Also, you mention that Reinhart is basically Cao Cao/Tsao Tsao
I find myself disagreeing with this statement for 2 reasons, inter texutual and extra textual
Inter textual: One of Cao Cao's defining characteristics is he is a Machiavellian. He's not above using questionable means to achieve his goal. There's two anecdotes that come to mind
1) During a siege he was a part of, he was running out of supplies. In order to achieve victory, he framed his supply officer as a spy and had him strung up. He then gambled the uptick in morale would win him the battle (which it did)
2) Cao Caos 4th son i believe it was, as a child shower more promise then any of his other sons. Fearing for his position Cao Pi had him assasinated. Cao Cao knew this but didn't do anything because he coldly calculated that because of this Cao Pi was the next best leader for the Wei dynasty.
Reinhart would not have tolerated either act because one of his greatest flaws is his pre-occupation with honor (similar to yang wengli his biggest flaw is his adherence to his belief in democracy). There will be times in the show where this pre-occupation with honor is to his detriment even though the machievellian approach is better but he is against it. Part of his arrogance over the noble is he doesnt act like one. He fights with his soldiers for example as he believe this elavate him above the cowardly nobles. as the show evolve you will see this more and more.
Extra textual: The author himself (who it should be noted also wrote the legend of arslan) said his primary inspiration are european wars. Now im no expert in european history 14th-19th century (napoleon aside) so im sure theres tons of parralels that im un aware of, but given
The imperial palace is called neue san souci (the new version of san souci the prussian equivalent to versailles)
Heavy emphasis on norse mythology characteristic of Wagner and perhaps other aspects of german culture
I think its more likely Reinhart inspiration to be a mix of frederik the great/napoleaon/otto von bismark
im sure there are parralels to be drawn between LotGH and romance of the three kingdoms, i just don't buy this one.
This post has been edited by LinearPhilosopher: 09 March 2018 - 02:38 AM