Mafia 84 (a) and (b) signup thread ALT-LESS yeah, i said it
Posted 27 February 2012 - 05:04 PM
I'll sign up. Did I miss anything about why we are running two games at once? Are they at all related? Or is this just division for the sake of division?
We sail in and out of Time, then back again. There is only one ship, the captain says. All the ships we hail between the galaxies or suns are this ship.
Posted 27 February 2012 - 05:18 PM
ansible, on 27 February 2012 - 05:04 PM, said:
I'll sign up. Did I miss anything about why we are running two games at once? Are they at all related? Or is this just division for the sake of division?
Vets one game, newbies another
Apt is the only one who reads this. Apt is nice.
Posted 27 February 2012 - 06:51 PM
Im in for the newb game. Only played once and I think it went horribly wrong. Will be using mobile for most posting though as I got a warning due to high internet usage on my last game at work. Oops.
This post has been edited by DeadHedge: 27 February 2012 - 06:51 PM
"The wise say that as vows are sworn, so are the reaped. I found this to be true"
Prince K'azz D'avore
Founder of the Crimson Guard
xbl GT - Arai Zenko
Prince K'azz D'avore
Founder of the Crimson Guard
xbl GT - Arai Zenko
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:06 AM
Tattersail, on 27 February 2012 - 05:18 PM, said:

