Mafia 87.5: The Numbers Game When Transcendentals Attack!
Posted 24 May 2012 - 02:57 AM
Telas, on 24 May 2012 - 02:20 AM, said:
Fener, on 24 May 2012 - 01:34 AM, said:
TS was lynched with ten hours left. It seemed odd to say that we couldn't lynch someone who was two short when there were over ten hours left in the day.
Thought it was pretty clear that I wouldn't be able to play for the rest of the night. I didn't want to take the chance of a no lynch day, and it seemed pretty obvious that Tulas Shorn was the more popular possible lynch of the two. At any rate, if I were a killer I certainly wouldn't have NK Sheltatha on night 1, she was getting enough negative attention as it was, there was a good chance that she would have gotten lynched on day 2. Guess we shall see.
At any rate, I probably won't be on for the rest of the night. Not sure if I'll be able to get on before end of MAFIA day, though I should be able to. But just in case, I am going to
vote Rashan
For reasons stated above, by myself and by D'Riss. Hopefully there'll be lots of interesting stuff to read tomorrow!
You're reasoning being? I voted Sheltatha whom you and D'riss BOTH agreed that many of us wanted to see go down and then I switched vote to hammer at the end? SO? It was a done deal. If I didn't vote someone else would have. I even admitted when I voted that I didn't know how many votes were out there etc. as I was ready for bed.
You've been dancing around the idea of accusing me for a while, but now that Ampelas has a second vote on him you decide to throw your vote down. I'm thinking you're starting to worry that your partner is in danger.
Posted 24 May 2012 - 03:18 AM
Rashan, on 24 May 2012 - 02:57 AM, said:
Telas, on 24 May 2012 - 02:20 AM, said:
Fener, on 24 May 2012 - 01:34 AM, said:
TS was lynched with ten hours left. It seemed odd to say that we couldn't lynch someone who was two short when there were over ten hours left in the day.
Thought it was pretty clear that I wouldn't be able to play for the rest of the night. I didn't want to take the chance of a no lynch day, and it seemed pretty obvious that Tulas Shorn was the more popular possible lynch of the two. At any rate, if I were a killer I certainly wouldn't have NK Sheltatha on night 1, she was getting enough negative attention as it was, there was a good chance that she would have gotten lynched on day 2. Guess we shall see.
At any rate, I probably won't be on for the rest of the night. Not sure if I'll be able to get on before end of MAFIA day, though I should be able to. But just in case, I am going to
vote Rashan
For reasons stated above, by myself and by D'Riss. Hopefully there'll be lots of interesting stuff to read tomorrow!
You're reasoning being? I voted Sheltatha whom you and D'riss BOTH agreed that many of us wanted to see go down and then I switched vote to hammer at the end? SO? It was a done deal. If I didn't vote someone else would have. I even admitted when I voted that I didn't know how many votes were out there etc. as I was ready for bed.
You've been dancing around the idea of accusing me for a while, but now that Ampelas has a second vote on him you decide to throw your vote down. I'm thinking you're starting to worry that your partner is in danger.
Trying to throw two others under the bus to save yourself?
Dunno, going to bed. I'll be back in the morn to see what's gone down.
Posted 24 May 2012 - 03:39 AM
Korbas, on 24 May 2012 - 03:17 AM, said:
I watched 2 hours worth of Mork and Mindy tonight. Anyhow I am going to bed.
This may sound like a doomsday speech and its obviously premature, but I always get lynched while I'm sleeping. I suspect both killers won't be on my lynch train if there is one. So my guess is that one is scum and the others that follow are the rest of the herd (Right now looking at Korbas, Telas and D'riss). I always look guilty so I shouldn't be surprised. My instinct still lies with Ampelas and that Telas is trying to help redirect for his partner. So if you lynch me, I would seriously look at those two. Any townies that join this will feel like the leming fools (See ST, in deference to you Sir I have refrained from questioning their lineage or calling them by derogatory names) that they are for following on it.
It could have just as likely been any of YOU as none of YOU liked Shelly and ALL of you found Tulas suspicious.
EDIT IN BOLD UNDERLINE - Thyr has quoted what I changed. I'm all spun out wild and confused the name of the alt i was wearing with one of the ones i'm annoyed with. To any of you that think that this is a freudian admission of my guilt, kiss my arse.
This post has been edited by Rashan: 24 May 2012 - 04:07 AM
Posted 24 May 2012 - 03:45 AM
Rashan, on 24 May 2012 - 03:39 AM, said:
Korbas, on 24 May 2012 - 03:17 AM, said:
I watched 2 hours worth of Mork and Mindy tonight. Anyhow I am going to bed.
This may sound like a doomsday speech and its obviously premature, but I always get lynched while I'm sleeping. I suspect both killers won't be on my lynch train if there is one. So my guess is that one is scum and the others that follow are the rest of the herd (Right now looking at Korbas, Rashan and D'riss). I always look guilty so I shouldn't be surprised. My instinct still lies with Ampelas and that Telas is trying to help redirect for his partner. So if you lynch me, I would seriously look at those two. Any townies that join this will feel like the leming fools (See ST, in deference to you Sir I have refrained from questioning their lineage or calling them by derogatory names) that they are for following on it.
It could have just as likely been any of YOU as none of YOU liked Shelly and ALL of you found Tulas suspicious.
wait a minute, rashans three scum suspects are korbas RASHAN and driss ( of those on his train)
did I read that correctly?
Posted 24 May 2012 - 03:59 AM
Thyrllan, on 24 May 2012 - 03:45 AM, said:
Rashan, on 24 May 2012 - 03:39 AM, said:
Korbas, on 24 May 2012 - 03:17 AM, said:
I watched 2 hours worth of Mork and Mindy tonight. Anyhow I am going to bed.
This may sound like a doomsday speech and its obviously premature, but I always get lynched while I'm sleeping. I suspect both killers won't be on my lynch train if there is one. So my guess is that one is scum and the others that follow are the rest of the herd (Right now looking at Korbas, Rashan and D'riss). I always look guilty so I shouldn't be surprised. My instinct still lies with Ampelas and that Telas is trying to help redirect for his partner. So if you lynch me, I would seriously look at those two. Any townies that join this will feel like the leming fools (See ST, in deference to you Sir I have refrained from questioning their lineage or calling them by derogatory names) that they are for following on it.
It could have just as likely been any of YOU as none of YOU liked Shelly and ALL of you found Tulas suspicious.
wait a minute, rashans three scum suspects are korbas RASHAN and driss ( of those on his train)
did I read that correctly?
TELAS. I meant Telas. Grrrr. I didn't think i submitted that I was just going to say fuck it and go to bed.
Posted 24 May 2012 - 04:26 AM
I am not one to act like a bulldog and push a vote just because I have some heartfelt attachment to it. For the moment, my doubts have been stirred over the possible guilt of Rashan, and my suspicions have spiked a bit over this Telas/Amp possibility.
Remove vote
Remove vote
Posted 24 May 2012 - 11:36 AM
I know there's a way to search posts in a thread by alt. Can anyone explain how?
I pushed all the buttons and I think Telas and I are now friends. *sigh*
I pushed all the buttons and I think Telas and I are now friends. *sigh*
Posted 24 May 2012 - 11:55 AM
Apologies in advance, this is going to be a long post.
So I know this is going to look pretty OMGUS. However, I know I am inno (although I don't expect people to take my word for it), and so Rashan's attack of me is making me look very closely at his posts. And re-reading what he has said over the past few pages, I'm starting to get more suspicious of him.
First, his case on me. It seems to consist of comments that vastly inflate my actions or (deliberately or not) misinterpret my meaning. Several of you have expressed suspicion at the way I dealt with Shelly's RP. I have dealt with that elsewhere, so I won't repeat myself. However, Rashan has been the only one to suggest I was acting unconcerned in order to distance myself from Shelly, which seems like a logical fallacy. If I was planning on NKing Shelly, why would I want to act differently from anyone else? It would make much more sense to go along with the crowd, expressing anger at the rubbish that was being posted. The bit underlined in the post below particularly bothers me. It was not my intention in any way to suggest that people voting for Shelly would be suspect. I saw and understood the reasons for the votes on Shelly, I just didn't agree with them. I don't know if this is deliberately misinterpreting my post or not, but I don't feel there was anything in what I said to suggest what Rashan is suggesting.
The other part of Rashan's case is that Khell mentioned me as being suspicious before his death. Again, this is vastly inflated. As far as I can see the only times Khell mentions me are both quoted in the post above, and one mention is part of role-playing and doesn't even mention me as suspicious, merely that I have been 'overlooked'. I was one of several people mentioned by Khell, and yet Rashan singles me out as having reason to kill Shelly.
Amp didn't start it I believe he just jumped on the ride. I think Kheltatha would have proven to be one of the bigger threats to the scum team. Most people drop role playing after day 1 and he was clearly a high poster that could run the thread. I think the nail in his coffin was when he started looking Amp's way. It wasn't worth letting him live another day where he might build a case against him.
I'm not surprised that any of you are looking at me since I was a vocal proponent of a Kheltatha lynch. I went out on a limb based on the theory that scum could be hiding behind high posting for a change and was wrong.
Galain I'm not sure of. He's a high poster, but I haven't really seen much in his content. I'll reread him and Korbas to see if I get the same feel that you do for them.
These two disparate parts of Rashan's case don't really fit together, he is suggesting that I had been planning from the beginning of the day to kill Shelly, but also the comments made at the end of the day by Shelly caused me to have him killed.
He also puts down what he believes my 'plan' is, which I HATE. He is talking as if he knows exactly what has happened, which he would have no way of knowing even if I was the killer. And his suggestion that I will "pick another inno target for a lynch" and take out another inno at night is completely baseless. I have done nothing at all so far to try and affect any lynch train, and his final bit is pure speculation. It is all designed to look like he knows exactly what is going on, but if he is inno then he has the same information as the rest of us. It is reading more like his own plan, being projected on to me.
On to his reactions to the prodding by other people. I found the post below hilarious:
This is the post that caught my attention. Shelly broke character and started to make sense, names a list of suspects, and gets killed during the night.
When I have some more time I'm gonna reread all of Shelly's suspect's posts.
That's kind of a lame reasoning don't you think? I'm ALWAYS in the middle order. Every game you will find me in THAT ^^ list. That's just another theory to live by. High posters, low posters, middle posters.... pshaw. I only latched onto the hiding in high posting idea because there has been so much talk AGAINST voting for annoying players. Seemed like a great place to hide. If you are going to follow Khell's logic start looking at the dust he stirred as I assure you that was yet another attempt to stir things up.
Half his case on me stems from the fact that Khell mentioned me on day one. However, as soon as someone else suggests that we look at other people Khell mentioned, which includes Rashan, suddenly it is "lame reasoning" and Khell was 'stirring dust'.
