QuickTidal, on 22 July 2020 - 04:34 PM, said:
D, on 22 July 2020 - 03:38 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 21 July 2020 - 11:53 AM, said:
Also, I can't think of an anime that dares to make the first major villain entirely sympathetic.
That's a weird flex.
But I'm happy you're enjoying reconnecting with your roots so much.
Bear in mind, I haven't seen a TONNE of Shonen
anime, so the pool of what I've seen and can reference is small. I was just surprised by it...the first three or more villains in OP for example are all reprehensible pieces of shite.
But yeah, I was NOT expecting to like it this much after bouncing off it so hard from the first few eps...but man, halfway through the second arc and I'm ready to call this my second fave shonen
anime and it's literally giving ONE PIECE a run for it's money...No one could be more surprised by that statement than me.
Oh, I'm not claiming it's a common thing in (shonen)
anime or anything! The opposite, really, I think having the first antagonist be straightforward bad is par for the course in almost any media. The story is already busy setting up its protagonists and world and seeds for future storylines and a bunch else so you make the first antagonist simple and get on with things, there'll be time for complex and morally grey antagonists later (or you can make the first antagonist a recurring one and flesh them out later). Like Vader in the first Star Wars, for example.
I haven't watched that many shonen-y
anime, either, but I bet it's doubly so for them.
Maark Abbott, on 23 July 2020 - 07:05 AM, said:
Oi D'rek. Have you checked out Deca-Dence this season? It's weird as fuck.
My summary: post-apocalyptic mortal engine battling kaiju, except it's actually a video game for cyborgs who keep the remaining humans inside said mortal engine to keep it running.
Has a very weird art shift when it moves to the cyborg side, somewhere along the lines of Franxx but chibified.
I am thoroughly bemused but it's actually been aight up to the end of episode 3.
I've only seen the first episode so far. It's energetic and imaginative and fun. Looks good, too, except that the 3D sections have choppy framerates.
It's definitely interesting. Though I'm not sure it really needs the secret AI overlords plotline at all? I think you could make a perfectly good fast-paced adventure series simply about Natsume finagling her way from service-worker into pseudo-soldier through her boss, there's enough going on just at the surface (ha) level for that to be a great little adventure, especially if this is only going to be 1 cour.