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The USA Politics Thread

#9861 User is offline   amphibian 

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Posted 06 January 2020 - 06:59 PM

View PostEmperorMagus, on 06 January 2020 - 06:59 AM, said:

I'm personally angry & offended at the assassination. Pretty much every Iranian I have spoken to feels violated that the a member of the Iranian military was attacked like this. Though I admit that there are the Monarchy supporters who are happy at what happened.

Pragmatically, I realize that it will be to the Islamic Republic's advantage in the long run. They have a great martyr who has both the nationalist groups and the religious groups behind him; they have far more national unity and support than they had after their suppression of the most recent protests; and Iraq is trying to eject American troops, which is what Soleimani had been trying to achieve for years (victory in death, I guess).

Soleimani was pretty magnificent at extending Iran's influence outside Iranian borders, and the IRGC doesn't have anyone of his caliber to replace him. But his deputy (Brigadier General Gha'ani, who has been appointed to his post) is also a hard hitter, known as "Sardar-e-Shamat" (Commandant of Syria) among. My guess is that Gha'ani is more than competent enough to keep what Soleimani started going.

In terms of retribution, I'd say that Iranians (both the people and the government) love vengeance and want nothing more than getting it. But the Supreme Leader is, if nothing else, a shrewd politician. He will not approve anything that will endanger the existence of the Islamic Republic and I think that includes any retribution that is likely to lead to war with the United States. I would expect Iran-supported militia attacks (insurgency style) against US troops in Iraq and Syria as likely, direct military action against US forces possible but unlikely, and assassinations a very unlikely response.

At the end of the day, the Iranians know they are not on a level playing field with the Americans.

As a bonus, you can see Khamenei leading a public prayer for Soleimani in the link below. For context, the "prayer of the dead" is a mandatory Shia rite and part of the complex ceremonies preceding a burial. Soleimani's burial rites have been the largest in modern Iranian history, taking place in five Iranian cities (and two in Iraq) and drawing more participants than the ceremony for the founder of the Islamic Republic. People are coming onto the streets in every city, big or small, in mourning. Can you say martyr?

I honestly cannot tell whether his half sob is genuine or merely playing the crowd.

I empathize with you.

I also need to tell this forum that back in 2016/2017 Trump was taking money from Soleiman and his group. The money stopped flowing, Trump got in bed with the Saudis, Pompeo and the Dept of Defense decided to take "revenge" shots at Soleiman for fucking up their war, and then they killed him after months of lobbying Trump.


That article is from 2017 and explains how Trump was the only USA businessman dumb and desperate enough to get in business with a Soleiman proxy.

Combine that with the handjobs Trump has been giving the Saudis and the DoD leaks about this drone killing being a months long campaign that finally worked and you get a complete picture of the corruption and idiocy involved here.

At this point, it's actually safer for all parties for Iran to have nukes.
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#9862 User is offline   Terez 

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Posted 06 January 2020 - 11:34 PM

I remember when that article was published. I feel like it kind of got lost in the morass of "follow the money" stories that were coming out in the early days of the Trump presidency, at a time when everyone was just coming to terms with the fact that we had elected someone with major ties to organized crime to be our president. Maddow did a typical meandering deep dive on it here and continued to talk about it occasionally for a while.

This FCPA violation is one of many things that Trump should probably already be in prison for.

The President (2012) said:

Please proceed, Governor.

Chris Christie (2016) said:

There it is.

Elizabeth Warren (2020) said:

And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.

#9863 User is offline   Brujah 

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Posted 07 January 2020 - 03:15 AM

View Postamphibian, on 06 January 2020 - 06:59 PM, said:

View PostEmperorMagus, on 06 January 2020 - 06:59 AM, said:

I'm personally angry & offended at the assassination. Pretty much every Iranian I have spoken to feels violated that the a member of the Iranian military was attacked like this. Though I admit that there are the Monarchy supporters who are happy at what happened.

Pragmatically, I realize that it will be to the Islamic Republic's advantage in the long run. They have a great martyr who has both the nationalist groups and the religious groups behind him; they have far more national unity and support than they had after their suppression of the most recent protests; and Iraq is trying to eject American troops, which is what Soleimani had been trying to achieve for years (victory in death, I guess).