In addition, there have been a few questions asked by other players. Instead of responding reasonably to the questions he has attacked the people asking the questions and cast aspersions on them.
Thanks for the compliment... I think...
Actually your vote didn't really worry me. As a proponent for a Shelly lynch I rather expected one or two today. I'm comfortable enough in my own innocence that I'm not too rattled by it. Now as far as your saying that I didnt' really do anything on Day 1, I have to call bullshit. I stuck my neck out and made known my opinions on Shelly. I could have goofed around on day one and said nothing at all then thrown my vote down on the biggest train, but I threw in on the Shelly lynch on a theory (albeit a bad one) WITH MY REASONING. That didn't look like it would fly in the end so I put it on the next most reasonable suspect (to me) at the time. Now we have a bit more to go on, so the day 2 shit will come out, which will invariably be better than the Day 1 shit, but still not be as good as the Day 3 shit.
So, I can tell you you're wrong and tell you why I did what I did, but at the end of the day for all I know YOU'RE the scum.
He refuses to answer D'riss here... why? Because D'riss might be scum? But there has been no indication that D'riss is scum, and no accusations laid against him, so the only reason I can see for Rashan suggesting it is because D'riss was questioning his motives.
In the post below he suggests that Telas and I are connected because Telas disagrees with him. Rashan does very little to answer the accusations against him, and only does so here because Telas has put a vote down.
Thought it was pretty clear that I wouldn't be able to play for the rest of the night. I didn't want to take the chance of a no lynch day, and it seemed pretty obvious that Tulas Shorn was the more popular possible lynch of the two. At any rate, if I were a killer I certainly wouldn't have NK Sheltatha on night 1, she was getting enough negative attention as it was, there was a good chance that she would have gotten lynched on day 2. Guess we shall see.
At any rate, I probably won't be on for the rest of the night. Not sure if I'll be able to get on before end of MAFIA day, though I should be able to. But just in case, I am going to
vote Rashan
For reasons stated above, by myself and by D'Riss. Hopefully there'll be lots of interesting stuff to read tomorrow!
You're reasoning being? I voted Sheltatha whom you and D'riss BOTH agreed that many of us wanted to see go down and then I switched vote to hammer at the end? SO? It was a done deal. If I didn't vote someone else would have. I even admitted when I voted that I didn't know how many votes were out there etc. as I was ready for bed.
You've been dancing around the idea of accusing me for a while, but now that Ampelas has a second vote on him you decide to throw your vote down. I'm thinking you're starting to worry that your partner is in danger.
His final post is designed to make us feel sorry for him and allow him to cling on for another day. He 'always looks guilty', so we shouldn't vote for him based on that? He also suggests that players voting for him would merely be following the herd and not thinking for themselves, another move designed to prevent people voting for him. Finally, he attempts to set up a lynch order for the next few days, a move that has already been described as scummy. It is this final quote that actually makes me the most suspicious. He looks like he is desperate to hang on for another day, and will do anything to achieve that.
So, in conclusion,
Vote Rashan.
So I know this is going to look pretty OMGUS. However, I know I am inno (although I don't expect people to take my word for it), and so Rashan's attack of me is making me look very closely at his posts. And re-reading what he has said over the past few pages, I'm starting to get more suspicious of him.
First, his case on me. It seems to consist of comments that vastly inflate my actions or (deliberately or not) misinterpret my meaning. Several of you have expressed suspicion at the way I dealt with Shelly's RP. I have dealt with that elsewhere, so I won't repeat myself. However, Rashan has been the only one to suggest I was acting unconcerned in order to distance myself from Shelly, which seems like a logical fallacy. If I was planning on NKing Shelly, why would I want to act differently from anyone else? It would make much more sense to go along with the crowd, expressing anger at the rubbish that was being posted. The bit underlined in the post below particularly bothers me. It was not my intention in any way to suggest that people voting for Shelly would be suspect. I saw and understood the reasons for the votes on Shelly, I just didn't agree with them. I don't know if this is deliberately misinterpreting my post or not, but I don't feel there was anything in what I said to suggest what Rashan is suggesting.
Rashan, on 23 May 2012 - 02:00 PM, said:
So I did a reread and nothing stood out to me on Fener. Based on his posts, I think he genuinely was annoyed with Shelly's posts. His last post before we got the results of night, I think he would have probably tried to run that lynch train. Its certainly possible though that he WANTED us to think that so we wouldn't suspect him of the NK, but that starts getting confusing and I don't really think that I see that kind of planning involved.
Ampelas DID stand out to me in my reread however, and I wasn't even looking for him particularly. His defense of Shelly was actually quite good. I can see the planning here. Stick with the Tulas target since everyone will follow it, and take him out before he can prove to be a better player.
i don't think it's wise to ignore shelly - she's not just annoying, she's actually deliberately putting misinformation all over the thread which i cannot for the fucking life of me see how that would help town at all.
anyone who is misled by Shelly rambling about healers and priests and multiple alts hasn't been reading properly. p.s. has said several times that this is the simplest of m and p games.
in a text based game it isn't always easy to pick up on sarcasm and other non-written clues. but it's fairly obvious to me that Shelly is mocking a different style of play. maybe if the mocking continues we look at lynching her, but lynching someone on day one for being annoying and role playing just seems rather lazy to me.
Good distancing here. Basically saying 'no one here has a real case on Shelly, so when Shelly cf's as inno then everyone that votes for Shelly is a suspect'.
See Galain this is why you need me around so I can point out where you are going wrong. I understand that's going to happen a lot because you are a noob most likely but really you should listen to me. Can you see the difference between your two posts above? Yes, the first does not contain the clause of the second and thus makes it seem much much worse. I hesitate to suggest that you saw how bad it looked and retconned to pretend you meant something different.
Planning future lynches is a no no and shows that you are not following the game in the present as I am but planning for things without considering future events. Now I believe that you are a townie but you are not really helping town with posts like this so perhaps you had better go and recollect yourself for a bit and then come back with your game head on.
As it is I am astonished that everyone is overlooking Ampelas. How can this be????????
Looks like Ampelas had pinged Khell's scumdar.
I agree with Khell. All that Ampelas basically had said was to reiterate what we already knew, that Tulas had thrown out a vote based on what we all knew was shitty logic. Ampelas maintained a good distance from Shelly and used his NK on him. His plan for today will be to pick another inno target for lynch, and then take out whomever he considers to be the biggest threat again with a nk.
vote Ampelas
Ampelas DID stand out to me in my reread however, and I wasn't even looking for him particularly. His defense of Shelly was actually quite good. I can see the planning here. Stick with the Tulas target since everyone will follow it, and take him out before he can prove to be a better player.
Ampelas, on 22 May 2012 - 09:01 PM, said:
Karosis, on 22 May 2012 - 08:45 PM, said:
Ampelas, on 22 May 2012 - 08:38 PM, said:
well, i'm back and caught up.
Shelly is taking the piss. if it's really bothering you, ignore it. I personally am rather amused by it, it is a pretty good parody. I will maintain that it is never worth lynching people simply because they are annoying. hopefully the role play will end after the first day anyway.
I'd like to hear more from Tulas. a vote like that so early in the game seems odd. lazy townie moves like that tend to be later in the day, when people realise that they won't be online before time out and rush to put a vote down.
Shelly is taking the piss. if it's really bothering you, ignore it. I personally am rather amused by it, it is a pretty good parody. I will maintain that it is never worth lynching people simply because they are annoying. hopefully the role play will end after the first day anyway.
I'd like to hear more from Tulas. a vote like that so early in the game seems odd. lazy townie moves like that tend to be later in the day, when people realise that they won't be online before time out and rush to put a vote down.
i don't think it's wise to ignore shelly - she's not just annoying, she's actually deliberately putting misinformation all over the thread which i cannot for the fucking life of me see how that would help town at all.
anyone who is misled by Shelly rambling about healers and priests and multiple alts hasn't been reading properly. p.s. has said several times that this is the simplest of m and p games.
in a text based game it isn't always easy to pick up on sarcasm and other non-written clues. but it's fairly obvious to me that Shelly is mocking a different style of play. maybe if the mocking continues we look at lynching her, but lynching someone on day one for being annoying and role playing just seems rather lazy to me.
Good distancing here. Basically saying 'no one here has a real case on Shelly, so when Shelly cf's as inno then everyone that votes for Shelly is a suspect'.
Sheltatha Lore, on 23 May 2012 - 12:24 AM, said:
Galain, on 22 May 2012 - 11:53 PM, said:
I propose a Shelly lynch today, and a Tulas lynch tomorrow.
Galain, on 23 May 2012 - 12:01 AM, said:
What? I'm just stating my own, personal opinion, which is a Shelly lynch today, and a Tulas lynch tomorrow if nobody scummier appears.
See Galain this is why you need me around so I can point out where you are going wrong. I understand that's going to happen a lot because you are a noob most likely but really you should listen to me. Can you see the difference between your two posts above? Yes, the first does not contain the clause of the second and thus makes it seem much much worse. I hesitate to suggest that you saw how bad it looked and retconned to pretend you meant something different.
Planning future lynches is a no no and shows that you are not following the game in the present as I am but planning for things without considering future events. Now I believe that you are a townie but you are not really helping town with posts like this so perhaps you had better go and recollect yourself for a bit and then come back with your game head on.
As it is I am astonished that everyone is overlooking Ampelas. How can this be????????
Looks like Ampelas had pinged Khell's scumdar.
Sheltatha Lore, on 23 May 2012 - 01:24 AM, said:
Going off what I've seen on thread rather than just number of posts, two other people, however, spring to mind.
- Galain, because he got so defensive over one vote from me (of all people) very very early on in the game. This could well be resulting from frustration at what he felt was an argument with a retard (
) but could be something more sinister.
- Ampelas, saw right through me straight away and advised everyone to chill about it. Has thus posted good, sensible advice, but without ever actually adding his own thoughts on what might be good places to look. Sensible posts, little content.
- Galain, because he got so defensive over one vote from me (of all people) very very early on in the game. This could well be resulting from frustration at what he felt was an argument with a retard (

- Ampelas, saw right through me straight away and advised everyone to chill about it. Has thus posted good, sensible advice, but without ever actually adding his own thoughts on what might be good places to look. Sensible posts, little content.
I agree with Khell. All that Ampelas basically had said was to reiterate what we already knew, that Tulas had thrown out a vote based on what we all knew was shitty logic. Ampelas maintained a good distance from Shelly and used his NK on him. His plan for today will be to pick another inno target for lynch, and then take out whomever he considers to be the biggest threat again with a nk.
vote Ampelas
The other part of Rashan's case is that Khell mentioned me as being suspicious before his death. Again, this is vastly inflated. As far as I can see the only times Khell mentions me are both quoted in the post above, and one mention is part of role-playing and doesn't even mention me as suspicious, merely that I have been 'overlooked'. I was one of several people mentioned by Khell, and yet Rashan singles me out as having reason to kill Shelly.
