Book Abbrevations
BH / TB - Bonehunters
BF - Blood Follows
CPT - Crack'd Pot Trail
DG / DHG - Deadhouse Gates
DoD - Dust of Dreams
FwGM - Fishin' with Grandma Matchie
GoG - Goats of Glory
GotM - Gardens of the Moon
HoC - House of Chains
MoI - Memories of Ice
MT - Midnight Tides
NoK - Night of Knives
QTB - Quashie Trapp Backlight
R - Revolvo
RG - Reaper's Gale
RotCG -Return of the Crimson Guard
tCG - The Crippled God
tDD - The Devil Delivered
tHD - The Healthy Dead
tLoLE - The Lees of Laugher's End
tRA - The River Awakens
tRES - This Rich Evil Sound
TtH - Toll the Hounds
SW -Stone Wielder
WSG - When She's Gone
Name acronyms
BB - Bridgeburners
BH - Bonehunters
B&KB - Bauchelain and Korbal Broach
CG - Crippled God
CriGs - Crimson Guard
EG -Elder Gods
FA - Forkrul Assail
FL - Father Light
ICE - Ian Cameron Esslemont
KCCM - K'Chain Che'Malle
MD -Mother Dark
QoD - Queen of Dreams
QB - Quick Ben
SE - Steven Erikson
SoCN -Sister of Cold Nights
TA - Tiste Andii
TE - Tiste Edur
TL -Tiste Liosan
Forum Groups
GOS - Grumpy Old Sods
HHM - High House Mafia
IFH - Illy's Fowl Hateocracy
KoD -King of Drink
LHTEC - Let's Hate the Errant Club
MA - Malazan Artist
MTP - Mezla's Thought Police
PEN - Painfully Eager Newbies
tAA - The Abyssmal Army
tMHaEI - The Most Holy and Exalted Inquisition
TQB - Team Quick Ben
tWoW - The Wheelchairs of War
User Names
AIJ - Ain't_It_Just_
AS - Adjutant Stormy
dibs - drinksinbars
DW - Darkwatch
HD - HoosierDaddy
RLY - Raymond Luxury Yacht
SM - StoneMonkey
STD - Sir Thursday
GotMism - catch-all explanation when something in GotM seems to contradict anything from a later book
GRRM - George R. R. Martin
HGH - Haters Gonna Hate
IADMAITTTIS - I am Dolorous Menhir and I think that this thread is stupid
iirc - Illy is Really Caustic (by Coco)
RAFO - Read and Find Out
Feel free to add what else want to see in the list or tell me if you note a mistake.
I think it might be good if a mod could stick this thread.
This post has been edited by Lyca: 04 November 2011 - 09:16 PM