The Depths of the Hive Alens, Starsearch, Travaz, Stumpy, Cimsran.
Posted 13 December 2010 - 12:05 PM
OOC wow, my bad, just rechecked your right sorry. in that case not sure what to do, ill rewrite the offending post, and hopefully silencer can come along and tidy this mess up with that great big delete button of his

Posted 13 December 2010 - 12:28 PM
That rust addled Techpriest thinks he can fly...
They all moved off towards the staircase at a brisk but easy pace, but too Talic it seemed exhausting. He wasn't used to all this adrenaline pumping through him.
Space battles were deadly, but they could also take hours, if the pilots were skilled enough, and Talic was used to long drawn out battles. Not fast paced hand to hand fighting. Rarely was he forced to actual physical exertion and his body, much younger than it should of been, was feeling the strain.
He really wasn't looking forward to going down to level 61, only to have to run around the breadth of the level looking for Malakai.
Talic looked to see how the others were fairing. Stumpy was keeping up, but only barely, his short legs struggling with the pace, but he seemed less tired that Talic and more relaxed than anyone else.
Cimsran seemed to have caught his stride, looking prepared to run from the depths of the hive to its highest tower if he had too, but he also looked distracted, as if lost in thought. In fact, as Talic thought about it, Cimsran had looked like that ever since the battle outside the inn. What memories had been dragged out by gunfire and battle I wonder?
Finally he glanced at Alens. Alens seamed fine, but concern was written all over his face.
For the techpriest? No he is worried about the Inquisitor. Maybe there's a way i can use that...
By the time they got to the Adeptus checkpoint at the stairs, Talic was exhausted. They ran through the adeptus check point, bypassing the queue with Alens shouting "Inquisition Business!" and forcing his way past, the others in his wake.
AS they made there way down the flight of stairs Talics exhaustion nearly over came him. Stumbling around he nearly fell down the stairs in his attempt to keep up. As they reached the checkpoint on level 62 Alens called a halt.
"Dammit Talic! If you were this tired you should of said something! You collapsing on us will only slow us down more! Everyone take a break, as soon as Talic is ready we will push on again."
Stumpy and Cimsran took the news with the grace of professional soldiers who knew to take every chance of a break they could get.
"No...don't wait for me....push on...."Talic panted, barely able to stand up. "The Tech priest saved all our lives back there. I'll be safe here, at the check point....I will never forgive myself if something happens to Malakai after he saved us from dying in the lift i led us too." The pleading in his voice, and obvious sincerity on his face moved Alens to shock.
"I didn't expect you to be so altruistic Talic...." Alens looked around. "Ok stay here, I will Radio you as soon as the tech priest is able to move. Stumpy, Cimsran lets press on"
Talic, after a few minutes rest, made his way to a nearby inn, Maybe he could finely relax in this place.
OOC= edited to complete, the origianl full version was better, but im at work and had to rush, not sure where the 2nd half of the text went, sorry guys
They all moved off towards the staircase at a brisk but easy pace, but too Talic it seemed exhausting. He wasn't used to all this adrenaline pumping through him.
Space battles were deadly, but they could also take hours, if the pilots were skilled enough, and Talic was used to long drawn out battles. Not fast paced hand to hand fighting. Rarely was he forced to actual physical exertion and his body, much younger than it should of been, was feeling the strain.
He really wasn't looking forward to going down to level 61, only to have to run around the breadth of the level looking for Malakai.
Talic looked to see how the others were fairing. Stumpy was keeping up, but only barely, his short legs struggling with the pace, but he seemed less tired that Talic and more relaxed than anyone else.
Cimsran seemed to have caught his stride, looking prepared to run from the depths of the hive to its highest tower if he had too, but he also looked distracted, as if lost in thought. In fact, as Talic thought about it, Cimsran had looked like that ever since the battle outside the inn. What memories had been dragged out by gunfire and battle I wonder?
Finally he glanced at Alens. Alens seamed fine, but concern was written all over his face.
For the techpriest? No he is worried about the Inquisitor. Maybe there's a way i can use that...
By the time they got to the Adeptus checkpoint at the stairs, Talic was exhausted. They ran through the adeptus check point, bypassing the queue with Alens shouting "Inquisition Business!" and forcing his way past, the others in his wake.
AS they made there way down the flight of stairs Talics exhaustion nearly over came him. Stumbling around he nearly fell down the stairs in his attempt to keep up. As they reached the checkpoint on level 62 Alens called a halt.