Rashan, on 23 May 2012 - 02:21 PM, said:
Telas, on 23 May 2012 - 02:09 PM, said:
Hrmm, funny how we got completely different things from the same posts Rashan - it seemed to me that Ampelas' posts were rational and well thought out. He doesn't strike me as killer, he was one of the first to point out that Shelly was probably RPing, and basically stuck to that conviction. He jumped on the Tulas train, but I don't think he started it (I don't really remember), but in the end, I jumped on the Tulas train too, if only to get a lynch. Anyway, I disagree with you completely Rashan, and think you might be trying to move the attention away from you by analyzying something I had already said I would analyze, thus knowing or assuming I would probably end up on your train, so I'm going to take some time to read through your posts again before I move to Galain and/or Korbas.
Amp didn't start it I believe he just jumped on the ride. I think Kheltatha would have proven to be one of the bigger threats to the scum team. Most people drop role playing after day 1 and he was clearly a high poster that could run the thread. I think the nail in his coffin was when he started looking Amp's way. It wasn't worth letting him live another day where he might build a case against him.
I'm not surprised that any of you are looking at me since I was a vocal proponent of a Kheltatha lynch. I went out on a limb based on the theory that scum could be hiding behind high posting for a change and was wrong.
Galain I'm not sure of. He's a high poster, but I haven't really seen much in his content. I'll reread him and Korbas to see if I get the same feel that you do for them.
These two disparate parts of Rashan's case don't really fit together, he is suggesting that I had been planning from the beginning of the day to kill Shelly, but also the comments made at the end of the day by Shelly caused me to have him killed.
He also puts down what he believes my 'plan' is, which I HATE. He is talking as if he knows exactly what has happened, which he would have no way of knowing even if I was the killer. And his suggestion that I will "pick another inno target for a lynch" and take out another inno at night is completely baseless. I have done nothing at all so far to try and affect any lynch train, and his final bit is pure speculation. It is all designed to look like he knows exactly what is going on, but if he is inno then he has the same information as the rest of us. It is reading more like his own plan, being projected on to me.
On to his reactions to the prodding by other people. I found the post below hilarious:
Rashan, on 23 May 2012 - 11:07 PM, said:
Korbas, on 23 May 2012 - 10:35 PM, said:
Sheltatha Lore, on 23 May 2012 - 01:20 AM, said:
Fingers crossed on Tulas, but I'm thinking that this is going to be an inno lynch. You'll normally find killers early on (day 1, 2) hiding in the middle order - so Karosis, Rashan, D'riss, Fener, Thyrllan - these are the people I'd look at right now.
Tulas appears like he's in this same category but actually isn't - if he hadn't roused himself to defend from votes he'd be among the lowest posters.
Tulas appears like he's in this same category but actually isn't - if he hadn't roused himself to defend from votes he'd be among the lowest posters.
This is the post that caught my attention. Shelly broke character and started to make sense, names a list of suspects, and gets killed during the night.
When I have some more time I'm gonna reread all of Shelly's suspect's posts.
That's kind of a lame reasoning don't you think? I'm ALWAYS in the middle order. Every game you will find me in THAT ^^ list. That's just another theory to live by. High posters, low posters, middle posters.... pshaw. I only latched onto the hiding in high posting idea because there has been so much talk AGAINST voting for annoying players. Seemed like a great place to hide. If you are going to follow Khell's logic start looking at the dust he stirred as I assure you that was yet another attempt to stir things up.
Half his case on me stems from the fact that Khell mentioned me on day one. However, as soon as someone else suggests that we look at other people Khell mentioned, which includes Rashan, suddenly it is "lame reasoning" and Khell was 'stirring dust'.
In addition, there have been a few questions asked by other players. Instead of responding reasonably to the questions he has attacked the people asking the questions and cast aspersions on them.
Rashan, on 23 May 2012 - 10:43 PM, said:
D, on 23 May 2012 - 09:50 PM, said:
D'riss has returned to much fanfare! (/roleplay)
Rashan has become very proactive and helpful. It's too bad there isn't any way to know if this is due to me plopping a vote on him, or he would have done this on Day 2 anyways. My suspicion is the former - it's out of character compared to his Day 1 play since he didn't really do anything on his own on Day 1 (good when you want to avoid the random day 1 lynch over some small perceived error). Now all of a sudden he feels pressure to contribute or face people looking at him.
As for things being said about others
Fener - I think he needs to post more. I don't get much from him except "indignancy" about this and that.
Amp - The case is ok, but a bit of a stretch. As Telas points out, it can be interpreted either way.
Galain - Other than the "setting up lynches" thing at the end of Day 1, (which happen to be the 2 dead people - spooky) I'm not seeing much. Although the pre-emptive explanation at the top of this page made a slight wave on my scumdar. Answering accusations before they happen is a little suspicious.
Rashan has become very proactive and helpful. It's too bad there isn't any way to know if this is due to me plopping a vote on him, or he would have done this on Day 2 anyways. My suspicion is the former - it's out of character compared to his Day 1 play since he didn't really do anything on his own on Day 1 (good when you want to avoid the random day 1 lynch over some small perceived error). Now all of a sudden he feels pressure to contribute or face people looking at him.
As for things being said about others
Fener - I think he needs to post more. I don't get much from him except "indignancy" about this and that.
Amp - The case is ok, but a bit of a stretch. As Telas points out, it can be interpreted either way.
Galain - Other than the "setting up lynches" thing at the end of Day 1, (which happen to be the 2 dead people - spooky) I'm not seeing much. Although the pre-emptive explanation at the top of this page made a slight wave on my scumdar. Answering accusations before they happen is a little suspicious.
Thanks for the compliment... I think...
Actually your vote didn't really worry me. As a proponent for a Shelly lynch I rather expected one or two today. I'm comfortable enough in my own innocence that I'm not too rattled by it. Now as far as your saying that I didnt' really do anything on Day 1, I have to call bullshit. I stuck my neck out and made known my opinions on Shelly. I could have goofed around on day one and said nothing at all then thrown my vote down on the biggest train, but I threw in on the Shelly lynch on a theory (albeit a bad one) WITH MY REASONING. That didn't look like it would fly in the end so I put it on the next most reasonable suspect (to me) at the time. Now we have a bit more to go on, so the day 2 shit will come out, which will invariably be better than the Day 1 shit, but still not be as good as the Day 3 shit.
So, I can tell you you're wrong and tell you why I did what I did, but at the end of the day for all I know YOU'RE the scum.
He refuses to answer D'riss here... why? Because D'riss might be scum? But there has been no indication that D'riss is scum, and no accusations laid against him, so the only reason I can see for Rashan suggesting it is because D'riss was questioning his motives.
In the post below he suggests that Telas and I are connected because Telas disagrees with him. Rashan does very little to answer the accusations against him, and only does so here because Telas has put a vote down.
Rashan, on 24 May 2012 - 02:57 AM, said:
Telas, on 24 May 2012 - 02:20 AM, said:
Fener, on 24 May 2012 - 01:34 AM, said:
TS was lynched with ten hours left. It seemed odd to say that we couldn't lynch someone who was two short when there were over ten hours left in the day.
Thought it was pretty clear that I wouldn't be able to play for the rest of the night. I didn't want to take the chance of a no lynch day, and it seemed pretty obvious that Tulas Shorn was the more popular possible lynch of the two. At any rate, if I were a killer I certainly wouldn't have NK Sheltatha on night 1, she was getting enough negative attention as it was, there was a good chance that she would have gotten lynched on day 2. Guess we shall see.
At any rate, I probably won't be on for the rest of the night. Not sure if I'll be able to get on before end of MAFIA day, though I should be able to. But just in case, I am going to
vote Rashan
For reasons stated above, by myself and by D'Riss. Hopefully there'll be lots of interesting stuff to read tomorrow!
You're reasoning being? I voted Sheltatha whom you and D'riss BOTH agreed that many of us wanted to see go down and then I switched vote to hammer at the end? SO? It was a done deal. If I didn't vote someone else would have. I even admitted when I voted that I didn't know how many votes were out there etc. as I was ready for bed.
You've been dancing around the idea of accusing me for a while, but now that Ampelas has a second vote on him you decide to throw your vote down. I'm thinking you're starting to worry that your partner is in danger.
His final post is designed to make us feel sorry for him and allow him to cling on for another day. He 'always looks guilty', so we shouldn't vote for him based on that? He also suggests that players voting for him would merely be following the herd and not thinking for themselves, another move designed to prevent people voting for him. Finally, he attempts to set up a lynch order for the next few days, a move that has already been described as scummy. It is this final quote that actually makes me the most suspicious. He looks like he is desperate to hang on for another day, and will do anything to achieve that.
So, in conclusion,
Vote Rashan.
Posted 24 May 2012 - 12:08 PM
All of your reasoning makes sense to me amp. Upon a re-reread, he doesn't ever give a straight answer.
As I stated, I just voted you because I was unsure and wanted to dig up some new info. This is the kind of info I was talking about. Rashan seems to be casting the blame to as many people as possible while really not answering anyone's legit questions. Getting defensive, saying he "always seems guilty" and using drink as an excuse...not a strong case, really.
Remove Vote
Vote Rashan
As I stated, I just voted you because I was unsure and wanted to dig up some new info. This is the kind of info I was talking about. Rashan seems to be casting the blame to as many people as possible while really not answering anyone's legit questions. Getting defensive, saying he "always seems guilty" and using drink as an excuse...not a strong case, really.
Remove Vote
Vote Rashan
Posted 24 May 2012 - 12:13 PM
Ampelas, on 24 May 2012 - 11:55 AM, said:
Apologies in advance, this is going to be a long post.
So I know this is going to look pretty OMGUS. However, I know I am inno (although I don't expect people to take my word for it), and so Rashan's attack of me is making me look very closely at his posts. And re-reading what he has said over the past few pages, I'm starting to get more suspicious of him.
First, his case on me. It seems to consist of comments that vastly inflate my actions or (deliberately or not) misinterpret my meaning. Several of you have expressed suspicion at the way I dealt with Shelly's RP. I have dealt with that elsewhere, so I won't repeat myself. However, Rashan has been the only one to suggest I was acting unconcerned in order to distance myself from Shelly, which seems like a logical fallacy. If I was planning on NKing Shelly, why would I want to act differently from anyone else? It would make much more sense to go along with the crowd, expressing anger at the rubbish that was being posted. The bit underlined in the post below particularly bothers me. It was not my intention in any way to suggest that people voting for Shelly would be suspect. I saw and understood the reasons for the votes on Shelly, I just didn't agree with them. I don't know if this is deliberately misinterpreting my post or not, but I don't feel there was anything in what I said to suggest what Rashan is suggesting.