Soleimani was pretty magnificent at extending Iran's influence outside Iranian borders, and the IRGC doesn't have anyone of his caliber to replace him. But his deputy (Brigadier General Gha'ani, who has been appointed to his post) is also a hard hitter, known as "Sardar-e-Shamat" (Commandant of Syria) among. My guess is that Gha'ani is more than competent enough to keep what Soleimani started going.

In terms of retribution, I'd say that Iranians (both the people and the government) love vengeance and want nothing more than getting it. But the Supreme Leader is, if nothing else, a shrewd politician. He will not approve anything that will endanger the existence of the Islamic Republic and I think that includes any retribution that is likely to lead to war with the United States. I would expect Iran-supported militia attacks (insurgency style) against US troops in Iraq and Syria as likely, direct military action against US forces possible but unlikely, and assassinations a very unlikely response.

At the end of the day, the Iranians know they are not on a level playing field with the Americans.

As a bonus, you can see Khamenei leading a public prayer for Soleimani in the link below. For context, the "prayer of the dead" is a mandatory Shia rite and part of the complex ceremonies preceding a burial. Soleimani's burial rites have been the largest in modern Iranian history, taking place in five Iranian cities (and two in Iraq) and drawing more participants than the ceremony for the founder of the Islamic Republic. People are coming onto the streets in every city, big or small, in mourning. Can you say martyr?

I honestly cannot tell whether his half sob is genuine or merely playing the crowd.

I empathize with you.

I also need to tell this forum that back in 2016/2017 Trump was taking money from Soleiman and his group. The money stopped flowing, Trump got in bed with the Saudis, Pompeo and the Dept of Defense decided to take "revenge" shots at Soleiman for fucking up their war, and then they killed him after months of lobbying Trump.


That article is from 2017 and explains how Trump was the only USA businessman dumb and desperate enough to get in business with a Soleiman proxy.

Combine that with the handjobs Trump has been giving the Saudis and the DoD leaks about this drone killing being a months long campaign that finally worked and you get a complete picture of the corruption and idiocy involved here.

At this point, it's actually safer for all parties for Iran to have nukes.

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Posted 07 January 2020 - 07:13 PM

Something I’m surprised doesn’t get brought up more is that trump is a liar. He lies. He lied yesterday, he lied today and he lied tomorrow. Even if your on his side you can trust him.

That’s why the works is freaking out now. Did he stop an imminent threat? He says so but we want proof. He falls back and says the intelligence community said so. He told us not to trust the intelligence community. So... He didn’t alert allies so they don’t trust him and now hesitate to support him. His relationship with congress is non existent and they don’t trust him so they don’t trust his word, or the letter he sent them after the fact.

It’s why there is so much questioning of if the strike was legal.

The media is so focused on the lies themselves that they seldom seem to discuss the long term repercussions of having a pathological lair in the office. The long term repercussions of having a man who drives everyone away in office.

View PostTerez, on 06 January 2020 - 11:44 AM, said:

Now you've gone and offended the Jews. (I mean that seriously. In my experience, religious Jews really hate the use of "Pharisee" as a pejorative.)

I was a pretty serious Christian for half my life and I was definitely raised in the End Times cult.

Not to derail the thread, I wasn’t offended and I think Tiste isn’t the kind of guy to try to be offensive.

However modern Judaism is the descendent of the Pharisees. It’s insulting to them when it’s used as a derivative because it’s essentially a synonym. It’s as if Tiste said the republicans are the Jews.

Now I know what he meant and he was referring to the behavior of the Pharisees as described in the New Testament. However differences in opinion about the New Testament are essentially the difference between Jews and christians so..

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Posted 07 January 2020 - 10:46 PM

View PostTiste Simeon, on 06 January 2020 - 11:41 AM, said:

Let me tell you who he was angry with. The rich and powerful leaders who cared more about money and being seen to be more holy than others and claimed that by taking more they were doing God's work.

