Welcome back Whisperzzzzz, haven't seen you around here in a while.
OPM second season is an interesting question. Right now, there hasn't been any official announcement about it one way or another.
--The original creator said he loved the adaptation and would want to see more of it.
--It is super popular and will probably sell really, really well.
--They included lots of things in the first season that seemed like leads into the second - some characters that were referenced/introduced but never showed up, like Blizzard, and some new plot bits added in the last episode
So all of that would lead one to think it would definitely get a second season.
But, the staff that made OPM were a really select group brought together by the director and producers. From what I can tell, Madhouse is still the studio that produced this but the key animators, effects artists, episode directors, etc, were almost entirely freelancers or people who work for other studios that were bought in just for this project. If they don't already have plans for a second season, getting that group back together might be very difficult, or at the very least might mean waiting until they're finished all the commitments they have currently already scheduled.
Additionally, it sounds like a lot of the funding for this project came specifically from the Madhouse producers, not so much the manga publisher. So they may need to wait a while longer for the sales to recoup their investment before they are ready to invest in a second season.
I still think a second season is very likely, but at the least I suspect it'll be a bit of a wait before it comes.
LinearPhilosopher, on 23 December 2015 - 04:54 PM, said:
Enjoyed the series, MC's dvp felt natural. She did become more serious but i totally get the developement. She still has her goofy side but shes matured. Which seems natural and par the course for a show about kids(teenagers are still kids as far as im concerned). You grow through your struggles and often times its slight things that can spur personal dvp.
Also not sure what you meant earlier about use of tropes. I don't watch this kind of show ever or often, more an action guy myself, so that could simply be my ignorance of that genre.
What I meant is that most MCs that start a show unambitious and finish with a goal they want to achieve tend to be more drastically (and, IMO, usually unrealistically) written. They'll start out totally depressed, dour and isolated, then meet one over-dramatic person who whisks them off their feet and suddenly become super passionate in [insert high school club they'd never heard of].
Kumiko, IMO, is written a lot more naturally. As she starts high school, she's melancholic, uninspired and doesn't know what she wants to do (at school or in life), but that doesn't make her this massively depressed person. She still has friends (and still makes new friends), the idea of joining the band doesn't come out of nowhere because she was in it before in middle school, etc. We see some of where this personality comes from (such as her sister now disliking her), we see how it manifests (she makes cynical/mean comments to friends, she won't confide to anyone but her cactus, etc), but she also has other parts of her personality that are totally unrelated (
she's such a spaz, and I would put a lot of her just general teenage insecurity in this bucket, too).
When Kumiko finally starts to figure herself out and realize the difference between just saying you want to achieve something versus really meaning it and working towards it with all your might, it's not because some new character came out of nowhere, swept her off her feet and showed her an opportunity she'd never heard of. It's an opportunity she always had, and it's characters she already knew... and through interacting with them she gradually changes her opinions and personalities about her existing opportunities.
The whole thing, IMO, just comes off so much more naturally and Kumiko feels so much more like a real person than so many other shows that try to do the same thing.