The other part of Rashan's case is that Khell mentioned me as being suspicious before his death. Again, this is vastly inflated. As far as I can see the only times Khell mentions me are both quoted in the post above, and one mention is part of role-playing and doesn't even mention me as suspicious, merely that I have been 'overlooked'. I was one of several people mentioned by Khell, and yet Rashan singles me out as having reason to kill Shelly.
Amp didn't start it I believe he just jumped on the ride. I think Kheltatha would have proven to be one of the bigger threats to the scum team. Most people drop role playing after day 1 and he was clearly a high poster that could run the thread. I think the nail in his coffin was when he started looking Amp's way. It wasn't worth letting him live another day where he might build a case against him.
I'm not surprised that any of you are looking at me since I was a vocal proponent of a Kheltatha lynch. I went out on a limb based on the theory that scum could be hiding behind high posting for a change and was wrong.
Galain I'm not sure of. He's a high poster, but I haven't really seen much in his content. I'll reread him and Korbas to see if I get the same feel that you do for them.
These two disparate parts of Rashan's case don't really fit together, he is suggesting that I had been planning from the beginning of the day to kill Shelly, but also the comments made at the end of the day by Shelly caused me to have him killed.
He also puts down what he believes my 'plan' is, which I HATE. He is talking as if he knows exactly what has happened, which he would have no way of knowing even if I was the killer. And his suggestion that I will "pick another inno target for a lynch" and take out another inno at night is completely baseless. I have done nothing at all so far to try and affect any lynch train, and his final bit is pure speculation. It is all designed to look like he knows exactly what is going on, but if he is inno then he has the same information as the rest of us. It is reading more like his own plan, being projected on to me.
On to his reactions to the prodding by other people. I found the post below hilarious:
This is the post that caught my attention. Shelly broke character and started to make sense, names a list of suspects, and gets killed during the night.
When I have some more time I'm gonna reread all of Shelly's suspect's posts.
That's kind of a lame reasoning don't you think? I'm ALWAYS in the middle order. Every game you will find me in THAT ^^ list. That's just another theory to live by. High posters, low posters, middle posters.... pshaw. I only latched onto the hiding in high posting idea because there has been so much talk AGAINST voting for annoying players. Seemed like a great place to hide. If you are going to follow Khell's logic start looking at the dust he stirred as I assure you that was yet another attempt to stir things up.
Half his case on me stems from the fact that Khell mentioned me on day one. However, as soon as someone else suggests that we look at other people Khell mentioned, which includes Rashan, suddenly it is "lame reasoning" and Khell was 'stirring dust'.
In addition, there have been a few questions asked by other players. Instead of responding reasonably to the questions he has attacked the people asking the questions and cast aspersions on them.
Thanks for the compliment... I think...
Actually your vote didn't really worry me. As a proponent for a Shelly lynch I rather expected one or two today. I'm comfortable enough in my own innocence that I'm not too rattled by it. Now as far as your saying that I didnt' really do anything on Day 1, I have to call bullshit. I stuck my neck out and made known my opinions on Shelly. I could have goofed around on day one and said nothing at all then thrown my vote down on the biggest train, but I threw in on the Shelly lynch on a theory (albeit a bad one) WITH MY REASONING. That didn't look like it would fly in the end so I put it on the next most reasonable suspect (to me) at the time. Now we have a bit more to go on, so the day 2 shit will come out, which will invariably be better than the Day 1 shit, but still not be as good as the Day 3 shit.
So, I can tell you you're wrong and tell you why I did what I did, but at the end of the day for all I know YOU'RE the scum.
He refuses to answer D'riss here... why? Because D'riss might be scum? But there has been no indication that D'riss is scum, and no accusations laid against him, so the only reason I can see for Rashan suggesting it is because D'riss was questioning his motives.
In the post below he suggests that Telas and I are connected because Telas disagrees with him. Rashan does very little to answer the accusations against him, and only does so here because Telas has put a vote down.
Thought it was pretty clear that I wouldn't be able to play for the rest of the night. I didn't want to take the chance of a no lynch day, and it seemed pretty obvious that Tulas Shorn was the more popular possible lynch of the two. At any rate, if I were a killer I certainly wouldn't have NK Sheltatha on night 1, she was getting enough negative attention as it was, there was a good chance that she would have gotten lynched on day 2. Guess we shall see.
At any rate, I probably won't be on for the rest of the night. Not sure if I'll be able to get on before end of MAFIA day, though I should be able to. But just in case, I am going to
vote Rashan
For reasons stated above, by myself and by D'Riss. Hopefully there'll be lots of interesting stuff to read tomorrow!
You're reasoning being? I voted Sheltatha whom you and D'riss BOTH agreed that many of us wanted to see go down and then I switched vote to hammer at the end? SO? It was a done deal. If I didn't vote someone else would have. I even admitted when I voted that I didn't know how many votes were out there etc. as I was ready for bed.
You've been dancing around the idea of accusing me for a while, but now that Ampelas has a second vote on him you decide to throw your vote down. I'm thinking you're starting to worry that your partner is in danger.
His final post is designed to make us feel sorry for him and allow him to cling on for another day. He 'always looks guilty', so we shouldn't vote for him based on that? He also suggests that players voting for him would merely be following the herd and not thinking for themselves, another move designed to prevent people voting for him. Finally, he attempts to set up a lynch order for the next few days, a move that has already been described as scummy. It is this final quote that actually makes me the most suspicious. He looks like he is desperate to hang on for another day, and will do anything to achieve that.
So, in conclusion,
Vote Rashan.
So I know this is going to look pretty OMGUS. However, I know I am inno (although I don't expect people to take my word for it), and so Rashan's attack of me is making me look very closely at his posts. And re-reading what he has said over the past few pages, I'm starting to get more suspicious of him.
First, his case on me. It seems to consist of comments that vastly inflate my actions or (deliberately or not) misinterpret my meaning. Several of you have expressed suspicion at the way I dealt with Shelly's RP. I have dealt with that elsewhere, so I won't repeat myself. However, Rashan has been the only one to suggest I was acting unconcerned in order to distance myself from Shelly, which seems like a logical fallacy. If I was planning on NKing Shelly, why would I want to act differently from anyone else? It would make much more sense to go along with the crowd, expressing anger at the rubbish that was being posted. The bit underlined in the post below particularly bothers me. It was not my intention in any way to suggest that people voting for Shelly would be suspect. I saw and understood the reasons for the votes on Shelly, I just didn't agree with them. I don't know if this is deliberately misinterpreting my post or not, but I don't feel there was anything in what I said to suggest what Rashan is suggesting.
Rashan, on 23 May 2012 - 02:00 PM, said:
So I did a reread and nothing stood out to me on Fener. Based on his posts, I think he genuinely was annoyed with Shelly's posts. His last post before we got the results of night, I think he would have probably tried to run that lynch train. Its certainly possible though that he WANTED us to think that so we wouldn't suspect him of the NK, but that starts getting confusing and I don't really think that I see that kind of planning involved.
Ampelas DID stand out to me in my reread however, and I wasn't even looking for him particularly. His defense of Shelly was actually quite good. I can see the planning here. Stick with the Tulas target since everyone will follow it, and take him out before he can prove to be a better player.
i don't think it's wise to ignore shelly - she's not just annoying, she's actually deliberately putting misinformation all over the thread which i cannot for the fucking life of me see how that would help town at all.
anyone who is misled by Shelly rambling about healers and priests and multiple alts hasn't been reading properly. p.s. has said several times that this is the simplest of m and p games.
in a text based game it isn't always easy to pick up on sarcasm and other non-written clues. but it's fairly obvious to me that Shelly is mocking a different style of play. maybe if the mocking continues we look at lynching her, but lynching someone on day one for being annoying and role playing just seems rather lazy to me.
Good distancing here. Basically saying 'no one here has a real case on Shelly, so when Shelly cf's as inno then everyone that votes for Shelly is a suspect'.
See Galain this is why you need me around so I can point out where you are going wrong. I understand that's going to happen a lot because you are a noob most likely but really you should listen to me. Can you see the difference between your two posts above? Yes, the first does not contain the clause of the second and thus makes it seem much much worse. I hesitate to suggest that you saw how bad it looked and retconned to pretend you meant something different.
Planning future lynches is a no no and shows that you are not following the game in the present as I am but planning for things without considering future events. Now I believe that you are a townie but you are not really helping town with posts like this so perhaps you had better go and recollect yourself for a bit and then come back with your game head on.
As it is I am astonished that everyone is overlooking Ampelas. How can this be????????
Looks like Ampelas had pinged Khell's scumdar.
I agree with Khell. All that Ampelas basically had said was to reiterate what we already knew, that Tulas had thrown out a vote based on what we all knew was shitty logic. Ampelas maintained a good distance from Shelly and used his NK on him. His plan for today will be to pick another inno target for lynch, and then take out whomever he considers to be the biggest threat again with a nk.
vote Ampelas
Ampelas DID stand out to me in my reread however, and I wasn't even looking for him particularly. His defense of Shelly was actually quite good. I can see the planning here. Stick with the Tulas target since everyone will follow it, and take him out before he can prove to be a better player.
Ampelas, on 22 May 2012 - 09:01 PM, said:
Karosis, on 22 May 2012 - 08:45 PM, said:
Ampelas, on 22 May 2012 - 08:38 PM, said:
well, i'm back and caught up.
Shelly is taking the piss. if it's really bothering you, ignore it. I personally am rather amused by it, it is a pretty good parody. I will maintain that it is never worth lynching people simply because they are annoying. hopefully the role play will end after the first day anyway.
I'd like to hear more from Tulas. a vote like that so early in the game seems odd. lazy townie moves like that tend to be later in the day, when people realise that they won't be online before time out and rush to put a vote down.
Shelly is taking the piss. if it's really bothering you, ignore it. I personally am rather amused by it, it is a pretty good parody. I will maintain that it is never worth lynching people simply because they are annoying. hopefully the role play will end after the first day anyway.
I'd like to hear more from Tulas. a vote like that so early in the game seems odd. lazy townie moves like that tend to be later in the day, when people realise that they won't be online before time out and rush to put a vote down.
i don't think it's wise to ignore shelly - she's not just annoying, she's actually deliberately putting misinformation all over the thread which i cannot for the fucking life of me see how that would help town at all.
anyone who is misled by Shelly rambling about healers and priests and multiple alts hasn't been reading properly. p.s. has said several times that this is the simplest of m and p games.
in a text based game it isn't always easy to pick up on sarcasm and other non-written clues. but it's fairly obvious to me that Shelly is mocking a different style of play. maybe if the mocking continues we look at lynching her, but lynching someone on day one for being annoying and role playing just seems rather lazy to me.
