Okay, I have never like the K'Chain Che'Malle. They have always struck me as what a 9-year old and his best friend would come up with and draw in their spiral notebooks when they should be doing homework.
I mean lets be completely realistic... these are a race of super-intelligent...velociraptors...from outer-space...with swords for arms.... I mean how the hell are they supposed to work the handle on the steel kitchen door to get in and kill the kids when they have swords for arms?(Did anyone get that reference?) Every time they come up I picture this from Calvin and Hobbes:

Add to this (quick spoiler coming up):
It almost embarrasses me at how juvenile the whole idea of them seems at times. Don't get me wrong, they are written well and the whole Matron thing and every other aspect of the race's characters are great. But the whole premise of the race itself is just... just... I don't know... Anyone else feel the same way?
As to Icarium in DoD:
If I have somehow misread any of the parts please let me know, as I would be happy to have this not be the case. Ok, that's all I have to say. Let the flaming of the forum noob commence. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies in a civil/intelligent manner.