Sounds like celebrities ;)


Not immigrants. Heck the good Samaritan parable is all about how ancient tribal and nationalistic differences don't matter, it's what's in your heart that counts.

It also doesn't say anything about citizenship.
I'd say that illegal immigration actually gives the greatest gains to the rich. They gain a fully disposable resource of labor that they can pay next to nothing and threaten with deportation if they get uppity. In the meantime it also keeps the local lower and middle class in check when they get ideas about getting paid more. It's like skipping the 'trickle down' part of 'trickle down economics' by bringing in more and more glasses to interrupt the stream.

View PostGorefest, on 06 January 2020 - 12:35 PM, said:

It's organised religion. You can make it measure up with anything you want it to measure up with. Each to their own, and I think it is great when people find peace and purpose in faith on a personal level. But as soon as religion is practised in a ritualised/organised fashion, no matter which religion you pick, it tends to get fucked up and used for dodgy goals.

There's some differences in severity, though, between groups and places. Not everywhere you could feel safe as a, in order of increasing danger:
1. Heretic
2. Heathen
3. Atheist
4. Apostate
The trick seems to be the secularization of law, public life and discourse.
I might've given Christians a bad name in the past but I've grown to appreciate my luck.
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Posted 09 January 2020 - 07:58 PM

If Iran did accidentally shoot down this Ukrainian plane won’t this be the second time it’s happened to a Ukrainian plane? That’s mind boggling

#9867 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 09 January 2020 - 08:13 PM

View PostCause, on 09 January 2020 - 07:58 PM, said:

If Iran did accidentally shoot down this Ukrainian plane won’t this be the second time it’s happened to a Ukrainian plane? That’s mind boggling

From what I understand the Pentagon and Iraqi gov't confirmed (a couple of hours ago) that it indeed was downed by an Iranian missile.

And since the US did this to an Iranian commercial flight in 1988 that they've used in propaganda material EVER guess is that's why they are not owning up to it.

But yeah, this was 100% a military already on high alert (especially a SAM site) after the US tension and attack...and likely combined with a malfunction of the IFF ('friend or foe' tech on all planes, commercial or otherwise) on the airliner that made it look like an enemy aircraft to the SAM site...some of those systems act on that enemy aircraft automatically; but even a fidgety Iranian tech could have hit that button with the IFF failsafe fucking up on the plane and making it look like a hostile.

But yeah, I doubt it was intentional, but it certainly all stems from Trump's actions the past week and the various things that have occurred since then in escalation / tensions. These deaths are on Trump's head first and foremost. (not to take the blame off the fuck up by the Iranians....but Trump is the main reason all this is happening). 63 Canadians on that flight, one of whom was the father of the schoolmate of the daughter of one of my wife's friends. Terrible.
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Posted 10 January 2020 - 06:02 PM

Okay the last time this happened was over Ukraine but it was in fact a Malaysian plane. Was wondering why no one mentioned it.

#9869 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 10 January 2020 - 07:26 PM

View PostQuickTidal, on 09 January 2020 - 08:13 PM, said:

...not to take the blame off the fuck up by the Iranians....but Trump is the main reason all this is happening...

Plenty of blame to go around.
Am perplexed by commentators who think this was a deliberate shot by the Iranians. What would they possibly gain?

#9870 User is offline   Brujah 

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Posted 10 January 2020 - 08:20 PM

Free glass...?
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#9871 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 10 January 2020 - 08:26 PM

View PostAbyss, on 10 January 2020 - 07:26 PM, said:

View PostQuickTidal, on 09 January 2020 - 08:13 PM, said:

...not to take the blame off the fuck up by the Iranians....but Trump is the main reason all this is happening...

Plenty of blame to go around.
Am perplexed by commentators who think this was a deliberate shot by the Iranians. What would they possibly gain?

Depends on who was on the plane.

Is there any chance they were working with Putin?...

'The Only Winner of the U.S.-Iran Showdown Is Russia
A crisis tailor-made for Vladimir Putin.'