We sail in and out of Time, then back again. There is only one ship, the captain says. All the ships we hail between the galaxies or suns are this ship.
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:15 AM
Because I've promised an alt-less game for a while, and we've had so many new people join up lately, they would serve little purpose among the fueds of an alt-less game. So I decided to give the newer players a chance to get a little better with a basic M&P.
Now, if you don't qualify as a veteran, and you want to play in the veteran game, I'm fine with that. So, Ansible, if you would like to play there, you're more than welcome to. I put a few of the older but not veteran players in the newb game for the numbers. If you really don't want to play there, any of you (Tats, GH, Twelve) let me know, and I'll put you in the vet game. I just needed the numbers for the newb game.
Both games are M&P. The vet game is altless. The newb game is going to be alted. They both begin next Monday at 7am -5gmt, or close to that.
Any word from your friend you said might want to play? I have another first timer, an RL friend of mine, that I'm signing up with an account tomorrow. He seems genuinely interested, so I hope he does well.
Now, if you don't qualify as a veteran, and you want to play in the veteran game, I'm fine with that. So, Ansible, if you would like to play there, you're more than welcome to. I put a few of the older but not veteran players in the newb game for the numbers. If you really don't want to play there, any of you (Tats, GH, Twelve) let me know, and I'll put you in the vet game. I just needed the numbers for the newb game.
Both games are M&P. The vet game is altless. The newb game is going to be alted. They both begin next Monday at 7am -5gmt, or close to that.
Any word from your friend you said might want to play? I have another first timer, an RL friend of mine, that I'm signing up with an account tomorrow. He seems genuinely interested, so I hope he does well.
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:17 AM
By the way, we have 14 right now (counting my friend tomorrow) and I need 11 as a minimum, so don't feel bad if you want to play in the vet game. I really don't care, since I have the numbers now.
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:20 AM
I'm off tomorrow night til next Tuesday, JLV. Up the start date.
Trouble arrives when the opponents to such a system institute its extreme opposite, where individualism becomes godlike and sacrosanct, and no greater service to any other ideal (including community) is possible. In such a system rapacious greed thrives behind the guise of freedom, and the worst aspects of human nature come to the fore....
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:22 AM
Hmm. I could start it on Wednesday, if there are no objections.
I need to hear from Tattersail on if his friend will be playing or not, first.
I need to hear from Tattersail on if his friend will be playing or not, first.
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:35 AM
ansible, on 28 February 2012 - 12:06 AM, said:
It's a lab experiment. Think of it as Guinea Pigs X and Guinea Pigs Y. X has been genetically mutated and as a consequence has become more aggressive, more accusatory, sneakier, is far more up its own arse, suspicious of absolutely everything, reacts to most things with cries of "WIFOM!", likes to chuckle at inside jokes, and is generally extremely self-destructive. At times it displays moments of genius, but these are fewer and farther in between than it itself would like to think. As well as these generalisations, X does display some variety in form from guinea pig to guinea pig: For instance, the Venge pig tends to lose focus of the primary objective and instead attacks those it deems mortal enemies, whether they be better off with them or not; the Silencer pig has developed a very interesting side-effect to the mutation which allows it to turn invisible, and is therefore highly dangerous; the Grief pig wants to be in on every conversation, and always has an (unsolicited) opinion on absolutely everything; the Khell pig has developed an unfortunate allergy to teamwork, though it has managed to mask this deficiency quite well, thus often resulting in devestating consequences to its fellow pigs just as they get a little comfortable.
Guinea Pigs Y, on the other hand, are control pigs. They are relatively young and fresh, and have not been exposed to dangerously high dosages of the mutation - yet. Even so, some have already begun to manifest cliquey habits, most notably centred around the Gust Pig. The Gust Pig itself appears to be going slowly mad from the attention it is being shown by its even more energetic cousins. Overall, the Y pigs appear more friendly towards each other than the X pigs, and often exhibit a clear-headed level of logic and simple reasoning that X pigs no longer appear capable of. However, this has also resulted in some unfortunate cases of extreme following and head-nodding agreement which has led to untimely, unfortunate terminations for those connected.
The experiment itself is to see how these groups of pigs - X and Y - dissolve into absolute anarchy and chaos. Note, it is not which does so first, because it is, of course, entirely inevitable that both will. Rather, it is about which does with the most style.
Also, it's about letting the vets kill each other in senseless, long-held vendettas within a safe environment with no collateral damage, whilst also cruelly ensuring that the newbies continue and expand this tradition by forming their own grudges through their own game and thus losing their innocence long before they should have to. It's evil all round.
These games will be as much about Mafia as Stonewielder is about explaining Stormriders.
"I think I've made a terrible error of judgement."
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:37 AM
I'm okay bumping it up too. I'm also okay staying with the noobs.
GH and I have to see who last longer so we both should be in the same game. We should have some sort of wager going on. Not sure what it should be... I'll have to think what we should make the loser do? Maybe make the loser sit out a couple games or if that is too harsh make them change their avatar to something really embassasing?
Any ideas anyone?
GH and I have to see who last longer so we both should be in the same game. We should have some sort of wager going on. Not sure what it should be... I'll have to think what we should make the loser do? Maybe make the loser sit out a couple games or if that is too harsh make them change their avatar to something really embassasing?
Any ideas anyone?
I don't know what I'm doing but it sounds good.
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:46 AM
God this is going to be a classic day one spam athon between you two (ment/grief) again isn't it. Good because I have been trying to tell the kids what they were like in the old days but nobody believes me anymore. I am just another old man on a porch with a fully loaded AK-47 yelling at the kids to get off the lawn.
How many fucking people do I have to hammer in order to get that across.
Hinter - Vengy - DIE. I trusted you you bastard!!!!!!!
Steven Erikson made drowning in alien cum possible - Obdigore
Hinter - Vengy - DIE. I trusted you you bastard!!!!!!!
Steven Erikson made drowning in alien cum possible - Obdigore
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:46 AM
You have a way with words Khell. If the game had been pitched to me like that when I joined I can say with near certainty I would never have played 
Also, midweek start works fine for me.

Also, midweek start works fine for me.
Cougar said:
Grief, FFS will you do something with your sig, it's bloody awful
worry said:
Grief is right (until we abolish capitalism).
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:52 AM
I dunno, I quite like the description. XD
Also, Grief and I are playing, so @JLV/the vets - you might want to dispense with the anonymity rule, seeing as it will give some people an 'advantage'/'disadvantage' in terms of WIFOM or whatever. I can't remember what we did last altless where Grief or I were playing, but I think we just said "up to you" if you want to go invis or not. Or did we say "everybody invis, except those who can see invis"? Meh. Up to the mod, ofc.
Also, Grief and I are playing, so @JLV/the vets - you might want to dispense with the anonymity rule, seeing as it will give some people an 'advantage'/'disadvantage' in terms of WIFOM or whatever. I can't remember what we did last altless where Grief or I were playing, but I think we just said "up to you" if you want to go invis or not. Or did we say "everybody invis, except those who can see invis"? Meh. Up to the mod, ofc.