Good distancing here. Basically saying 'no one here has a real case on Shelly, so when Shelly cf's as inno then everyone that votes for Shelly is a suspect'.
Sheltatha Lore, on 23 May 2012 - 12:24 AM, said:
Galain, on 22 May 2012 - 11:53 PM, said:
I propose a Shelly lynch today, and a Tulas lynch tomorrow.
Galain, on 23 May 2012 - 12:01 AM, said:
What? I'm just stating my own, personal opinion, which is a Shelly lynch today, and a Tulas lynch tomorrow if nobody scummier appears.
See Galain this is why you need me around so I can point out where you are going wrong. I understand that's going to happen a lot because you are a noob most likely but really you should listen to me. Can you see the difference between your two posts above? Yes, the first does not contain the clause of the second and thus makes it seem much much worse. I hesitate to suggest that you saw how bad it looked and retconned to pretend you meant something different.
Planning future lynches is a no no and shows that you are not following the game in the present as I am but planning for things without considering future events. Now I believe that you are a townie but you are not really helping town with posts like this so perhaps you had better go and recollect yourself for a bit and then come back with your game head on.
As it is I am astonished that everyone is overlooking Ampelas. How can this be????????
Looks like Ampelas had pinged Khell's scumdar.
Sheltatha Lore, on 23 May 2012 - 01:24 AM, said:
Going off what I've seen on thread rather than just number of posts, two other people, however, spring to mind.
- Galain, because he got so defensive over one vote from me (of all people) very very early on in the game. This could well be resulting from frustration at what he felt was an argument with a retard (
) but could be something more sinister.
- Ampelas, saw right through me straight away and advised everyone to chill about it. Has thus posted good, sensible advice, but without ever actually adding his own thoughts on what might be good places to look. Sensible posts, little content.
- Galain, because he got so defensive over one vote from me (of all people) very very early on in the game. This could well be resulting from frustration at what he felt was an argument with a retard (

- Ampelas, saw right through me straight away and advised everyone to chill about it. Has thus posted good, sensible advice, but without ever actually adding his own thoughts on what might be good places to look. Sensible posts, little content.
I agree with Khell. All that Ampelas basically had said was to reiterate what we already knew, that Tulas had thrown out a vote based on what we all knew was shitty logic. Ampelas maintained a good distance from Shelly and used his NK on him. His plan for today will be to pick another inno target for lynch, and then take out whomever he considers to be the biggest threat again with a nk.
vote Ampelas
The other part of Rashan's case is that Khell mentioned me as being suspicious before his death. Again, this is vastly inflated. As far as I can see the only times Khell mentions me are both quoted in the post above, and one mention is part of role-playing and doesn't even mention me as suspicious, merely that I have been 'overlooked'. I was one of several people mentioned by Khell, and yet Rashan singles me out as having reason to kill Shelly.
Rashan, on 23 May 2012 - 02:21 PM, said:
Telas, on 23 May 2012 - 02:09 PM, said:
Hrmm, funny how we got completely different things from the same posts Rashan - it seemed to me that Ampelas' posts were rational and well thought out. He doesn't strike me as killer, he was one of the first to point out that Shelly was probably RPing, and basically stuck to that conviction. He jumped on the Tulas train, but I don't think he started it (I don't really remember), but in the end, I jumped on the Tulas train too, if only to get a lynch. Anyway, I disagree with you completely Rashan, and think you might be trying to move the attention away from you by analyzying something I had already said I would analyze, thus knowing or assuming I would probably end up on your train, so I'm going to take some time to read through your posts again before I move to Galain and/or Korbas.
Amp didn't start it I believe he just jumped on the ride. I think Kheltatha would have proven to be one of the bigger threats to the scum team. Most people drop role playing after day 1 and he was clearly a high poster that could run the thread. I think the nail in his coffin was when he started looking Amp's way. It wasn't worth letting him live another day where he might build a case against him.
I'm not surprised that any of you are looking at me since I was a vocal proponent of a Kheltatha lynch. I went out on a limb based on the theory that scum could be hiding behind high posting for a change and was wrong.
Galain I'm not sure of. He's a high poster, but I haven't really seen much in his content. I'll reread him and Korbas to see if I get the same feel that you do for them.
These two disparate parts of Rashan's case don't really fit together, he is suggesting that I had been planning from the beginning of the day to kill Shelly, but also the comments made at the end of the day by Shelly caused me to have him killed.
He also puts down what he believes my 'plan' is, which I HATE. He is talking as if he knows exactly what has happened, which he would have no way of knowing even if I was the killer. And his suggestion that I will "pick another inno target for a lynch" and take out another inno at night is completely baseless. I have done nothing at all so far to try and affect any lynch train, and his final bit is pure speculation. It is all designed to look like he knows exactly what is going on, but if he is inno then he has the same information as the rest of us. It is reading more like his own plan, being projected on to me.
On to his reactions to the prodding by other people. I found the post below hilarious:
Rashan, on 23 May 2012 - 11:07 PM, said:
Korbas, on 23 May 2012 - 10:35 PM, said:
Sheltatha Lore, on 23 May 2012 - 01:20 AM, said:
Fingers crossed on Tulas, but I'm thinking that this is going to be an inno lynch. You'll normally find killers early on (day 1, 2) hiding in the middle order - so Karosis, Rashan, D'riss, Fener, Thyrllan - these are the people I'd look at right now.
Tulas appears like he's in this same category but actually isn't - if he hadn't roused himself to defend from votes he'd be among the lowest posters.
Tulas appears like he's in this same category but actually isn't - if he hadn't roused himself to defend from votes he'd be among the lowest posters.
This is the post that caught my attention. Shelly broke character and started to make sense, names a list of suspects, and gets killed during the night.
When I have some more time I'm gonna reread all of Shelly's suspect's posts.
That's kind of a lame reasoning don't you think? I'm ALWAYS in the middle order. Every game you will find me in THAT ^^ list. That's just another theory to live by. High posters, low posters, middle posters.... pshaw. I only latched onto the hiding in high posting idea because there has been so much talk AGAINST voting for annoying players. Seemed like a great place to hide. If you are going to follow Khell's logic start looking at the dust he stirred as I assure you that was yet another attempt to stir things up.
Half his case on me stems from the fact that Khell mentioned me on day one. However, as soon as someone else suggests that we look at other people Khell mentioned, which includes Rashan, suddenly it is "lame reasoning" and Khell was 'stirring dust'.
In addition, there have been a few questions asked by other players. Instead of responding reasonably to the questions he has attacked the people asking the questions and cast aspersions on them.
Rashan, on 23 May 2012 - 10:43 PM, said:
D, on 23 May 2012 - 09:50 PM, said:
D'riss has returned to much fanfare! (/roleplay)
Rashan has become very proactive and helpful. It's too bad there isn't any way to know if this is due to me plopping a vote on him, or he would have done this on Day 2 anyways. My suspicion is the former - it's out of character compared to his Day 1 play since he didn't really do anything on his own on Day 1 (good when you want to avoid the random day 1 lynch over some small perceived error). Now all of a sudden he feels pressure to contribute or face people looking at him.
As for things being said about others
Fener - I think he needs to post more. I don't get much from him except "indignancy" about this and that.
Amp - The case is ok, but a bit of a stretch. As Telas points out, it can be interpreted either way.
Galain - Other than the "setting up lynches" thing at the end of Day 1, (which happen to be the 2 dead people - spooky) I'm not seeing much. Although the pre-emptive explanation at the top of this page made a slight wave on my scumdar. Answering accusations before they happen is a little suspicious.
Rashan has become very proactive and helpful. It's too bad there isn't any way to know if this is due to me plopping a vote on him, or he would have done this on Day 2 anyways. My suspicion is the former - it's out of character compared to his Day 1 play since he didn't really do anything on his own on Day 1 (good when you want to avoid the random day 1 lynch over some small perceived error). Now all of a sudden he feels pressure to contribute or face people looking at him.
As for things being said about others
Fener - I think he needs to post more. I don't get much from him except "indignancy" about this and that.
Amp - The case is ok, but a bit of a stretch. As Telas points out, it can be interpreted either way.
Galain - Other than the "setting up lynches" thing at the end of Day 1, (which happen to be the 2 dead people - spooky) I'm not seeing much. Although the pre-emptive explanation at the top of this page made a slight wave on my scumdar. Answering accusations before they happen is a little suspicious.
Thanks for the compliment... I think...
Actually your vote didn't really worry me. As a proponent for a Shelly lynch I rather expected one or two today. I'm comfortable enough in my own innocence that I'm not too rattled by it. Now as far as your saying that I didnt' really do anything on Day 1, I have to call bullshit. I stuck my neck out and made known my opinions on Shelly. I could have goofed around on day one and said nothing at all then thrown my vote down on the biggest train, but I threw in on the Shelly lynch on a theory (albeit a bad one) WITH MY REASONING. That didn't look like it would fly in the end so I put it on the next most reasonable suspect (to me) at the time. Now we have a bit more to go on, so the day 2 shit will come out, which will invariably be better than the Day 1 shit, but still not be as good as the Day 3 shit.
So, I can tell you you're wrong and tell you why I did what I did, but at the end of the day for all I know YOU'RE the scum.
He refuses to answer D'riss here... why? Because D'riss might be scum? But there has been no indication that D'riss is scum, and no accusations laid against him, so the only reason I can see for Rashan suggesting it is because D'riss was questioning his motives.
In the post below he suggests that Telas and I are connected because Telas disagrees with him. Rashan does very little to answer the accusations against him, and only does so here because Telas has put a vote down.
Rashan, on 24 May 2012 - 02:57 AM, said:
Telas, on 24 May 2012 - 02:20 AM, said:
Fener, on 24 May 2012 - 01:34 AM, said:
TS was lynched with ten hours left. It seemed odd to say that we couldn't lynch someone who was two short when there were over ten hours left in the day.
Thought it was pretty clear that I wouldn't be able to play for the rest of the night. I didn't want to take the chance of a no lynch day, and it seemed pretty obvious that Tulas Shorn was the more popular possible lynch of the two. At any rate, if I were a killer I certainly wouldn't have NK Sheltatha on night 1, she was getting enough negative attention as it was, there was a good chance that she would have gotten lynched on day 2. Guess we shall see.
At any rate, I probably won't be on for the rest of the night. Not sure if I'll be able to get on before end of MAFIA day, though I should be able to. But just in case, I am going to
vote Rashan
For reasons stated above, by myself and by D'Riss. Hopefully there'll be lots of interesting stuff to read tomorrow!