"Dammit Talic! If you were this tired you should of said something! You collapsing on us will only slow us down more! Everyone take a break, as soon as Talic is ready we will push on again."
Stumpy and Cimsran took the news with the grace of professional soldiers who knew to take every chance of a break they could get.
"No...don't wait for me....push on...."Talic panted, barely able to stand up. "The Tech priest saved all our lives back there. I'll be safe here, at the check point....I will never forgive myself if something happens to Malakai after he saved us from dying in the lift i led us too." The pleading in his voice, and obvious sincerity on his face moved Alens to shock.
"I didn't expect you to be so altruistic Talic...." Alens looked around. "Ok stay here, I will Radio you as soon as the tech priest is able to move. Stumpy, Cimsran lets press on"
Talic, after a few minutes rest, made his way to a nearby inn, Maybe he could finely relax in this place.
OOC= edited to complete, the origianl full version was better, but im at work and had to rush, not sure where the 2nd half of the text went, sorry guys
This post has been edited by Talic Starsearch: 14 December 2010 - 02:01 AM
Posted 13 December 2010 - 12:53 PM
Vox single channel broadcast to Travaz Malakai said:
Posted 13 December 2010 - 08:53 PM
"I'm starting to enjoy this," she said into her vox, calling up the other groups. "Kynia here, gentlemen. The Inquisitorial office on Hive 17 is going to lean on the local law enforcement to come to the aid of the Inquisitor.
I demanded two fire teams, but I doubt they will supply that. That is the good news. The bad news is, the local Adeptes Arbites chief that they will lean on to get that aid, is probably in the pocket of the cult. I doubt he knows anything about demons, more probably, he thinks he is dealing with just another smugglers ring, but he is definately getting paid by our adversaries. I guess whether or not you'll get help instead of getting arrested depends on whether or not he is the person Inquisitor in training Orlov goes to."
I demanded two fire teams, but I doubt they will supply that. That is the good news. The bad news is, the local Adeptes Arbites chief that they will lean on to get that aid, is probably in the pocket of the cult. I doubt he knows anything about demons, more probably, he thinks he is dealing with just another smugglers ring, but he is definately getting paid by our adversaries. I guess whether or not you'll get help instead of getting arrested depends on whether or not he is the person Inquisitor in training Orlov goes to."
Posted 14 December 2010 - 12:00 AM
After nearly an hour in the inn Talic was Finlay starting to enjoy himself on this miserable world.
With a serving wench on one knee and an attractive female patron on the other Talic had a captive audience in the local customers as he told them some of his old adventures. The inn was quite respectable, though busy, and even had some musicians who were scowling at Talic for taking the focus away from them, as nearly the entire clientèle had moved there tables around Talic to hear him speak. Everyone but on table on the far side of the room, where 4 suspicious men wrapped in gray huddled together and whispered to each other.
It was this table Talic had adjusted his Ruby earing listening device towards, and while his mouth was on autopilot captivating his audience, his ear and his mind was bent towards these mysterious men with there secrets.
"I don't like it Burt, two squads gone silent, that emperor sent fog that blinds us on the higher levels. They say the Inquisition has strange powers..."
"Shut your cowedly mouth Bent, Inquisitors bleed just like everyone else. Heard she was seen being carried out of the shack anyway, probably dead already! Nobody leaves a date with Lexilius alive. By the Eye hes scary enough for me."
The two silent ones nodded, but the original speaker, Bent still looked worried.
"An what about all those Adeptus running around?"
""what about them? half of them our in our pocket,and the other half are full converted. You're nothing but a stinking coward Bent.You don't deserve the chance to serve his greatness!"
"Not all of them, theres still some loyal to the old ways of emperor, and i hear theres someone knew in the administration. Some woman from Terra itself. If that has nothing to do with us then I'm an orks chambermaid!"
"Ordinatus move worlds all the time. It probably has nothing to do with the cult. She will be bribed, just like the rest."
"An Ordinatus with a mercenary body guard? She will be with the Inquisition, mark my words!"
"You're just a paranoid fool Bent" said the third and smallest of the four, In a high pitched voice. Talic realized it must be a woman. "These are dangerous times, she wont be here for us, and even if she is. That administration building is a deathtrap, and accidents do happen to curious people."
"I'm not paranoid! And someone has rilled up that gang on level 47, what are they the spectral spheres?"
"They call themselves the Spheres of the Silent, and theres gang fights and flare ups nearly everyday."
