galain - Other than the "setting up lynches" thing at the end of Day 1, (which happen to be the 2 dead people - spooky) I'm not seeing much. Although the pre-emptive explanation at the top of this page made a slight wave on my scumdar. Answering accusations before they happen is a little suspicious.

Rashan actually doesn't seem to give much credence to D'riss' case or vote. Rashan does respond, but we don't see Rashan get defensive and angry until Telas puts down the vote after he and Amp beat up on Rashan. D'riss also thinks that Rashan's boost in activity on Day 2 is a sign of scum trying to scrabble back into the shadows of anonymity and helpfulness.

Ok, but this makes even less sense with the following three posts:

View PostD, on 24 May 2012 - 04:26 AM, said:

I am not one to act like a bulldog and push a vote just because I have some heartfelt attachment to it. For the moment, my doubts have been stirred over the possible guilt of Rashan, and my suspicions have spiked a bit over this Telas/Amp possibility.

Remove vote

View PostD, on 24 May 2012 - 12:49 PM, said:

That was a well put-forth post, Amp. And Rashan's response does have some nice irony to it.
Will consider re--adding my vote.

View PostD, on 24 May 2012 - 09:53 PM, said:

Holy no time batman!

Well, I think SOMEONE in that Korbas/Rashan/Amp/Telas speculation is scum, but can we choo choo a train in, like, 10 minutes? I've sorta lost my conviction to vote Rashan, so

Vote Korbas

Wait, what? Korbas? What happened to Rashan? You put for a case and vote on someone you didn't really believe was all that scummy? You never back up your case with more solid evidence and then you carelessly discard the case later and land on another suspect at random? I dunno, but people talk about the scummiest post of the game, and if we go traditionalist, this is the scummiest post imho.

#563 User is offline   Anomandaris 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 08:40 PM

View PostD, on 24 May 2012 - 09:54 PM, said:

cross post

But speed lynching someone is mafia tradition! (I'm being facetious)

But no lynch is TERRIBLE, because we're left with the same day again the next day.

Then why did you remove the vote on one of the most viable lynch trains of day 2?

View PostD, on 24 May 2012 - 09:57 PM, said:

4 anons on.

Galain has my vote tomorrow for popping on late and not bothering to help town get a lynch. If I'm still alive that is.

Wait Galain now?

View PostD, on 24 May 2012 - 09:58 PM, said:

Remove Vote

Vote Rashan

Though I have small hope of it succeeding

And back to Rashan....

View PostD, on 24 May 2012 - 10:35 PM, said:

Vote Galain

What the hell are you talking about?

no remove vote and then back to Galain. Getting sea-sick, feeling like I'm watching a tennis match...

View PostD, on 24 May 2012 - 11:49 PM, said:

View PostD, on 24 May 2012 - 09:57 PM, said:

4 anons on.

Galain has my vote tomorrow for popping on late and not bothering to help town get a lynch. If I'm still alive that is.

This why I'm voting Galain.

But wait, a Rashan vote was mixed in there...

View PostD, on 24 May 2012 - 11:51 PM, said:

View PostGalain, on 24 May 2012 - 10:24 PM, said:


I do not know what to say.

Except fuck, another townie down. Although i guess it was weird i hoped the scum would nightkill scum. That made little sense.

And this is why I asked what he was talking about. I mean, how in the world would a scum kill their partner?

So confused...

View PostD, on 25 May 2012 - 01:30 AM, said:

Remove Vote

You're right Galain, it isn't much of a reason to vote you. I was pretty pissed off when I came on to see the Day 2 stalemate (and how little had actually happened since my last previous post).

For reals today, I'm read to test the Amp - Telas connection, for no other reason that it probably affords us the most information at this ponit. Except for one fact niggling the back of my brain. Why was Rashan hard to lynch? Thing is, scum actually want lynches of townies to happen too, because it allows them to whittle down the field and potentially win faster. Only THREE people were willing to actually lay a vote down on Rashan. If he was innocent, I can't help but feel that scum would have been more than happy to lay their votes down on him to deadify him.

So the explanation for his Day2-3 vote switch frenzy was frustration at the Day 2 stalemate? And I see here you haven't let go of Rashan, not that you seemed that convinced of his scumminess throughout Day 2... And now it's Amp-Telas... I feel like I'm watching Shelly in slo-motion...

View PostD, on 25 May 2012 - 03:57 AM, said:

Or Theory 3, Rashan is wifoming up the thread. :)

I'm leaning Amp or Rashan again. Haven't really gotten a scum vibe (or really seen any behavior) to believe Ano is a killer.