You're reasoning being? I voted Sheltatha whom you and D'riss BOTH agreed that many of us wanted to see go down and then I switched vote to hammer at the end? SO? It was a done deal. If I didn't vote someone else would have. I even admitted when I voted that I didn't know how many votes were out there etc. as I was ready for bed.
You've been dancing around the idea of accusing me for a while, but now that Ampelas has a second vote on him you decide to throw your vote down. I'm thinking you're starting to worry that your partner is in danger.
His final post is designed to make us feel sorry for him and allow him to cling on for another day. He 'always looks guilty', so we shouldn't vote for him based on that? He also suggests that players voting for him would merely be following the herd and not thinking for themselves, another move designed to prevent people voting for him. Finally, he attempts to set up a lynch order for the next few days, a move that has already been described as scummy. It is this final quote that actually makes me the most suspicious. He looks like he is desperate to hang on for another day, and will do anything to achieve that.
So, in conclusion,
Vote Rashan.
You're right. That does look very OMGUS of you. I have to run to work but will give you more of a response when I get there.
Posted 24 May 2012 - 12:17 PM
Posted 24 May 2012 - 12:36 PM
Rashan, on 24 May 2012 - 02:57 AM, said:
Telas, on 24 May 2012 - 02:20 AM, said:
Fener, on 24 May 2012 - 01:34 AM, said:
TS was lynched with ten hours left. It seemed odd to say that we couldn't lynch someone who was two short when there were over ten hours left in the day.
Thought it was pretty clear that I wouldn't be able to play for the rest of the night. I didn't want to take the chance of a no lynch day, and it seemed pretty obvious that Tulas Shorn was the more popular possible lynch of the two. At any rate, if I were a killer I certainly wouldn't have NK Sheltatha on night 1, she was getting enough negative attention as it was, there was a good chance that she would have gotten lynched on day 2. Guess we shall see.
At any rate, I probably won't be on for the rest of the night. Not sure if I'll be able to get on before end of MAFIA day, though I should be able to. But just in case, I am going to
vote Rashan
For reasons stated above, by myself and by D'Riss. Hopefully there'll be lots of interesting stuff to read tomorrow!
You're reasoning being? I voted Sheltatha whom you and D'riss BOTH agreed that many of us wanted to see go down and then I switched vote to hammer at the end? SO? It was a done deal. If I didn't vote someone else would have. I even admitted when I voted that I didn't know how many votes were out there etc. as I was ready for bed.
You've been dancing around the idea of accusing me for a while, but now that Ampelas has a second vote on him you decide to throw your vote down. I'm thinking you're starting to worry that your partner is in danger.
To be fair, I suggested I was going to have a closer look at Ampelas before you put your vote on him. I think you're trying to use me to make it seem like I am directing your lynches, and I still haven't seen a single thing from Amp to make me believe he might be scum. Furthermore, Amp's case is very good, so my vote stays on you for now!
Posted 24 May 2012 - 12:44 PM
It is Day 2. There are 9 hours and 17 minutes remaining.
There are 10 players left: Ampelas, Anomandaris, D'riss, Fener, Galain, Karosis, Korbas, Rashan, Telas, Thyrllan
6 votes required for a lynch, 5 to go to night.
1 vote Korbas (Anomandaris)
3 votes Rashan (Telas, Korbas, Ampelas)
1 vote Ampelas (Rashan)
1 vote Galain (Thyrllan)
Players who have not voted: D'riss, Fener, Galain, Karosis
There are 10 players left: Ampelas, Anomandaris, D'riss, Fener, Galain, Karosis, Korbas, Rashan, Telas, Thyrllan
6 votes required for a lynch, 5 to go to night.
1 vote Korbas (Anomandaris)
3 votes Rashan (Telas, Korbas, Ampelas)
1 vote Ampelas (Rashan)
1 vote Galain (Thyrllan)
Players who have not voted: D'riss, Fener, Galain, Karosis
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.
Posted 24 May 2012 - 12:49 PM
That was a well put-forth post, Amp. And Rashan's response does have some nice irony to it.
Will consider re--adding my vote.
Will consider re--adding my vote.
Posted 24 May 2012 - 01:22 PM
not really much happening at all today.
Hating to sound non commital and middle of the road, I'm not over excited about the Rashan case, it does come across a tad omgus, my biggest gyp with him was the hammer vote, even though I was more than happy to lynch Tulas at the time, the hammer with like 10 hours left to play wasn't the finest of actions.
No-one else seems overly interested in my suspicions of Galain, I'd guess partly because of my failure in articulating them well.
I'm going to wait here and see Rashans response before deciding on where to stick or switch on my vote
Hating to sound non commital and middle of the road, I'm not over excited about the Rashan case, it does come across a tad omgus, my biggest gyp with him was the hammer vote, even though I was more than happy to lynch Tulas at the time, the hammer with like 10 hours left to play wasn't the finest of actions.
No-one else seems overly interested in my suspicions of Galain, I'd guess partly because of my failure in articulating them well.
I'm going to wait here and see Rashans response before deciding on where to stick or switch on my vote
Posted 24 May 2012 - 01:31 PM
Ampelas, on 24 May 2012 - 11:55 AM, said:
Apologies in advance, this is going to be a long post.
So I know this is going to look pretty OMGUS. However, I know I am inno (although I don't expect people to take my word for it), and so Rashan's attack of me is making me look very closely at his posts. And re-reading what he has said over the past few pages, I'm starting to get more suspicious of him.
First, his case on me. It seems to consist of comments that vastly inflate my actions or (deliberately or not) misinterpret my meaning. Several of you have expressed suspicion at the way I dealt with Shelly's RP. I have dealt with that elsewhere, so I won't repeat myself. However, Rashan has been the only one to suggest I was acting unconcerned in order to distance myself from Shelly, which seems like a logical fallacy. If I was planning on NKing Shelly, why would I want to act differently from anyone else? It would make much more sense to go along with the crowd, expressing anger at the rubbish that was being posted. The bit underlined in the post below particularly bothers me. It was not my intention in any way to suggest that people voting for Shelly would be suspect. I saw and understood the reasons for the votes on Shelly, I just didn't agree with them. I don't know if this is deliberately misinterpreting my post or not, but I don't feel there was anything in what I said to suggest what Rashan is suggesting.
The theory here is that just about EVERYONE wanted to get rid of Shelly. I myself and anyone else that subscribes to this theory is doing so based on the fact that by saying you didn't see anything suspicious you can then turn around and say that you were right and the rest of us were wrong. We are working under the assumption that a killer MAY have beeen one of the people that said to ignore him. Korbas fit into this as well.
The other part of Rashan's case is that Khell mentioned me as being suspicious before his death. Again, this is vastly inflated. As far as I can see the only times Khell mentions me are both quoted in the post above, and one mention is part of role-playing and doesn't even mention me as suspicious, merely that I have been 'overlooked'. I was one of several people mentioned by Khell, and yet Rashan singles me out as having reason to kill Shelly.
You're right, Khell DID mention several people but YOU were the one he had a vote on. I suspect that the roleplaying would tone down by day 2. He was already starting to be more helpful by the end of the day. The killers most likely took him out to eliminate what they considered to be the largest threat. If he could run the thread AND give a logical case on day 2 they would be fucked.
Amp didn't start it I believe he just jumped on the ride. I think Kheltatha would have proven to be one of the bigger threats to the scum team. Most people drop role playing after day 1 and he was clearly a high poster that could run the thread. I think the nail in his coffin was when he started looking Amp's way. It wasn't worth letting him live another day where he might build a case against him.
I'm not surprised that any of you are looking at me since I was a vocal proponent of a Kheltatha lynch. I went out on a limb based on the theory that scum could be hiding behind high posting for a change and was wrong.
Galain I'm not sure of. He's a high poster, but I haven't really seen much in his content. I'll reread him and Korbas to see if I get the same feel that you do for them.
These two disparate parts of Rashan's case don't really fit together, he is suggesting that I had been planning from the beginning of the day to kill Shelly, but also the comments made at the end of the day by Shelly caused me to have him killed.
He also puts down what he believes my 'plan' is, which I HATE. He is talking as if he knows exactly what has happened, which he would have no way of knowing even if I was the killer. And his suggestion that I will "pick another inno target for a lynch" and take out another inno at night is completely baseless. I have done nothing at all so far to try and affect any lynch train, and his final bit is pure speculation. It is all designed to look like he knows exactly what is going on, but if he is inno then he has the same information as the rest of us. It is reading more like his own plan, being projected on to me.
Why not be potentially scoping out or setting yourself up for potential targets all along? By end of day you would want to have options. I fail to see how these two statements contradict eachother. Early in the day I'm sure you would have a provisional list and then rearrange and confirm by night.
On to his reactions to the prodding by other people. I found the post below hilarious:
This is the post that caught my attention. Shelly broke character and started to make sense, names a list of suspects, and gets killed during the night.
When I have some more time I'm gonna reread all of Shelly's suspect's posts.
That's kind of a lame reasoning don't you think? I'm ALWAYS in the middle order. Every game you will find me in THAT ^^ list. That's just another theory to live by. High posters, low posters, middle posters.... pshaw. I only latched onto the hiding in high posting idea because there has been so much talk AGAINST voting for annoying players. Seemed like a great place to hide. If you are going to follow Khell's logic start looking at the dust he stirred as I assure you that was yet another attempt to stir things up.
Half his case on me stems from the fact that Khell mentioned me on day one. However, as soon as someone else suggests that we look at other people Khell mentioned, which includes Rashan, suddenly it is "lame reasoning" and Khell was 'stirring dust'.
In addition, there have been a few questions asked by other players. Instead of responding reasonably to the questions he has attacked the people asking the questions and cast aspersions on them.
Looks like YOU are casting aspersions. I'm just saying that the middle of the road poster theory sucks. Either someone is going to be a high, middle or low poster. Period. It usually depends on the time on their hands. We DO most often find scum in the low poster category ONLY BECAUSE they often are afraid to say something that could be built into a case later.
Thanks for the compliment... I think...
Actually your vote didn't really worry me. As a proponent for a Shelly lynch I rather expected one or two today. I'm comfortable enough in my own innocence that I'm not too rattled by it. Now as far as your saying that I didnt' really do anything on Day 1, I have to call bullshit. I stuck my neck out and made known my opinions on Shelly. I could have goofed around on day one and said nothing at all then thrown my vote down on the biggest train, but I threw in on the Shelly lynch on a theory (albeit a bad one) WITH MY REASONING. That didn't look like it would fly in the end so I put it on the next most reasonable suspect (to me) at the time. Now we have a bit more to go on, so the day 2 shit will come out, which will invariably be better than the Day 1 shit, but still not be as good as the Day 3 shit.
So, I can tell you you're wrong and tell you why I did what I did, but at the end of the day for all I know YOU'RE the scum.
