20 hours into it now. I killed
4 3 Sins so far (turns out Wrath wasn't caught) and I know exactly where Sloth is, but I didn't feel like fighting him-that's the fight that's been shown the most, and I don't need the mobs to scale anymore right now.
The character progression is rudimentary, but those points add up. I'm at level 39 now, and the early game mobs are basically trash now, just like in previous games. Sure, it takes a lot of time to get there, but once you've got the points and the weapon upgrades, Fury is a proper bad-ass dancing her ballet of death around all but the beefiest enemies.
The bosses are... decently challenging. I spent a bunch of tries fighting one of them, because mid-fight it summons a powerful reinforcement, and that requires you to adjust your tactics a bit.
I explored most of the 4 zones now (not fully, because I still don't have the last Hollow). I'm mostly rocking the Flame Hollow, because it has an awesome arcane counter, and the flails are a high DPS close quarters weapon to complement the longer-range whip- which mirrors my favourite Darksiders II combo of scythes and claws/armblades/gauntlets as a quick secondary weapon. The Storm form looks hella cool (the jump ability is basically doing an extended float, X-men style), but the Lance is underwhelming. The Force hollow is meh, because I don't like slow heavy weapons like hammers- they require too much timing finesse. Most traversal requires the triple jump, which is another reason why Flame is the default choice for me.
Killed 2 (Edit: 3) of those Chosen mini-bosses now, and maxed out my health regen enhancement, which helps.
Gunfire is working on a patch that's supposed to fix the crashing errors (had a few of those, but nothing critical), which hopefully will improve performance. I suspect the reason the game's chugging a bit on my PC is b/c I run all my games off an external hard drive, but if it can get improved, all the better.
Apparently THQ Nordic only needs this to sell 100k copies to make a profit. I can definitely see it pull those numbers. It's small scope, but we'll put together action game with a cool setting and premise. We don't have a whole lot of those.
EDIT: got to the fifth area (the underwater one) and HOLY CRAP, SO PRETTY. Fairly confusing, but SO GORGEOUS.
-killed Sin no. 4. That was a tough fight, and it took me a while to figure out stage 2. As it turned out, the hint is in the name-poetic, really.
-having done that, looking over the Depths again, so many shortcuts! It's a bit ridiculous how many secrets there actually are, and how layered this map is. Whomever designed this is a mad genius. Fury is now level 50, and once I'm done going over every place where I can use my shiny new Hollow power, I'll be ready to go explore the last of the 6 areas.
This post has been edited by Mentalist: 04 December 2018 - 08:05 AM