"And you want me to believe its just coincidence that its happened today of all days? No, the Inquisition has infiltrated the hive, I knew this plan to lure the inquisition into a trap was a bad idea."
"Shut your mouth Bent, peoples may be listening. Just keep you eyes open. We have our orders, its enough that we follow them."
"And strange orders they are. Find and group using the stairs with a Techpriest present and follow discreetly. What would a tech priest be doing here?"
"Thats what we are here to find out you fool! Get back to your post and keep an eye out for them. And quit your whining!"
As Bent and one other stood up and left, Talic saw under there Grey cloaks they wore the uniforms of the men at the Adeptus check point. If the group had arrived together with the Techpriest, they would now have a cultist tail.
Making his apologies he feigned drunkenness and stumbled to the toilets. Just another fancy pirate with tall tales who couldn't hold his drink. He felt the eyes of the two remaining cultists bore into him as he walked past.
As soon as he was alone he sent out two messages on his vox, the first was to Alens.
"The cult is much more active than we assumed. They have people looking for tech priests, apparently there an uncommon enough site here to warrant attention, i suggest you to try to keep Malakai hidden, if possible. Do not trust the Adeptus, especially at the check points. They have been infiltrated. We are being watched."
His second message was to that argumentative bitch G'Kal.
"G'Kal listen to me, Its Talic. I have reason to believe the administration is corrupt and heavily infiltrated by the cult, keep that thug of a mercenary close by and get out of there as soon as possible, do not do anything to overt in the name of the Inquisition, or against the cultists. You must..." Suddenly the door burst open
"So what do we have here?" The woman in Grey and her companion entered the room. "nasty little spy i think."
Trapped Talic drew his bolt pistol and fired two shots but the Larger man in grey seamed to brush of the shots and swept forward to drive his fist into Talics skull, and knocking him out. Talics last thought was about the usefulness of Power Armour..
With a serving wench on one knee and an attractive female patron on the other Talic had a captive audience in the local customers as he told them some of his old adventures. The inn was quite respectable, though busy, and even had some musicians who were scowling at Talic for taking the focus away from them, as nearly the entire clientèle had moved there tables around Talic to hear him speak. Everyone but on table on the far side of the room, where 4 suspicious men wrapped in gray huddled together and whispered to each other.
It was this table Talic had adjusted his Ruby earing listening device towards, and while his mouth was on autopilot captivating his audience, his ear and his mind was bent towards these mysterious men with there secrets.
"I don't like it Burt, two squads gone silent, that emperor sent fog that blinds us on the higher levels. They say the Inquisition has strange powers..."
"Shut your cowedly mouth Bent, Inquisitors bleed just like everyone else. Heard she was seen being carried out of the shack anyway, probably dead already! Nobody leaves a date with Lexilius alive. By the Eye hes scary enough for me."
The two silent ones nodded, but the original speaker, Bent still looked worried.
"An what about all those Adeptus running around?"
""what about them? half of them our in our pocket,and the other half are full converted. You're nothing but a stinking coward Bent.You don't deserve the chance to serve his greatness!"
"Not all of them, theres still some loyal to the old ways of emperor, and i hear theres someone knew in the administration. Some woman from Terra itself. If that has nothing to do with us then I'm an orks chambermaid!"
"Ordinatus move worlds all the time. It probably has nothing to do with the cult. She will be bribed, just like the rest."
"An Ordinatus with a mercenary body guard? She will be with the Inquisition, mark my words!"
"You're just a paranoid fool Bent" said the third and smallest of the four, In a high pitched voice. Talic realized it must be a woman. "These are dangerous times, she wont be here for us, and even if she is. That administration building is a deathtrap, and accidents do happen to curious people."
"I'm not paranoid! And someone has rilled up that gang on level 47, what are they the spectral spheres?"
"They call themselves the Spheres of the Silent, and theres gang fights and flare ups nearly everyday."
"And you want me to believe its just coincidence that its happened today of all days? No, the Inquisition has infiltrated the hive, I knew this plan to lure the inquisition into a trap was a bad idea."
"Shut your mouth Bent, peoples may be listening. Just keep you eyes open. We have our orders, its enough that we follow them."
"And strange orders they are. Find and group using the stairs with a Techpriest present and follow discreetly. What would a tech priest be doing here?"
"Thats what we are here to find out you fool! Get back to your post and keep an eye out for them. And quit your whining!"