He refuses to answer D'riss here... why? Because D'riss might be scum? But there has been no indication that D'riss is scum, and no accusations laid against him, so the only reason I can see for Rashan suggesting it is because D'riss was questioning his motives.
Where have I NOT answered D'riss? The questions and accusations against me have been based on:
1) My vote on Shelly
2) My switch to the Tulas train.
I have REPEATEDLY said that MY vote was based on the theory that a killer might try to hide as an annoying high poster for a change. I have also said that I thought Tulas's drive by agreement with Shelly looked suspicious like EVERYONE ELSE DID and changed when after a few beers I logged in, didn't see a time but saw lots of votes going and thought fuck Shelly isn't happening better get a Tulas lynch. As it turns out BOTH were wrong. I'm NOT THE ONLY ONE GUILTY OF MAKING THIS MISTAKE.
In the post below he suggests that Telas and I are connected because Telas disagrees with him. Rashan does very little to answer the accusations against him, and only does so here because Telas has put a vote down.
Thought it was pretty clear that I wouldn't be able to play for the rest of the night. I didn't want to take the chance of a no lynch day, and it seemed pretty obvious that Tulas Shorn was the more popular possible lynch of the two. At any rate, if I were a killer I certainly wouldn't have NK Sheltatha on night 1, she was getting enough negative attention as it was, there was a good chance that she would have gotten lynched on day 2. Guess we shall see.
At any rate, I probably won't be on for the rest of the night. Not sure if I'll be able to get on before end of MAFIA day, though I should be able to. But just in case, I am going to
vote Rashan
For reasons stated above, by myself and by D'Riss. Hopefully there'll be lots of interesting stuff to read tomorrow!
You're reasoning being? I voted Sheltatha whom you and D'riss BOTH agreed that many of us wanted to see go down and then I switched vote to hammer at the end? SO? It was a done deal. If I didn't vote someone else would have. I even admitted when I voted that I didn't know how many votes were out there etc. as I was ready for bed.
You've been dancing around the idea of accusing me for a while, but now that Ampelas has a second vote on him you decide to throw your vote down. I'm thinking you're starting to worry that your partner is in danger.
Actuallly I started to suspect Telas because he threw down the vote on me when more eyes started looking at you. I think he got scared.
His final post is designed to make us feel sorry for him and allow him to cling on for another day. He 'always looks guilty', so we shouldn't vote for him based on that? He also suggests that players voting for him would merely be following the herd and not thinking for themselves, another move designed to prevent people voting for him. Finally, he attempts to set up a lynch order for the next few days, a move that has already been described as scummy. It is this final quote that actually makes me the most suspicious. He looks like he is desperate to hang on for another day, and will do anything to achieve that.
So, in conclusion,
Vote Rashan.
So I know this is going to look pretty OMGUS. However, I know I am inno (although I don't expect people to take my word for it), and so Rashan's attack of me is making me look very closely at his posts. And re-reading what he has said over the past few pages, I'm starting to get more suspicious of him.
First, his case on me. It seems to consist of comments that vastly inflate my actions or (deliberately or not) misinterpret my meaning. Several of you have expressed suspicion at the way I dealt with Shelly's RP. I have dealt with that elsewhere, so I won't repeat myself. However, Rashan has been the only one to suggest I was acting unconcerned in order to distance myself from Shelly, which seems like a logical fallacy. If I was planning on NKing Shelly, why would I want to act differently from anyone else? It would make much more sense to go along with the crowd, expressing anger at the rubbish that was being posted. The bit underlined in the post below particularly bothers me. It was not my intention in any way to suggest that people voting for Shelly would be suspect. I saw and understood the reasons for the votes on Shelly, I just didn't agree with them. I don't know if this is deliberately misinterpreting my post or not, but I don't feel there was anything in what I said to suggest what Rashan is suggesting.
The theory here is that just about EVERYONE wanted to get rid of Shelly. I myself and anyone else that subscribes to this theory is doing so based on the fact that by saying you didn't see anything suspicious you can then turn around and say that you were right and the rest of us were wrong. We are working under the assumption that a killer MAY have beeen one of the people that said to ignore him. Korbas fit into this as well.
Rashan, on 23 May 2012 - 02:00 PM, said:
So I did a reread and nothing stood out to me on Fener. Based on his posts, I think he genuinely was annoyed with Shelly's posts. His last post before we got the results of night, I think he would have probably tried to run that lynch train. Its certainly possible though that he WANTED us to think that so we wouldn't suspect him of the NK, but that starts getting confusing and I don't really think that I see that kind of planning involved.
Ampelas DID stand out to me in my reread however, and I wasn't even looking for him particularly. His defense of Shelly was actually quite good. I can see the planning here. Stick with the Tulas target since everyone will follow it, and take him out before he can prove to be a better player.
i don't think it's wise to ignore shelly - she's not just annoying, she's actually deliberately putting misinformation all over the thread which i cannot for the fucking life of me see how that would help town at all.
anyone who is misled by Shelly rambling about healers and priests and multiple alts hasn't been reading properly. p.s. has said several times that this is the simplest of m and p games.
in a text based game it isn't always easy to pick up on sarcasm and other non-written clues. but it's fairly obvious to me that Shelly is mocking a different style of play. maybe if the mocking continues we look at lynching her, but lynching someone on day one for being annoying and role playing just seems rather lazy to me.
Good distancing here. Basically saying 'no one here has a real case on Shelly, so when Shelly cf's as inno then everyone that votes for Shelly is a suspect'.
See Galain this is why you need me around so I can point out where you are going wrong. I understand that's going to happen a lot because you are a noob most likely but really you should listen to me. Can you see the difference between your two posts above? Yes, the first does not contain the clause of the second and thus makes it seem much much worse. I hesitate to suggest that you saw how bad it looked and retconned to pretend you meant something different.
Planning future lynches is a no no and shows that you are not following the game in the present as I am but planning for things without considering future events. Now I believe that you are a townie but you are not really helping town with posts like this so perhaps you had better go and recollect yourself for a bit and then come back with your game head on.
As it is I am astonished that everyone is overlooking Ampelas. How can this be????????
Looks like Ampelas had pinged Khell's scumdar.
I agree with Khell. All that Ampelas basically had said was to reiterate what we already knew, that Tulas had thrown out a vote based on what we all knew was shitty logic. Ampelas maintained a good distance from Shelly and used his NK on him. His plan for today will be to pick another inno target for lynch, and then take out whomever he considers to be the biggest threat again with a nk.
vote Ampelas
Ampelas DID stand out to me in my reread however, and I wasn't even looking for him particularly. His defense of Shelly was actually quite good. I can see the planning here. Stick with the Tulas target since everyone will follow it, and take him out before he can prove to be a better player.
Ampelas, on 22 May 2012 - 09:01 PM, said:
Karosis, on 22 May 2012 - 08:45 PM, said:
Ampelas, on 22 May 2012 - 08:38 PM, said:
well, i'm back and caught up.
Shelly is taking the piss. if it's really bothering you, ignore it. I personally am rather amused by it, it is a pretty good parody. I will maintain that it is never worth lynching people simply because they are annoying. hopefully the role play will end after the first day anyway.
I'd like to hear more from Tulas. a vote like that so early in the game seems odd. lazy townie moves like that tend to be later in the day, when people realise that they won't be online before time out and rush to put a vote down.
Shelly is taking the piss. if it's really bothering you, ignore it. I personally am rather amused by it, it is a pretty good parody. I will maintain that it is never worth lynching people simply because they are annoying. hopefully the role play will end after the first day anyway.
I'd like to hear more from Tulas. a vote like that so early in the game seems odd. lazy townie moves like that tend to be later in the day, when people realise that they won't be online before time out and rush to put a vote down.
i don't think it's wise to ignore shelly - she's not just annoying, she's actually deliberately putting misinformation all over the thread which i cannot for the fucking life of me see how that would help town at all.
anyone who is misled by Shelly rambling about healers and priests and multiple alts hasn't been reading properly. p.s. has said several times that this is the simplest of m and p games.
in a text based game it isn't always easy to pick up on sarcasm and other non-written clues. but it's fairly obvious to me that Shelly is mocking a different style of play. maybe if the mocking continues we look at lynching her, but lynching someone on day one for being annoying and role playing just seems rather lazy to me.
Good distancing here. Basically saying 'no one here has a real case on Shelly, so when Shelly cf's as inno then everyone that votes for Shelly is a suspect'.
Sheltatha Lore, on 23 May 2012 - 12:24 AM, said:
Galain, on 22 May 2012 - 11:53 PM, said:
I propose a Shelly lynch today, and a Tulas lynch tomorrow.
Galain, on 23 May 2012 - 12:01 AM, said:
What? I'm just stating my own, personal opinion, which is a Shelly lynch today, and a Tulas lynch tomorrow if nobody scummier appears.
See Galain this is why you need me around so I can point out where you are going wrong. I understand that's going to happen a lot because you are a noob most likely but really you should listen to me. Can you see the difference between your two posts above? Yes, the first does not contain the clause of the second and thus makes it seem much much worse. I hesitate to suggest that you saw how bad it looked and retconned to pretend you meant something different.
Planning future lynches is a no no and shows that you are not following the game in the present as I am but planning for things without considering future events. Now I believe that you are a townie but you are not really helping town with posts like this so perhaps you had better go and recollect yourself for a bit and then come back with your game head on.
As it is I am astonished that everyone is overlooking Ampelas. How can this be????????
Looks like Ampelas had pinged Khell's scumdar.
Sheltatha Lore, on 23 May 2012 - 01:24 AM, said:
Going off what I've seen on thread rather than just number of posts, two other people, however, spring to mind.
- Galain, because he got so defensive over one vote from me (of all people) very very early on in the game. This could well be resulting from frustration at what he felt was an argument with a retard (
) but could be something more sinister.
- Ampelas, saw right through me straight away and advised everyone to chill about it. Has thus posted good, sensible advice, but without ever actually adding his own thoughts on what might be good places to look. Sensible posts, little content.
- Galain, because he got so defensive over one vote from me (of all people) very very early on in the game. This could well be resulting from frustration at what he felt was an argument with a retard (

- Ampelas, saw right through me straight away and advised everyone to chill about it. Has thus posted good, sensible advice, but without ever actually adding his own thoughts on what might be good places to look. Sensible posts, little content.
I agree with Khell. All that Ampelas basically had said was to reiterate what we already knew, that Tulas had thrown out a vote based on what we all knew was shitty logic. Ampelas maintained a good distance from Shelly and used his NK on him. His plan for today will be to pick another inno target for lynch, and then take out whomever he considers to be the biggest threat again with a nk.
vote Ampelas
The other part of Rashan's case is that Khell mentioned me as being suspicious before his death. Again, this is vastly inflated. As far as I can see the only times Khell mentions me are both quoted in the post above, and one mention is part of role-playing and doesn't even mention me as suspicious, merely that I have been 'overlooked'. I was one of several people mentioned by Khell, and yet Rashan singles me out as having reason to kill Shelly.