#9872 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 10 January 2020 - 08:35 PM

View PostAzath Vitr (D, on 10 January 2020 - 08:26 PM, said:

View PostAbyss, on 10 January 2020 - 07:26 PM, said:

View PostQuickTidal, on 09 January 2020 - 08:13 PM, said:

...not to take the blame off the fuck up by the Iranians....but Trump is the main reason all this is happening...

Plenty of blame to go around.
Am perplexed by commentators who think this was a deliberate shot by the Iranians. What would they possibly gain?

Depends on who was on the plane....

82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, a few Ukrainians, Swiss, Afghan, German, Americans.

#9873 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 10 January 2020 - 08:49 PM

View PostAbyss, on 10 January 2020 - 08:35 PM, said:

View PostAzath Vitr (D, on 10 January 2020 - 08:26 PM, said:

View PostAbyss, on 10 January 2020 - 07:26 PM, said:

View PostQuickTidal, on 09 January 2020 - 08:13 PM, said:

...not to take the blame off the fuck up by the Iranians....but Trump is the main reason all this is happening...

Plenty of blame to go around.
Am perplexed by commentators who think this was a deliberate shot by the Iranians. What would they possibly gain?

Depends on who was on the plane....

82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, a few Ukrainians, Swiss, Afghan, German, Americans.

The question being whether there may have been anyone the Iranian or Russian government wanted to get rid of....

#9874 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 10 January 2020 - 08:59 PM

View PostAzath Vitr (D, on 10 January 2020 - 08:49 PM, said:

View PostAbyss, on 10 January 2020 - 08:35 PM, said:

View PostAzath Vitr (D, on 10 January 2020 - 08:26 PM, said:

View PostAbyss, on 10 January 2020 - 07:26 PM, said:

View PostQuickTidal, on 09 January 2020 - 08:13 PM, said:

...not to take the blame off the fuck up by the Iranians....but Trump is the main reason all this is happening...

Plenty of blame to go around.
Am perplexed by commentators who think this was a deliberate shot by the Iranians. What would they possibly gain?

Depends on who was on the plane....

82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, a few Ukrainians, Swiss, Afghan, German, Americans.

The question being whether there may have been anyone the Iranian or Russian government wanted to get rid of....

Sure, but wow, bad timing. Hard to pretend it wasn't a missile when they're already in the air.

#9875 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 08:32 AM

That new Whats App message exchange between Lev Parnas and that Hyde guy is something else. Trump sure surrounds himself with the best people. The Best!

#9876 User is offline   Primateus 

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 10:27 AM

View PostAptorian, on 15 January 2020 - 08:32 AM, said:

That new Whats App message exchange between Lev Parnas and that Hyde guy is something else. Trump sure surrounds himself with the best people. The Best!

Goddamn, yeah, that does not look good. Either there's a nefarious intent behind that conversation or we've got a case of some of the worst failures to communicate in years.
Screw you all, and have a nice day!


#9877 User is offline   Tiste Simeon 

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 11:09 AM

Thanks for linking to whatever you're talking about chaps.
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#9878 User is offline   Terez 

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 11:13 AM

Grabbed the first tweet on my politics list about it.

PS: This guy is running for Congress and is very close to Trump. There's a whole thread of pictures he took with Trump, Trump's family, Trump's cabinet, Trump's other close associates.

Also, Trump told Zelensky that Yovanovitch was going to "go through some things" here:

And Yovanovitch told Congress she was told to return to the US because of a vague threat to her personal security:

This post has been edited by Terez: 15 January 2020 - 11:19 AM

The President (2012) said:

Please proceed, Governor.

Chris Christie (2016) said:

There it is.

Elizabeth Warren (2020) said:

And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.

#9879 User is offline   Tiste Simeon 

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 11:20 AM

Sheesh, wow. I'm guessing moron in chief hasn't said anything yet?
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#9880 User is offline   Terez 

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 11:23 AM

Ugh, I just went to his Twitter and I feel gross. Don't see anything. He might have commented elsewhere but I haven't seen anything on my politics list about it. I think the news broke pretty late, so maybe he just hasn't had a chance yet.

The President (2012) said:

Please proceed, Governor.

Chris Christie (2016) said:

There it is.

Elizabeth Warren (2020) said:

And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.

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