Speak for yourself dude in the WIFOM arena.

Also when did you stop leaning for Amp or Rashan? Your previous post indicated suspected both of them, no mention Telas as well...

View PostD, on 25 May 2012 - 09:48 AM, said:

That being said, Galain was unwilling to lynch Rashan. To me, that is a possible nugget of information. Now, if he comes up scum, Galain is a simple next choice. If he doesn't, well, at least we have managed to get rid of a big question mark.

Vote Rashan

And Rashan vote, again.

View PostD, on 25 May 2012 - 12:54 PM, said:

View PostAnomandaris, on 25 May 2012 - 11:22 AM, said:

I would like to seem some higher level analysis than I've been seeing, especially in terms of trying to get inside the killers' heads. And I still think Korbas and Amp are the best two candidates for that.

I don't get your last sentence here. You think Korbas and Amp are best candidates for what? Killers? Or getting inside the killers heads?

So your conclusion about Rashan is he's a moron townie? TBH, that's the vibe I got halfway through Day 2 which is why I removed my vote at that point.

If you are agreeing with me, why are you still pushing the vote on Rashan throughout Day 3? And why would I care about candidacy for people who exemplify getting inside the killers heads (I'm not sure if me trying to respond to that makes any more sense when you asked the red highlighted question)

View PostD, on 25 May 2012 - 01:02 PM, said:

I'm cool with considering anyone at the moment, including Anomander. The nature of the beast that is Malazan Mafia is that the players here are GOOD. Scum play isn't gonna come out and hit you in the face.

Wait, what? Anyone up for grabs now? Do you realize we can't just vote at random, we don't have that many days to D-day?

View PostD, on 26 May 2012 - 12:18 AM, said:

View PostTelas, on 25 May 2012 - 07:12 PM, said:

For the sake of stirring things up a bit, I will move my vote to Ampelas. If we lynch him and he CFs inno, though, I'm going to be crusading hard for a Rashan lynch tomorrow, as I still think he's a shifty bugger!

remove vote
vote Ampelas

This, for me, is hands down the scummiest post in the game so far.

First of all, the vote is totally out of character. After some first day annoyance over Shelly, Telas has been Rashan this and Rashan that. There has been no hint that Telas is a player who votes simply to "stir things up". The appearance is as if he hasn't really given a thought to Amp. Yet he votes him anyways over something as flimsy as "stirring things up". Not only failing to really justify the vote, the main thrust of the post is still at Rashan. From an inno point of view, this post doesn't make any sense to me.

So does this post make sense in the context of Telas as scum? Well, the case leveled at Telas contains a connection between Telas and Amp. If Telas is scum, and Amp is NOT, this post and vote change smacks of an opportunistic move by Telas. If Telas is scum, and Amp is not his partner, Telas of course knows Amp is inno. He's been waiting for an excuse to vote Ampelas, because if Amp is lynched and turns up inno, that erases the connection to himself and effectively takes a source suspicion away from Telas. It also gives the illusion that Telas is innocent and can vote for anyone because "of course" he doesn't have a partner.

The post, other than the vote, is primarily a dig at Rashan. "Crusading hard" for Rashan the next day reads to me like a more subtle "setting up the next day's lynch" than what Galain did on day 1. See, once the Amp/Telas connection is dead, that should make it easier to push a Rashan lynch. Day 4.... getting down to the wire.

Remove vote

Vote Telas

Oh the irony, scummy calling someone else scummy. Also, haven't you been crusading for Rashan this whole time while accusing everyone else and their mother?

View PostD, on 26 May 2012 - 11:49 PM, said:

There's a big problem with your rebuttal of my case Anomander. If you think my argument was "being erratic means he's scum", you have missed the point.

Not only that, there are several fallacious assertions in your rebuttal based on this "erratic=scum" strawman you have built.


Are you seriously eliminating from suspicion anyone who does more than push obvious looking lynches? So we should reasonably expect scum to never express opposing opinions, break away from the crowd and always play "smoothly"? It is never that simple.


The weekend is the PERFECT time to be erratic. People are gone from the thread, there isn't conversation going on, so contextual evidence is at a minimum. The easiest thing in the world would be to dismiss this as trying to liven up a dead weekend.


By your logic you and I must be innocent, since we're going out on a limb and attacking anyone not Rashan. Good, glad to know you and I are PI now.

You my friend are far from consistent. Telas, who has been called erratic by others, makes a whole helluva lot more sense in his thought processes. Good lord.

