So noragami continues to be awesome. Ya'all need to watch it.
champ, on 23 February 2014 - 11:43 AM, said:
Just finished watching Code Geass: Lelouch of the rebellion, really enjoyed it with a powerful ending...
Anyone recommend any of the below series for me to watch next?
Dot Hack Sign
Guilty Crown
Gun X Sword
Shingeki no Kyojin
Tenjou Tenge
The Book of Bantorra
those i've only watched .hack sign, gun sword and shingeki no kyojin.
Im pretty sure every1 here will reccomend shingeki no kyojin as it was the
anime of 2013.
.hacksign i got bored around the halfway point. The story tends to drag a lot. If you're REALLLY into mmos you might enjoy it but there's better out there. If you want a good mmo
anime try Log Horizon it's almost done so you should be able to catch up in time for the finale.
Gunsword is ok. If you want a mecha show then you'll enjoy. THe characters in this show are really well written and developed, and on top of that it's op is rather unique in that all you see are the character shapes, until they make an appearance in the show. THat way when a character shows up, you don't instantly recognise them from the op. Plus you can watch all/some of it on funimation's youtube channel.
D, on 26 February 2014 - 04:06 PM, said:
I've started watching Battle Spaceship Yamoto 2199, anyone seen this and/or the original? It's interesting to watch, and I haven't watched a space anime since Cowboy Bebop so the change of scenerey is nice. The one really weird thing is that the two alien races both look and talk like humans. I figure there is going to be a good reason for this, like they are mind-controlled/parasited humans that were captured, but one of the comments on anilinkz seemed to imply that there was no reason for it and they are just human-looking for now reason. I hope that's not the case! Anyone who has seen it want to reassure me?
I watched the first two episodes and it looked ok, but idk if ill continue. I did however really enjoy the reboot, the reboot has more female characters in it and it had this epic naval battle (liekly inspired from midway) around 2/3 in.
QuickTidal, on 01 March 2014 - 11:08 PM, said:
Briar King, on 01 March 2014 - 05:50 PM, said:
Wow just saw a trailer for an anifilm on TV (this is super rare to see here) called The Wind Rises. Anyone seen this?
New Miyazaki (and to hear him tell it, his last film) Studio Ghibli flick.
Saw it at the Film Fest in Sept. To be honest, part of the appeal of his films has always been their whimsy, and this one is a straight up historical drama about the guy who eventually was the engineer behind the Japanese Zero. It's a good film, but it's REALLY dry. So much so that it was the first Miyazaki film I have ever walked out of. I got to about the 1hour mark before walking.
That said, I WANT to give it another go because I've had friends give me royal shit for walking out, and said it was awesome.\
So, grain of salt? It's never going to be his best, but hopefully you don't think it's his worst.
I really enjoyed it tbh. I was overly ecstatic when leaving the theatre which may have coloured my facebook posts about the movie. Porco Rosso is still my favourite miyazaki movie, but this one is a close second (better than monnoke or nausicaa). It was definetly worth the trip downtown to go see it.
This post has been edited by BalrogLord: 03 March 2014 - 04:33 PM