As Bent and one other stood up and left, Talic saw under there Grey cloaks they wore the uniforms of the men at the Adeptus check point. If the group had arrived together with the Techpriest, they would now have a cultist tail.
Making his apologies he feigned drunkenness and stumbled to the toilets. Just another fancy pirate with tall tales who couldn't hold his drink. He felt the eyes of the two remaining cultists bore into him as he walked past.
As soon as he was alone he sent out two messages on his vox, the first was to Alens.
"The cult is much more active than we assumed. They have people looking for tech priests, apparently there an uncommon enough site here to warrant attention, i suggest you to try to keep Malakai hidden, if possible. Do not trust the Adeptus, especially at the check points. They have been infiltrated. We are being watched."
His second message was to that argumentative bitch G'Kal.
"G'Kal listen to me, Its Talic. I have reason to believe the administration is corrupt and heavily infiltrated by the cult, keep that thug of a mercenary close by and get out of there as soon as possible, do not do anything to overt in the name of the Inquisition, or against the cultists. You must..." Suddenly the door burst open
"So what do we have here?" The woman in Grey and her companion entered the room. "nasty little spy i think."
Trapped Talic drew his bolt pistol and fired two shots but the Larger man in grey seamed to brush of the shots and swept forward to drive his fist into Talics skull, and knocking him out. Talics last thought was about the usefulness of Power Armour..
Posted 14 December 2010 - 01:13 AM
OOC: I think your second to last post is missing some stuff, because I have NO idea where you are right now.
Posted 14 December 2010 - 01:44 AM
OOC been re edited, sorry for the problem, not sure where 2nd half of the message went. hope that makes sense. i left the group at the check point at the stairs, they pressed on to find u, i went to pub to rest

This post has been edited by Talic Starsearch: 14 December 2010 - 02:00 AM
Posted 14 December 2010 - 02:18 AM
OOC i dont think silencer is here for the next few days, so treat alens like a NPC
Posted 14 December 2010 - 02:37 AM
OOC: I'll head off to bed now and wait til tomorrow for Stumpy and Cimsran to post, if they haven't been able to get on I'll add something in when I get up.
Posted 14 December 2010 - 07:03 AM
Vox, Singular Engagement, to Talic Starsearch said:
Cpt. Starsearch. This is Drake. G'Kal contacted me. She might send Arbites down to the meeting point as back up. She assumes that the chief is in the cult's pocket, though chances are only in a monetary fashion she thinks he doesn't know what is really going on. I hope that's true.
Assuming it is we need your help. A man corrupted by money is man easy to convert. In my current state I can't do it, besides you seem to have a better skill with words than I do. I suggest we ply the man with promises of Imperial rewards and favours. Ideally a monetary reward for assisting the Inquisition and say a transfer to a better posting than Arbites chief. A nice cushy job with as much possibility to make money on the side on a nice world. Material rewards might work as well. We'll also have to work an angle that doesn't actually call him out on his corruption. What I mean by that is talk about how helping the Inquisition usually sees people rewarded and that sometimes we need to get in deep with the enemy to have information truly damaging to them. In other words make his corruption look like counter infiltration, should stroke his ego. It's a suggestion, and frankly you are the one who can pull this off, no one else can.
I'm not sure if there's any way you could have Ms. G'Kal send the chief to you or that you could intercept him. If you can or can't let me know, I'll adjust my plans accordingly. I've also asked G'kal to give you as much info on the chief as possible to help you.
Drake out.
Posted 14 December 2010 - 10:08 AM
Over the vox:
"Kynia here. The chief may not involve himself with the extraction mission, and if he does, he may play it straight anyway. I consider that chance rather significant, personally, seeing from whom the request came. A corrupt man isn't corrupt in all his dealings, and seeing how the demand for assistance comes from the office dedicated to fighting corruption, I expect him to be forthcoming. However, I do expect him to play down on the threat, maybe he'll only send transport and no combat support."
This post has been edited by Kynia G'Kal: 14 December 2010 - 10:09 AM
Posted 14 December 2010 - 10:22 AM
"I Have a bad feeling" Stumpy thinks out loud
"Whats wrong?" Alens asks feeling rather nervous now that they are short 2 men
"Didnt anyone else notice how easy we managed to get through that checkpoint? Or that the Adeptus staff in the grey cloaks kept watching us?"
