Silencer, on 21 January 2017 - 03:59 AM, said:
Also that FCC appointment is the death of a free Internet. Next we'll be having the Verizon and Comcast merger, the AT&T and Time Warner merger going through, and American net will be owned by a virtual monopoly.
Meanwhile any semblance of consumer protection from price hikes, and probably all the progress made on net neutrality and paying for data as well as speed will go out the window.
It's day fucking one. And already most of the progress Obama made over the past 8 years is being wiped out. I guess for people like Nico that seems like a good thing, but for anyone who actually knows how much better off the country was under Obama its a fucking disaster, with zero potential for gains (seriously, the debt will get worse under Trump, guaranteed, after Obama was one of one two presidents in the last 40 years to reduce the deficit).
The net neutrality thing is important, but honestly, the problem can be solved for people with knowhow by a simple VPN from a net neutral country (and paying for high speed access to that VPN). The mergers though, they are going to be painful for everyone.
Although there is this thing in the back of my mind that says "Hey, ISP mergers will be good for America, what better way to stop grandma and grandpa believing fake news than to make internet too expensive for them ..."
Then I remember there are millions of people that need accessible internet to live their lives who are going to get fucked.