So the EU4 game is going... well, the situation went from slightly stagnating to getting dangerous.
I've been doing my thing trying to take a bite at Muscovy for a bit longer, forced them to release Crimea, but at that time it was just a few scattered provinces so the whole war effort seems somehow wasted. After that I kind of lost interest in the miniuscule gains in wars with Muscovy for the great cost of having to somehow fend off Austria and Bohemia at the same time. I let my provinces develop a bit, let my manpower go back up to very nearly half a million, tried to claim throne in Sweden but no luck, the queen lived until 78 years old when a legal heir appeared out of nowhere and she died. I also decided to start improving my relations with Ottomans, increasingly wary of my southern neighbour...
So what was Austria doing all this time? Well, they first took the penultimate reform in the HRE where they force vassalization on members or kick them out. To my dismay most of them decided to become Austria's vassals, except Saxony, Palatinate, Bavaria and Bohemia.
Yes, Bohemia. Some good in it all, yes?
I had a claim on Neumark so I pushed it. Bohemia's sole ally in the world was Muscovy and they didn't join in. I crushed them and forced them to release Silesia, subsequently vassalized said nation and started preparing the grounds for annexation. Once I was done with them they got attacked by an absurdly blobbing Austria, which has diplo-annexed Milan, Venice, Munster, Tuscany and some other minors in the HRE and was pushing against their former subjects. I wanted Bohemia for myself so I had to do something about it...
I allied/RMed France and Bavaria, and with my newfound allies, Sweden, Novogrod and Ottomans in tow I pushed my Trade Dispute CB on Austria (and half of central Europe and Muscovy too, it would seem).
Well, it turns out you can't really do much with that CB. After just several battles my warscore jumped to 42%-ish and after each subsequent hard-earned toe-to-toe barely won battles between great forces on both sides they warscore meter wouldn't budge. I saw I wasn't gaining much but Bohemia managed to weasel out of being conquered with just ceding two provinces, so I made Austria release Hungary and Brunswick as sovereign nations and sued for peace.
The very grateful Hungary immediately turned hostile in relations and Rivaled me. Fuck Hungary, seriously.
So, after that the truce with Bohemia was done so I was good (armed with still the same CB for Neumark) to waltz over them again. The coming conflict escalated a bit, as despite Bohemia having fuck all chances to defend against this, Muscovy joined the war this time - and as the coalition leader, no less. That meant that taking ALL of Bohemia's land gave me like 23% warscore - not even enough for one of their juicy provinces. Overall, this war was pretty awesome, with me as the Commonwealth, with Sweden, Novogrod and Ottomans as allies - fighting the weakened Bohemia, Muscovy, Persia and Afghanistan. This time my allies were pretty useful in giving me warscore from conquering Persian provinces and Muscovian in the caucasus as well, leaving me to roam free and roll over Muscovy's core provinces in Russia. Quite soon the war was over as I didn't want to dip too low on manpower in case Austria got any ideas, and I took two more provinces off Bohemia. Could be worse, right?
Yes. It could be worse. Right after this war was done, Austria enacted the last imperial reform, forming the Holy Roman Empire as a single entity.
I'm screwed.
Now it seems like they took to reconquering old provinces as they attacked Hungary quite fast. Since I was guaranteeing Hungary's independance, I took the war on my chest, calling in France, Sweden, Bavaria and Ottomans (Novogrod just finished annexing at that point) into the war, but it's not looking good at all. France's just sitting on some backwater province in the west, Ottomans sent like maybe 1/5 of their potential, and the entire 400 thousand imperial troops were heading my way, all over some bullshit fucker who didn't even appreciate my liberating them.
Fuck Austria. Fuck historical lucky nations.
Oh, did I mention in this game Brittany is a major colonial power?
Also, tried out the CK2 save converter, bringing my 1120-ish Wendish Empire. In CK2 I was a powerhouse, imported into EU4 I've spent the first 50-ish years converting cultures and falling behind on tech, having absurdly low manpower compared to force limit. Also it imported it as in the Eastern tech group but Germanic traditions and future decision to reform into Prussia. Eh.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.