"I didnt notice the Adeptus staff but we did get through far too easily i agree" Cimsran agreed
"I think that we should really watch our backs now i have a feeling that were going to get into a little trouble"
Stumpy stops suddenly at the noise of a loud crack somewhere to his right "what was that noise? Cimsran we need to get to Malakai quickly. You take point and id advise having your Las on show and ready for trouble as i dont think its going to stay quiet for long" Stumpy consults a data slate and asks Alens "how far to Malakai's position?"
Just as Alens is about to respond there is another loud crack but alot closer than the last time.
OOC: appologies for the lateness of posting, ive been away the last few days on family business. Im back now though
"Whats wrong?" Alens asks feeling rather nervous now that they are short 2 men
"Didnt anyone else notice how easy we managed to get through that checkpoint? Or that the Adeptus staff in the grey cloaks kept watching us?"
"I didnt notice the Adeptus staff but we did get through far too easily i agree" Cimsran agreed
"I think that we should really watch our backs now i have a feeling that were going to get into a little trouble"
Stumpy stops suddenly at the noise of a loud crack somewhere to his right "what was that noise? Cimsran we need to get to Malakai quickly. You take point and id advise having your Las on show and ready for trouble as i dont think its going to stay quiet for long" Stumpy consults a data slate and asks Alens "how far to Malakai's position?"
Just as Alens is about to respond there is another loud crack but alot closer than the last time.
OOC: appologies for the lateness of posting, ive been away the last few days on family business. Im back now though

Posted 14 December 2010 - 02:30 PM
Cimsran did not, as many suspected, dislike bars. In the end a pint (or two) of somthing usualy got him more talkatative. he actualy liked to drink as his natural keep to himself attidude fell as the alcohol level rised. but he was not here to drink, just one glass then we had to move out...
then stumpy came and pointed out that things had been going to smothly.
and things had gone smothly, maybe it had been too easy
"i think we need to go NOW, and vox the others so they know what happend if we are cut off..."
then stumpy came and pointed out that things had been going to smothly.
and things had gone smothly, maybe it had been too easy
"i think we need to go NOW, and vox the others so they know what happend if we are cut off..."
Posted 14 December 2010 - 05:47 PM
"And... finished."
Travaz sealed up the armoured cover of his servoarm, withdrew the soldering iron and drillbits back into his utility mechadendrite, and considered his situation. After repairing his knee to passable mobility, he debated walking down the sides of the vacant section of sublevel to wait for Alens and the others, or moving inwards towards what passed for civilisation in this part of the hive, but a tactic he'd learned the hard way from his time with the 8106th had appealed to him. He'd walked a good thirty metres to the left of his position before finding a rivulated support pillar with a groove most of the way up large enough to hide him from observers, and better yet a partial overhang from a collapsed badly-set concrete wall to block views from across the chasm. Even with only one working servoarm, he was able to clamber up the side of the pillar and enbed himself in cover before finishing his repairs. Malakai certainly wasn't as agile as a genestealer, but few of them had expected attacks from above in the cramped corridors of the troop ship, and he imagined less humans would expect a techpriest to do so too, even without his robes of office. They'd been reduced to support straps to reinforce the kitbag, but without them the extent of his augmentations made him resemble a more unfortunate servitor. A useful disguise, in fact. Travaz decided that he would need to lose the poor abused kitbag soon, and went to grab it from the alcove he'd shoved it into. The handles came away in his hand. Fine then, a lot sooner than he'd thought.
A little later, the contents of the kitbag were stowed around him. The meltabombs were attached to his left thigh, the boltpistol to his right, his ammunition in packs surrounding his waist, the chainaxe across his back between the servoarms and the specialist item he'd managed to persuade the Inquisitor to acquire for him hanging from a strap over his shoulder. Travaz stroked it, still hardly believing his luck. What Faelus would give to watch this in action... Malakai was ready to move on and meet up with the others. He'd eased himself halfway down the pillar when he heard a noise near him. He froze in place as the noise became distinguishable. Footsteps, and then a discussion.
"This is where they landed, alright."
"How'd they survive the lift?"
"I have no idea, Krantz, I just know we got orders to search for the techpriest. They saw the others at the checkpoint, so he's either dead or injured down here. We've got Zun and Hidera on 63 doing the same, and we know he's not on 61 or at the boss' place, so we better not mess up, alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know! I just don't like cogboys, thassall."
"You don't need to like him, you just need to kill him. Him and the ordinatus are the only two Inquisitorial people on their own, so it's better to deal with them now."
"Here! There's some red cloth here. Looks techpriestlike."