View PostD, on 27 May 2012 - 02:00 AM, said:

Amp just said basically what I said earlier, in different words.

Funny, said the same thing about you, I and our "distancing" cases earlier in the game...

View PostD, on 27 May 2012 - 03:02 AM, said:

Crosspost with the last Anomandaris.

Yeah, I see what you're saying about Amp, and I agree that this is a fairly common way for scum to play.

I'm not against an Amp lynch if that's the way people want to go. Because at this point, inno or scum, an Amp lynch would offer a fair amount of information. (As would a Telas lynch, mind).

Agreeable with anything again (see my comment to Telas about traditionally scummy comments...)

The rest of the quotes I looked at are chatty weekend stuff. Removing his vote because we still have plenty of time and we shouldn't leave Telas at L-1. Anger at our absentee players Thyr and Fener. Stating he is "leaning" towards Telas but not convicted enough to do anything till after the weekend ends...

This is the last quote of value I have on D'riss:


That's some brilliant stuff. Mafia related musing, but of course game related immediacy as well.

You forgot one scum move on your list though Ano. "Scum make lists." :)

Through all this, I can't help but get an idea that there is an Ano/Telas connection, or an Ampelas/Korbas connection, which makes me inclinded to lynch one person from one of the pairs and if that doesn't work, lynch one from the other pair.

Where'd Rashan disappear to, anyways? Once things moved away from him he shut up...

Actually the first think I mentioned was scum make lists (before I even made the more official looking list...)

As for the newest links, now Telas is linked with me not Amp, and much like I suggested, Amp is linked with Korbas. And he hasn't forgotten Rashan...

Ok, so conclusion: D'riss is by far one of the most erratic players we have. I'm surprised I didn't really pick up on him earlier, but like Korbas, he seems to drift to the back of one's mind unless one focuses their attention on him. If I was playing a game where I voted on people based on their game play, D'riss would have my vote in a heart beat.

He is a low content poster who makes a lot of spam posts, waffles between multiple suspects, doesn't make cases but instead attaches himself to other people's cases even going so far to say he is doing the same thing over here, and seems more distracting than helpful.

I'm not sure what to do with him yet. I have enough theory and though behind Korbas and strongly believe we will find one of our two Scum him in his lynch. I am inclined to continue ignoring D'riss, but as always with this type of player, it's hard to tell if this is townie playing badly, or scum acting like towny playing badly. It is a legitimate scum strategy to look like you are incompetent, but not to the degree that you draw attention, as Shelly did.

Mostly, reading D'riss just makes me angry, so I'll stop here for now.

#564 User is offline   Anomandaris 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 08:42 PM

Ok guys, this is getting ridiculous. I think I have passed the threshold of anyone having the time (or the energy) to read everything that I said. At best, someone will skim through my posts, but I feel like I'm playing the game with myself (it would be more fun to play with myself atm considering the lack of participation...)

3 hours, 20 minutes

L-1 on Telas iirc

L-2 on Korbas

take your pick.

#565 User is offline   Galain 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 09:11 PM

So, Anomandaris.

Why don't you hammer Telas? We're running out of time and this would be the second day in a row without lynches...

#566 User is offline   Anomandaris 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 09:23 PM

Because we still have time, and I would rather lynch Korbas. I am watching the clock very closely.

Why are you not switching over to Korbas?

#567 User is offline   Anomandaris 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 09:25 PM

Also, why are you asking me that? Haven't I made myself abundantly clear how I feel about our chances hitting scum in a Telas lynch? You seem to have time, why not read what I say?

#568 User is offline   Rashan 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 09:39 PM

How much time left? I am mobile and about to have dinner with friends. Does ANYONE feel like an Ano CF would be more beneficial?

#569 User is offline   Rashan 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 09:41 PM

If they are partners they will both cf the same. If Ano is scum and Telas is inno A would know it like he claims

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 09:42 PM

It is now Day 3. There are 2 hours and 15 minutes left in the day.

There are 9 players left: Ampelas, Anomandaris, D'riss, Fener, Galain, Korbas, Rashan, Telas, Thyrllan

5 votes required for a lynch, 5 to go to night.

4 votes Telas (Korbas, Thyrllan, Rashan, Galain)
3 votes Korbas (Anomandaris, Telas, Ampelas)

Players not voting: D'riss, Fener
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#571 User is offline   Anomandaris 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 09:48 PM

Rashan, since we are sitting around waiting for both our absentee players who haven't voted and other players who may change their votes, why are you so focused on me?