Shinrei said:
<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:55 AM
Everybody would go visible in the vet game, of course so you don't cheat more than you already do. Cheaters.
Trouble arrives when the opponents to such a system institute its extreme opposite, where individualism becomes godlike and sacrosanct, and no greater service to any other ideal (including community) is possible. In such a system rapacious greed thrives behind the guise of freedom, and the worst aspects of human nature come to the fore....
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:55 AM
I don't care if you're invisible or not. You certainly don't need to be, in the alt-less.
@mods/people who can see invisible
Don't make a case using that as the basis, because there's no way for anyone else to affirm it, ya know?
If you choose to make a case based on a player posting elsewhere but not showing up for Mafia, I'm fine with that, though.
@mods/people who can see invisible
Don't make a case using that as the basis, because there's no way for anyone else to affirm it, ya know?
If you choose to make a case based on a player posting elsewhere but not showing up for Mafia, I'm fine with that, though.
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:55 AM
Silencer, on 28 February 2012 - 12:52 AM, said:
I dunno, I quite like the description. XD
Also, Grief and I are playing, so @JLV/the vets - you might want to dispense with the anonymity rule, seeing as it will give some people an 'advantage'/'disadvantage' in terms of WIFOM or whatever. I can't remember what we did last altless where Grief or I were playing, but I think we just said "up to you" if you want to go invis or not. Or did we say "everybody invis, except those who can see invis"? Meh. Up to the mod, ofc.
Also, Grief and I are playing, so @JLV/the vets - you might want to dispense with the anonymity rule, seeing as it will give some people an 'advantage'/'disadvantage' in terms of WIFOM or whatever. I can't remember what we did last altless where Grief or I were playing, but I think we just said "up to you" if you want to go invis or not. Or did we say "everybody invis, except those who can see invis"? Meh. Up to the mod, ofc.

Last time I played altless I think we said no anon players. If we leave it up to people it's unfair to the people who are on at the same time as us because they can't lurk.
Cougar said:
Grief, FFS will you do something with your sig, it's bloody awful
worry said:
Grief is right (until we abolish capitalism).
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:55 AM
Vengeance, on 28 February 2012 - 12:46 AM, said:
God this is going to be a classic day one spam athon between you two (ment/grief) again isn't it. Good because I have been trying to tell the kids what they were like in the old days but nobody believes me anymore. I am just another old man on a porch with a fully loaded AK-47 yelling at the kids to get off the lawn.
Wed-THur are my bitch days in school. someone else will have to take up the spamming is my phone wi-fi fails me.
Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:59 AM
Grief, on 28 February 2012 - 12:55 AM, said:
Silencer, on 28 February 2012 - 12:52 AM, said:
I dunno, I quite like the description. XD
Also, Grief and I are playing, so @JLV/the vets - you might want to dispense with the anonymity rule, seeing as it will give some people an 'advantage'/'disadvantage' in terms of WIFOM or whatever. I can't remember what we did last altless where Grief or I were playing, but I think we just said "up to you" if you want to go invis or not. Or did we say "everybody invis, except those who can see invis"? Meh. Up to the mod, ofc.
Also, Grief and I are playing, so @JLV/the vets - you might want to dispense with the anonymity rule, seeing as it will give some people an 'advantage'/'disadvantage' in terms of WIFOM or whatever. I can't remember what we did last altless where Grief or I were playing, but I think we just said "up to you" if you want to go invis or not. Or did we say "everybody invis, except those who can see invis"? Meh. Up to the mod, ofc.

Last time I played altless I think we said no anon players. If we leave it up to people it's unfair to the people who are on at the same time as us because they can't lurk.
Ah, you're right. Okay, no anons