BalrogLord, on 04 June 2015 - 11:56 PM, said:
So im enjoying owari no seraph. IDK why, im just draw to that purple girl with the deadpan humour and sarcasm. It does pull off its characters well without them seing like cliched carboard cutouts which is nice.
Purple girl (Shinoa) is indeed awesome. Not sure I'd agree with you on the rest of the characters, they seem pretty one-dimensional and overall stupid to me. But the bigger issues are that the whole thing is in a really inconsistant world, with pretty much zero world-building to explain any of it or keep the audience engaged.
First the vampires take over the world. Then it turns out they didn't. Then there's monsters in the streets for some reason. And everyone over 13 died, except not, or at least not anymore. Some folks run a pristine-looking school somehow, and we must assume they do other stuff around it but we never see any of that.
Main character is apparently their prophesized saviour, but it's never brought up a second time. So naturally they put him on guard duty for like a year, then send him to school (and it's not a military school, just tropey classrooms), then they turn around and promote him to an "elite" squad in the military with absolutely no actual combat training or understanding of how a military works, it would seem. Ooh, and two of his equally un-trained and oblivious friends get to come too! And they get given 3 out of the 5 strongest weapons in the world, instead of anyone who actually has any training.
Then their squad of 5 will go off on let's-walk-around missions where they talk about "staying in formation" while walking in a gaggle shape as if they've seen a couple military movies but have no idea what they're actually doing. Then they occasionally get in fights that are 80% standing still talking. Also half the fights are not even shown.
Oh, and it's been demonstrated that numerous characters know what the 'Seraph of the End' is, what the monsters are, what the situation in the rest of the world is, etc, but none of that is ever revealed to the audience and whenever they feel the need to hand-wave it away they just show the main characters being too arrogant/stupid to care about that potentially life-saving information.
I *was* enjoying OnS for the first handful of episodes when I thought they would actually fix that stuff, but then they never did and so the school episodes, Erenx10 character attitudes never became worth having sat through. Baaaaaaaaaaaad.
BalrogLord, on 04 June 2015 - 11:56 PM, said:
FSN UBW: So drek how about that reveal eh? at which point did you clue into archer identity. Also are you satisfied with the directions they took with his motivations? I know earlier you were complaining about his (less be honest) obvious lack of depth with his motivation.
at which point did you clue into archer identity - About 9 episodes ago or so, really near the beginning of the second half. Tohsaka pretty much says it out loud. I can't believe how much they felt they needed to blatantly hint at it before the 'reveal' - I'd be surprised if anyone didn't figure it out before the 'reveal'.
Also are you satisfied with the directions they took with his motivations? - No. If that was really his motivation, he had many, many opportunities to fulfill it before, why did he went until a not-opportune time? Why go through all that team-up crap?
I know earlier you were complaining about his (less be honest) obvious lack of depth with his motivation. - They have literally stopped the fighting so he can repeat in slightly different words what he wants to accomplish a dozen times, plus another three dozen or so times where they've paused so he can call his opponent (who is gradually starting to get better at fighting him) pathetic some more. It's hilarious to laugh at, but I suspect that isn't the deep drama the studio was expecting.
In addition, we once more have Shiro overcoming all obstacles because he believes in himself, and oh look we forgot to develop the antagonists let's make them rapey to cover it! Wooooo lowest-hanging-fruit anime tropes!
I am beginning to feel like one of the biggest problems with the Fate/ franchise is that the creator felt waaaay too much need to screw around with his own rules. He sets it up as these deathmatches with fairly clear rules, roles and a goal to be attained, and then he changes them dozens of times in every single work. I could accept it in Fate/Zero, because that felt like it was the sequel/prequel that deviates from the 'norm' of the first work, but Fate/original does it even more. You've got Servants that aren't really Servants, Masters that aren't really Masters, attacks that completely change character relationships 'because magic', magic system 'rules' that the characters constantly bypass/overcome, abilities that people conveniently forget about or for no particular reason can't use when they'd be helpful (command seals anyone?), and now even the grail itself is entirely pointless. It's all so entirely arbitrary and deus ex machina that the structure of the narrative sucks and there's very little to get engaged in the show about.
BalrogLord, on 04 June 2015 - 11:56 PM, said:
They really pull off the whole-classroom-of-characters aspect so well. Obviously Nagisa, Karma and the teachers are going to get the most overall focus, but I love how they switch around the main supporting cast episode-to-episode and everyone has their own specialties that come out in the spotlight.
BalrogLord, on 04 June 2015 - 11:56 PM, said:
I decided to get back into fairy tail after giving up on it the better part of a year on it. I looked up a filler guide and started from the nearest non filler point. I watched all of 6 episodes before caught up. Thats right, Fairy tail was in filler mode for the better part of a year... On the one hand, im glad i missed the fillers, but on the other hand, fillers for the better part of a year????? WTF???
Whoa, Fairy Tale ever had a plot? I thought it was intentionally all just little magic-frat-mercenaries mini-arcs...
re: Hunter X Hunter - didn't the person writing it stop, or something like that? So it will never have a big ending, just the ending of whatever the last arc was? (Unlike One Piece which is STILL going under the original writer)