I mean, I know of several avenues by which someone could call me scum (hell I match my own profile in several ways), but I was curious what was driving your case.

I must confess I'm hoping to hear you sound less than convinced and encourage you to think again about suspects other than myself. But if that is not the case, I would at least like to answer your accusations. As I said, all we are doing is waiting at the moment, and I'm sure I've said too much already so as to inundate this game...

#572 User is offline   Ampelas 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 09:48 PM

we have just over 2 hours left. at this point in the day it is completely useless to bring up the idea of an Ano lynch, as it looks like we won't even get one on the suspects we have.

Galain, Ano's vote is based on a lot of discussion and deliberation. yours is based on not having enough time to make a proper decision. why in that situation would you expect him to change but not consider a change yourself?

#573 User is offline   D'riss 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 10:29 PM

View PostAnomandaris, on 28 May 2012 - 02:38 PM, said:

View PostRashan, on 28 May 2012 - 12:09 PM, said:

View PostD, on 28 May 2012 - 05:23 AM, said:

That's some brilliant stuff. Mafia related musing, but of course game related immediacy as well.

You forgot one scum move on your list though Ano. "Scum make lists." :)

Through all this, I can't help but get an idea that there is an Ano/Telas connection, or an Ampelas/Korbas connection, which makes me inclinded to lynch one person from one of the pairs and if that doesn't work, lynch one from the other pair.

Where'd Rashan disappear to, anyways? Once things moved away from him he shut up...

Has Ano even voted for Telas or vice versa? From what I've seen the two of them have worked to pull heat off of eachother.

Amp and Korbas seem happy to throw votes down on eachother but they never stay there.

I have never voted for Telas, though he has voted for me. You know, you bring this up, and now Telas is starting to rankle at me. First time he voted for my suspect, Amp, I was flattered. This second time he's trailed me like a puppy, I'm starting to wonder at his intentions. However, one must note that Telas is atm on the brink of being lynched, so maybe he's redirecting.

But my problem is this: if we lynch Telas, I am becoming entangled with his character and will probably be brought down should he come out scum. If he comes out inno, it may strengthen my position a little (people very rarely give out PIs), but I am still under scrutiny, as it should be I may add.

So let me think this out loud. We have 9 players left. We lynch today and wind up with 5 town and 2 scum WCS. One more mistake and town is at D-day (right?) with 3 town vs 2 scum.

Now if we succeed in nailing scum the numbers are 6 town to 1 scum. We lynch town that day and it is 3 town to 1 scum. D-day right? Cause if we miss, then it's 1 to 1 and scum wins.

So the timeline doesn't change anymore. We are locked into D-day in 2 days. However, let's say Telas is scum. We lynch today and then all the wrath of town comes down on me as the partner. Wasted day. And then comes D-day.

This would be very clever if scum figured this out. I dunno though, as I said, I really really really don't want to waste a vote on someone I'm not convinced is scum. Give me a sec to review Telas one last time.

Oh my...

So, Anomandaris, are you some sort of big power role or something? Oh wait, we're all RI's in this game, so that's not possible.

Why are you so worried about being lynched? No, let me rephrase that, WHY ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF TELAS BEING SCUM BECAUSE YOU THINK THAT MEANS WE WILL LYNCH YOU???
Seriously, this post reads like you're hoping we DONT catch scum, just to save your own ass. As an RI, I can't believe you would think like this. Sure, if you were trying to conceal the fact you're a finder or something, but you're RI.

#574 User is offline   D'riss 

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 10:36 PM

View PostTelas, on 28 May 2012 - 03:28 PM, said:

He follows that with a big spiel on just how scummy my vote change actually was, and what possible motivations I, as scum, could have for moving my vote to Ampelas, without, it seems, even considering what it could mean if I was inno. So he moves his vote to me for pulling a scummy move. That's a pretty safe vote change, as can be seen by the fact that within a page of thread, three more people piled onto the train.

Ano points out that my being erratic doesn't necessarily mean I am scum:

View PostAnomandaris, on 26 May 2012 - 07:19 PM, said:

People, town does not have roles. Other than wanting to eliminate the townies most dangerous in their arguing power and mental acumen, townies are townies. Pick one, get them lynched, NK and move on FTW. So when I see something like Telas switching votes to a non-existent train hoping to start one, I don't see scum being erratic. Scum are rarely erratic (why do you think day 1 lynches always come up town?).

