amphibian, on 22 June 2014 - 06:36 AM, said:
Silencer, on 22 June 2014 - 04:53 AM, said:
Can't say as I've been too enamored with One Piece. I'm not far into the anime, but half of each episode seems to be taken up with recapping the previous episode, and so far there hasn't been anything to keep me interested.
What you do is you skip the recap entirely. Skip the song intro after you've heard it a few times, skip the recap, skip right to the new stuff, which is after the episode title card part. When the song intro changes, watch it a few times, then go back to skipping it. You can pound out 3 or 4 episodes in an hour. The entire series will take you about about 9 days of total watching time.
So...normally, we would lambaste a show for this. It's filler, plain and simple. Wasted space. Useless and annoying recap. And yet problems?
Every once in a while I can kind of see what people might be going on about, but after more than twenty episodes of a six hundred and counting episode series, I feel like maybe something should have caught me by now.
You're right at the point where the story really picks up. I dunno if you caught this, but it's very baldly stated that each crew member has something they really want to do: Luffy wants to be king of all pirates (strongest pirate in the world), Zoro wants to be the best sword fighter in the world (fight everyone else who is a sword fighter and beat them), Nami wants to make the fullest, most complete map in the world, Usopp has a whole laundry list of things he wants to do (most of which are completely ridiculous) and so on. So they band together to help each other and Luffy makes them part of his "nakama", which translates as something like a group of loved ones.
Oh, I caught it. And I thought it was incredibly basic and simple characterisation - one thing? Just the one? No depth here? And yet y'all go on like this thing has depth in spades.
Meanwhile, even for shonen anime, it does not take much at all for these people to start working together. I know, I'm not expecting wonders (except with all the hype you lot put on it, that is!) from what is basically a shonen anime, but when you cut out all the recap, it literally took like 3 seconds for everyone to decide to become a nakama - something which, imo, should at least need a bit of work! (And yes, I'm aware that this stuff is a progression, but seriously, the plot so far is so loosely built it might as well not exist. It's like Luffy is on a fetch-quest from some NPC to "collect friends", and that isn't exactly what I'd call strong writing - not when it takes almost nothing to get these people to join in, at least for five minutes.)
Around episode 20, the crew goes to meet the Baratie Pirates, who are basically pirates who run a restaurant and there, the Strawhats find out that they need to go to the Grand Line to accomplish their goals. Cue the kickoff into the stratosphere, much like the Summer Knight book of the Dresden series.
Yeah, so, that's pretty much where I stopped. Just after the Baratie thing. Again. Were this any other series, we would be jumping up and down and moaning that it took twenty+ episodes (of mostly recap-filler) to get anywhere near starting off!
And frankly, if the first twenty episodes were relatively comparable to the first couple of Dresden books, I probably wouldn't be stopped on the series right now!
QuickTidal, on 22 June 2014 - 12:21 PM, said:
Follow Amph's sage advice here. I did. OP has a lot of table setting to get through, but one it does it take off.
I'll say this. They do most of the inital crew's backstories...if you get to Nami's backstory episodes (Arlong Arc Eps 31-44) and aren't seriously. That arc is what sold me.
Honestly, Nami is the only character who interests me. Mainly because she's not just leaping into being "part of the group" like everyone else is. But even then, it's marginal. I'll give those epi's a shot, but honestly, I'm not holding my breath..
Imperial Historian, on 22 June 2014 - 01:56 PM, said:
arly one piece didn't really draw me in, the luffy, zoro and nami intros whilst OK weren't great (plus the initial art was pretty poor), at some point the art noticeably upgrades (I guess that was around season 2). The story really kicks into high gear once the initial 5 crew members are together as the interplay between the characters is what makes it. The nami back story and the baratie arcs are what drew me in. If you don't like it at that point give up I'd say.
Baratie was pretty 'meh' for me. It was better than the rest, but still 'meh'. And again - normally most of us would give up loooong before twenty episodes in. Except, it's not really twenty episodes, it's like three...only drawn out to twenty by virtue of the constant recapping! UGH!
And the art style annoys me as much as the quality. The quality is shit, yes, but the style also sits somewhere betweeen shoujo romance manga and shonen action manga and it just annoys me. XD
Dolmen Weeks, on 22 June 2014 - 02:39 PM, said:
One piece does rocket up the tempo fter you get past the intros. After Thriller bark I started to take every character seriously as individuals rather than as side characters.
If there is any direct opposite to Naruto character development its One Piece. Where the story all but revolves around Two people in Naruto, OnePiece is multi-threaded, more about the group than about any particular person. Even if Luffy is the main Protagonist he can take a back seat at times and let other crew members take the spotlight and, I think, of the big 3 One piece does this the best.
FairyTale lost me but I'd say it holds up in a similar fashion. OP and FT have a grander series of events at work that most malazan fans can identify with.
I will add though that One Piece and Naruto really dropped the ball at times. The problem with running these over-long story arcs is quality control in animation. I think anime fans interested in overall production quality will find it tough hence Silencers negative opinion.
And let's not forget quality-control on the story, and the episode format, and the characterisation. Never mind the fact that this is not a "long runner" at this point - this is literally it's starting run!
I mean; you guys basically go on about this series as the "Malazan of manga". Heck, even without that direct comparison, it comes off sounding like some god-given work of awesomeness. But so far, it's just another part of the Big Three, subject to all of their problems (and worse, in some instances), while having nothing exceptional to set it apart. I don't know whether I'm the one coming in with high expectations, or y'all have the beer goggles on/low standards (

), but I expected this to at least be...well...
watchable by the time I got to like episode 25 or whatever. Not just recap-filled drudge.
Again: it has its moments. But I'm not seeing anything that is setting this above, say, DBZ. Or Fairy Tale (which is also average so far). Heck, at least Bleach has a bit of punch in the first couple of episodes (pun, not intended).
I dunno. I'll try watching through the next dozen episodes or so, but I'm going to have to stop trusting QT's opinion if it doesn't grab me!