Posted 03 January 2011 - 03:54 AM
According to the book...
Tiste Andii spread his arms wide, then rose upward.
Kurald Galain sorcery swirled around him, blending his clothing, his massive sword, drawing all inward to the shape he now climbed toward. The veering was smooth, eloquent, as jet-black wings unfolded from his shoulders. Flesh and bone surged in size, changed in shape.As he flew higher, eyes fixed on the stars, Anomander Rake became a black dragon, silver-maned and dwarfing even
Silanah. His eyes gleamed silver, the vertical slits of the pupils dilating. His breath gusted in heavy grunts, the snap of his wings loud amid the deep groan of muscle on bone." - GotM, US HC, p.467
I know he takes Soletaken form again in Memories of Ice, but I'm not sure where exactly it is in the book.
But from the passage from Gardens of the Moon, it appears that we have a obsidian black dragon, that is "silver-maned". My question is what we're supposed to visualize when we read "silver-maned". When I read it the first thing that comes to mind is that he has his normal silver hair in a row down the main part of his neck, similar to a horse. That seems reasonable, but once I started trying to draw it, I was having some trouble making hair on a dragon not look a little weird. The only other thing I could consider is that he has silver spiking down his back, but I don't know if I would consider that "maned". I wasn't able to find a good artistic rendition of Anomander in soletaken form, so I'm looking for some opinions from fellow readers.
"Ignoring him, she stepped back out of the ellipse and began singing in the Woman's Language, which was, of course, unintelligible to Iskaral's ears. Just as the Man's Language-which Mongora called gibberish-was beyond her ability to understand. The reason for that, Iskaral Pust knew, was that the Man's Language was gibberish, designed specifically to confound women."
-The Bonehunters-
"What's wrong with the world? You ask a man and he says, 'Don't ask.' Ask a woman and you'll be dead of old age before she's finished"
-The Bonehunters-