So Telas switches and in come the votes: D'riss, Amp, Korbas, Thyr. All within less than 1 page's worth of text. Now since their aren't 4 scum, there are townies on this train. But I'll bet you my game alt's life that at least one of those (I think two of them) are scum. Why not? Telas was stupid. Telas was impulsive. That's lynchable criteria. Easy win for scum.

D'Riss's response to this is that Ano is missing the point, that it's not just cause I was playing erratically that he moved his vote… but fails to actually explain himself, all he does is criticize Ano's criticism of his vote, without ever actually further explaining how his vote on me wasn't for my 'erratic play'

I'm going to go back and quote my original post in a moment to show what I'm about to say, but seriously, did you READ my post where I voted you?

First: I considered your vote change as if you were inno, and declared it to be "out of character". After that, I looked at if from the view of if you were scum or not.

Second: I didn't explain myself in the response to Anomandaris because it should have been clear from my original post what I was talking about. I told Anomandaris he had a reading fail, but didn't bother to re-write what I had already written. Wow, how odd. :)

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 10:36 PM

Really? Is that all you saw from my numerous posts, that I was scared to be lynched?

On the contrary, I have been saying things that are exceptionally self-recriminating and pointing this out time and time again. My concern is with D-day, and if we lynch an inno today, that is one less shot at scum, with only two more lynches at best to get it right.

As for importance, my only importance is in the sense that I contribute, which is better than could be said of you. If the thread wishes to flip and lynch me, I will be chagrinned and look forward to telling you so in SH. But scared? Ha! I've had votes riding on me since day 2. Have you? Should they have been on you?

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 10:38 PM

Keep reading D'riss, you'll get to the kicker eventually.

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 10:40 PM

It is now Day 3. There is 1 hour and 15 minutes left in the day.

There are 9 players left: Ampelas, Anomandaris, D'riss, Fener, Galain, Korbas, Rashan, Telas, Thyrllan

5 votes required for a lynch, 5 to go to night.

4 votes Telas (Korbas, Thyrllan, Rashan, Galain)
3 votes Korbas (Anomandaris, Telas, Ampelas)

Players not voting: D'riss, Fener
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 10:43 PM

View PostD, on 26 May 2012 - 12:18 AM, said:

View PostTelas, on 25 May 2012 - 07:12 PM, said:

For the sake of stirring things up a bit, I will move my vote to Ampelas. If we lynch him and he CFs inno, though, I'm going to be crusading hard for a Rashan lynch tomorrow, as I still think he's a shifty bugger!

remove vote
vote Ampelas

This, for me, is hands down the scummiest post in the game so far.

First of all, the vote is totally out of character. After some first day annoyance over Shelly, Telas has been Rashan this and Rashan that. There has been no hint that Telas is a player who votes simply to "stir things up". The appearance is as if he hasn't really given a thought to Amp. Yet he votes him anyways over something as flimsy as "stirring things up". Not only failing to really justify the vote, the main thrust of the post is still at Rashan. From an inno point of view, this post doesn't make any sense to me.

So does this post make sense in the context of Telas as scum? Well, the case leveled at Telas contains a connection between Telas and Amp. If Telas is scum, and Amp is NOT, this post and vote change smacks of an opportunistic move by Telas. If Telas is scum, and Amp is not his partner, Telas of course knows Amp is inno. He's been waiting for an excuse to vote Ampelas, because if Amp is lynched and turns up inno, that erases the connection to himself and effectively takes a source suspicion away from Telas. It also gives the illusion that Telas is innocent and can vote for anyone because "of course" he doesn't have a partner.

The post, other than the vote, is primarily a dig at Rashan. "Crusading hard" for Rashan the next day reads to me like a more subtle "setting up the next day's lynch" than what Galain did on day 1. See, once the Amp/Telas connection is dead, that should make it easier to push a Rashan lynch. Day 4.... getting down to the wire.

Remove vote

Vote Telas

The red is where I consider Telas' vote as if inno.

Notice, at no point do I suggest that "erratic/jumpy/random behavior" is the reason I voted for Telas.

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 10:48 PM

Don't forget to review the notes I made of the entirety of Telas' posts. You'll see that as a whole, Telas is not even as irrational as you make him out to be in this one instance. Just saying.

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 10:51 PM


Anomandaris, you realize when you pick out the entirety of someone's posts out of context it tells the audience almost nothing, except for however you are choosing to interpret things. It isn't nearly as helpful as you seem to think.

And in the midst of everything, you bring up the erratic thing again (calling me erratic). That would be a fine pointing out of irony IF THAT IS WHAT I WAS ACCUSING TELAS OF!!!

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