You're right, Khell DID mention several people but YOU were the one he had a vote on. I suspect that the roleplaying would tone down by day 2. He was already starting to be more helpful by the end of the day. The killers most likely took him out to eliminate what they considered to be the largest threat. If he could run the thread AND give a logical case on day 2 they would be fucked.
Rashan, on 23 May 2012 - 02:21 PM, said:
Telas, on 23 May 2012 - 02:09 PM, said:
Hrmm, funny how we got completely different things from the same posts Rashan - it seemed to me that Ampelas' posts were rational and well thought out. He doesn't strike me as killer, he was one of the first to point out that Shelly was probably RPing, and basically stuck to that conviction. He jumped on the Tulas train, but I don't think he started it (I don't really remember), but in the end, I jumped on the Tulas train too, if only to get a lynch. Anyway, I disagree with you completely Rashan, and think you might be trying to move the attention away from you by analyzying something I had already said I would analyze, thus knowing or assuming I would probably end up on your train, so I'm going to take some time to read through your posts again before I move to Galain and/or Korbas.
Amp didn't start it I believe he just jumped on the ride. I think Kheltatha would have proven to be one of the bigger threats to the scum team. Most people drop role playing after day 1 and he was clearly a high poster that could run the thread. I think the nail in his coffin was when he started looking Amp's way. It wasn't worth letting him live another day where he might build a case against him.
I'm not surprised that any of you are looking at me since I was a vocal proponent of a Kheltatha lynch. I went out on a limb based on the theory that scum could be hiding behind high posting for a change and was wrong.
Galain I'm not sure of. He's a high poster, but I haven't really seen much in his content. I'll reread him and Korbas to see if I get the same feel that you do for them.
These two disparate parts of Rashan's case don't really fit together, he is suggesting that I had been planning from the beginning of the day to kill Shelly, but also the comments made at the end of the day by Shelly caused me to have him killed.
He also puts down what he believes my 'plan' is, which I HATE. He is talking as if he knows exactly what has happened, which he would have no way of knowing even if I was the killer. And his suggestion that I will "pick another inno target for a lynch" and take out another inno at night is completely baseless. I have done nothing at all so far to try and affect any lynch train, and his final bit is pure speculation. It is all designed to look like he knows exactly what is going on, but if he is inno then he has the same information as the rest of us. It is reading more like his own plan, being projected on to me.
Why not be potentially scoping out or setting yourself up for potential targets all along? By end of day you would want to have options. I fail to see how these two statements contradict eachother. Early in the day I'm sure you would have a provisional list and then rearrange and confirm by night.
On to his reactions to the prodding by other people. I found the post below hilarious:
Rashan, on 23 May 2012 - 11:07 PM, said:
Korbas, on 23 May 2012 - 10:35 PM, said:
Sheltatha Lore, on 23 May 2012 - 01:20 AM, said:
Fingers crossed on Tulas, but I'm thinking that this is going to be an inno lynch. You'll normally find killers early on (day 1, 2) hiding in the middle order - so Karosis, Rashan, D'riss, Fener, Thyrllan - these are the people I'd look at right now.
Tulas appears like he's in this same category but actually isn't - if he hadn't roused himself to defend from votes he'd be among the lowest posters.
Tulas appears like he's in this same category but actually isn't - if he hadn't roused himself to defend from votes he'd be among the lowest posters.
This is the post that caught my attention. Shelly broke character and started to make sense, names a list of suspects, and gets killed during the night.
When I have some more time I'm gonna reread all of Shelly's suspect's posts.
That's kind of a lame reasoning don't you think? I'm ALWAYS in the middle order. Every game you will find me in THAT ^^ list. That's just another theory to live by. High posters, low posters, middle posters.... pshaw. I only latched onto the hiding in high posting idea because there has been so much talk AGAINST voting for annoying players. Seemed like a great place to hide. If you are going to follow Khell's logic start looking at the dust he stirred as I assure you that was yet another attempt to stir things up.
Half his case on me stems from the fact that Khell mentioned me on day one. However, as soon as someone else suggests that we look at other people Khell mentioned, which includes Rashan, suddenly it is "lame reasoning" and Khell was 'stirring dust'.
In addition, there have been a few questions asked by other players. Instead of responding reasonably to the questions he has attacked the people asking the questions and cast aspersions on them.
Looks like YOU are casting aspersions. I'm just saying that the middle of the road poster theory sucks. Either someone is going to be a high, middle or low poster. Period. It usually depends on the time on their hands. We DO most often find scum in the low poster category ONLY BECAUSE they often are afraid to say something that could be built into a case later.
Rashan, on 23 May 2012 - 10:43 PM, said:
D, on 23 May 2012 - 09:50 PM, said:
D'riss has returned to much fanfare! (/roleplay)
Rashan has become very proactive and helpful. It's too bad there isn't any way to know if this is due to me plopping a vote on him, or he would have done this on Day 2 anyways. My suspicion is the former - it's out of character compared to his Day 1 play since he didn't really do anything on his own on Day 1 (good when you want to avoid the random day 1 lynch over some small perceived error). Now all of a sudden he feels pressure to contribute or face people looking at him.
As for things being said about others
Fener - I think he needs to post more. I don't get much from him except "indignancy" about this and that.
Amp - The case is ok, but a bit of a stretch. As Telas points out, it can be interpreted either way.
Galain - Other than the "setting up lynches" thing at the end of Day 1, (which happen to be the 2 dead people - spooky) I'm not seeing much. Although the pre-emptive explanation at the top of this page made a slight wave on my scumdar. Answering accusations before they happen is a little suspicious.
Rashan has become very proactive and helpful. It's too bad there isn't any way to know if this is due to me plopping a vote on him, or he would have done this on Day 2 anyways. My suspicion is the former - it's out of character compared to his Day 1 play since he didn't really do anything on his own on Day 1 (good when you want to avoid the random day 1 lynch over some small perceived error). Now all of a sudden he feels pressure to contribute or face people looking at him.
As for things being said about others
Fener - I think he needs to post more. I don't get much from him except "indignancy" about this and that.
Amp - The case is ok, but a bit of a stretch. As Telas points out, it can be interpreted either way.
Galain - Other than the "setting up lynches" thing at the end of Day 1, (which happen to be the 2 dead people - spooky) I'm not seeing much. Although the pre-emptive explanation at the top of this page made a slight wave on my scumdar. Answering accusations before they happen is a little suspicious.
Thanks for the compliment... I think...
Actually your vote didn't really worry me. As a proponent for a Shelly lynch I rather expected one or two today. I'm comfortable enough in my own innocence that I'm not too rattled by it. Now as far as your saying that I didnt' really do anything on Day 1, I have to call bullshit. I stuck my neck out and made known my opinions on Shelly. I could have goofed around on day one and said nothing at all then thrown my vote down on the biggest train, but I threw in on the Shelly lynch on a theory (albeit a bad one) WITH MY REASONING. That didn't look like it would fly in the end so I put it on the next most reasonable suspect (to me) at the time. Now we have a bit more to go on, so the day 2 shit will come out, which will invariably be better than the Day 1 shit, but still not be as good as the Day 3 shit.
So, I can tell you you're wrong and tell you why I did what I did, but at the end of the day for all I know YOU'RE the scum.
He refuses to answer D'riss here... why? Because D'riss might be scum? But there has been no indication that D'riss is scum, and no accusations laid against him, so the only reason I can see for Rashan suggesting it is because D'riss was questioning his motives.
Where have I NOT answered D'riss? The questions and accusations against me have been based on:
1) My vote on Shelly
2) My switch to the Tulas train.
I have REPEATEDLY said that MY vote was based on the theory that a killer might try to hide as an annoying high poster for a change. I have also said that I thought Tulas's drive by agreement with Shelly looked suspicious like EVERYONE ELSE DID and changed when after a few beers I logged in, didn't see a time but saw lots of votes going and thought fuck Shelly isn't happening better get a Tulas lynch. As it turns out BOTH were wrong. I'm NOT THE ONLY ONE GUILTY OF MAKING THIS MISTAKE.
In the post below he suggests that Telas and I are connected because Telas disagrees with him. Rashan does very little to answer the accusations against him, and only does so here because Telas has put a vote down.
Rashan, on 24 May 2012 - 02:57 AM, said:
Telas, on 24 May 2012 - 02:20 AM, said:
Fener, on 24 May 2012 - 01:34 AM, said:
TS was lynched with ten hours left. It seemed odd to say that we couldn't lynch someone who was two short when there were over ten hours left in the day.
Thought it was pretty clear that I wouldn't be able to play for the rest of the night. I didn't want to take the chance of a no lynch day, and it seemed pretty obvious that Tulas Shorn was the more popular possible lynch of the two. At any rate, if I were a killer I certainly wouldn't have NK Sheltatha on night 1, she was getting enough negative attention as it was, there was a good chance that she would have gotten lynched on day 2. Guess we shall see.
At any rate, I probably won't be on for the rest of the night. Not sure if I'll be able to get on before end of MAFIA day, though I should be able to. But just in case, I am going to
vote Rashan
For reasons stated above, by myself and by D'Riss. Hopefully there'll be lots of interesting stuff to read tomorrow!
You're reasoning being? I voted Sheltatha whom you and D'riss BOTH agreed that many of us wanted to see go down and then I switched vote to hammer at the end? SO? It was a done deal. If I didn't vote someone else would have. I even admitted when I voted that I didn't know how many votes were out there etc. as I was ready for bed.
You've been dancing around the idea of accusing me for a while, but now that Ampelas has a second vote on him you decide to throw your vote down. I'm thinking you're starting to worry that your partner is in danger.
Actuallly I started to suspect Telas because he threw down the vote on me when more eyes started looking at you. I think he got scared.
His final post is designed to make us feel sorry for him and allow him to cling on for another day. He 'always looks guilty', so we shouldn't vote for him based on that? He also suggests that players voting for him would merely be following the herd and not thinking for themselves, another move designed to prevent people voting for him. Finally, he attempts to set up a lynch order for the next few days, a move that has already been described as scummy. It is this final quote that actually makes me the most suspicious. He looks like he is desperate to hang on for another day, and will do anything to achieve that.
So, in conclusion,
Vote Rashan.
I believe this whole case is a flailing attempt to not lose a killer. I'm certain that we are looking at Ampelas and Telas. A lot of the same logic could be applied to a Korbas and Telas pair though as well, but I'm feeling Ampelas more. At this point in the game the killers cannot afford to lose eachother.