I could be dead wrong about this but this is just my intuitive reaction to how a lot of people seemed to be responding to ICE and Stonewielder. This may be plainly obvious for some of you but like I said this finally "clicked" for me after Stonewielder. It seems to me that ICE is writing his own Malazan series just as much as SE has done. He is writing a series as opposed to stand alone stories which is what I thought he was doing. It is my belief that the question of the Stormriders, in particular who or what they are and where do they come from, will be answered in one of the last ICE books.
Think about it...at the end of NOK we learn that the Stormriders are not what they seem. In fact we find out that they feel as threatened as the humans feel. Then we find out a little more about their history in Stonewielder but when we don't find out all of it people get very upset because they are not viewing ICE writings as a series.
It is obvious to me now that ICE is dealing with certain storylines and themes which are going to expand across the whole of his series ending in Assail. Many of you reading this may think that this is completely obvious but it seems that enough people were disappointed in Stonewielders ending that they either a) don't see the big picture or

Sorry if I am not being completely clear here. As I said before this may be self-evident to most people but I just wanted to mention it because it seemed that enough people were disappointed by the ending of Stonewielder especially in relation to the stormriders that I had to say something. I honestly think that we will find out all about them by the end of ICE series of Malazan books.