The Hust Legion, on 25 May 2015 - 09:03 PM, said:
may be a bit odd, but i am liking sokugeki no soma (food wars) right now, i didn't expect it to be this good cause its based on cooking but damn , the music and its got a good balance of serious and comedy, although at times it can be a little ecchi
It really is quite good. Everything is absolutely over the top, but that works so well in an elite culinary school setting, especially with all those Gordon Ramsey and similar shows that have aired in the past decade or so which have already made the idea of crazy food battles in arenas full of screaming fans and shadow-cloaked judges who barely speak seem like a completely normal way to train new chefs! And personally, I don't even mind the ecchi in this one because the whole thing is so ludicrously over the top that it blends in with the rest of the show anyways. Plus they're being surprisingly gender-equal on the ecchi which is awesome.
I really like how they fleshed out a bunch of characters that are as good or better than the MC (so far) even if they won't actually use them for a long time. The show would have been a lot worse if it was entirely focused on Yukihira and Erina.
Likewise, I really like how they've done Megumi - having her actually be a skilled chef who deserves to be there, but just be too nervous in high-stress situations to show it most of the time. It gives her a real reason to be there but still lets her serve as Yukihira's foil and/or sounding board so that his idea-crafting scenes come off naturally.
Of course, the naked chef guy is still "best girl"
From reading the comments on Reddit, sounds like the manga this is adapting is already very long, and this show could easily be done like Naruto or One Piece with episodes coming every week for a year or more. I'm not sure how they're going to structure it then or if there will really be a solid ending to the season if it is being structured as seasons.
Also from Reddit, it seems Erina has a superfan/stalker who is introduced much later, but the anime has been discretely sticking them in the background (usually with binoculars) of almost every scene Erina is in.
The Hust Legion, on 25 May 2015 - 09:03 PM, said:
and i can't finish assassin classroom until end of exams but judging from peoples responses i can't wait to finish it
You shall, and it will be GLORIOUS!!!
BalrogLord, on 25 May 2015 - 12:51 AM, said:
Theres the dealers room where you can purchase a plethora of merchanidse, from cosplay supplies to anime managa to pillow and other accesories. I got myself a flask with the skull symbol from guren lagann for example. Theres the artists alley where you can purchase or comission art from other artists. There are a plethora of panels (some you sign up in advance others you just show up) on a variety of topics from cosplaying 101 to certain topics in anime etc... There's a wide variety. They have events going on at the con, noteworth were anime idol and cossplay (wizards chess from Harry potter ft. Cossplayers) etc. (i didnt get to see either), other game shows like name that tune etc.
They also have rooms where they show various anime even some gaming related rooms (i dont bother with these, i might if i do a whole weekend). Best part is the cosplayers and just the fact its a great place to meet people. Helps if you know people that go (im starting to get to know a lot of people as ive friends who are frequent con goers).
If you haven't then you should try! Come on lets have a toronto malazan meetup at fan expo!
I can't imagine actually doing a whole weekend of that. I guess I've never actually been to any sort of convention, but it does seem like the anime/fan/pop: expo/cons are sort of just things you go to for the experience of being at those things. It'd be cool to see all that stuff, but I'm not the sort to really buy much merchandise and especially not commission any artists. Panels would be cool, but on the other hand you can just watch those on youtube after if your main goal is to actually hear what they have to say rather than do photo hugs
I'm sure when I'm rich(er)
and famous(er) I'll try it at least once, but probably not worth the drive and costs for me.
Or maybe I just need some friends to get waaaaay into cosplaying and force me into it, Durarara-style