"Alright, he's around here somewhere. I'll go this way, you go up the left there. Walk up and down and shout when you see him, the Mechanicus are pretty tough on your own."
The footsteps parted, one set fading, the other getting louder. A shabby ganger with his face painted in odd patterns - Krantz, apparently - wandered beneath his pillar, and stared out over the depthless gap between sublevels. Travaz was glad at least one of the scum was stupid enough to not look up. As he watched the ganger check that his associate was gone, before unzipping and relieving himself over the edge, that feeling turned to concern that this (presumed) cultist was so much dumber then the rest that assumptions were useless. Still, he was also a couple of metres away. This would be entertaining.
Krantz sighed in relief. He'd needed that so badly. Waiting for Borun to leave had been an eternity. It was funny watching the stream fray into nothingness as it fell into the gap, though. The sounds it made were really odd, he guessed because of the echo. An odd shhhh noise, every so often. A bizarre whirring that he couldn't place, either, but anything could happen in the hive. A final burst, and he finished, zipped up, and went to keep lookin- He stopped dead. He'd finished. The sounds hadn't. Whirling around, he froze. A huge mechanical spider was less than a foot away from his face, blackened pipes and gleaming steel sticking out in all directions. Five shining limbs surrounded him on all sides, two brutal and crushing and almost embracing him, two fingered like a man's arm and so close to his face, one burning and bladed and aimed right at his stomach. He looked up at the face, a mask of metal and bone, and whimpered the first thing that came to his mind, the first thing he'd learned as a child before joining the gang to survive, "Emperor save me..." The head tilted, then spoke in Low Gothic! It spoke! "So not a cultist then. Very well, may the Omnissiah forgive you once you see him." Astonishment then recognition hit him like a hammer, and Krantz took in breath to shout. The techpriest is here! He was- The techpriest moved a hand to cup his face, then clenched it into a fist. His jaw fragmented like it was made of glass, a strangled gurgle escaping him, before the techpriest pushed him backwards and he toppled into the gap, drowning in his own blood before he hit the bottom. Emperor forgive me...
Travaz shook the blood from his hand as he straightened. He hoped preventing him from screaming would allow him to surprise the other ganger before he noticed Krantz missing. The loud crack of a boltpistol and the air screaming as the round passed his audioreceptors quashed that idea. From where the ganger was running towards him, he'd obviously been at the edge and had likely seen his friend get flung off. Taking a step back to get cover from the pillar, Travaz decided this had lasted long enough. Lifting his specialist item by the grip, he confirmed the bolter section of the combiplasma weapon was selected and in full working order, stepped out, turned, aimed at the still-charging ganger, braced, and fired once. The combiplasma bucked in his arms and into his shoulder as a huge crack heralded the ganger's head simply deciding to explode in every direction, the rest of his body managing another two stumbling steps before crashing down dead. Travaz lowered the gun, abashed. He'd aimed at the central mass and had undercompensated, unused to such quality worksmanship in a firearm. Ah well, that is what practice is for. More footsteps became audiable, and Malakai swung about, combiplasma up and ready, before he recognised them.
"I see we didn't need to hurry after all, Travaz," Alens laughed, as he, Cimsran and Stumpy approached.
"Company is always acceptable in enemy territory. We unfortunately have a problem. The enemy knows that G'kal is on her own. That's proof our coms have been tapped. They pointed out that both she and I were alone and vulnerable... where's Starsearch?"
"Oh, he pretended to be exhausted and is probably hiding in a bar somewhere nearby," Alens pulled out a small palmsized auspex and checked the screen, "about a klick and a half from here, actually."
Travaz shrugged, mechanisms grinding away. "I could have guessed you'd have sneaked trackers onto us before I found it during repairs."
"I don't doubt it. Now, we'll go pick up Talic and find a commsnode to give them a taste of their own medicine... Oh, frak, his tracker signal's just dropped out."
"Oh, for the love of... wait, his vox channel is still open and receiving. How good's your auspex? Can you trianglulate positions from a reasonable range?"
"I have no idea. Can you?"
"I can try. Just to warn you, though, if they found the tracker they found his vox unit. I don't think I have to specify how compromised our communications are at this point."
"Alright. We should head to where the signal last showed Starsearch. While you work on that trianglulation, I need to tell Kynia she's in danger, then we need to work out an alternate means of contact. Cimsran, Stumpy, can you lead the way?"
Travaz sealed up the armoured cover of his servoarm, withdrew the soldering iron and drillbits back into his utility mechadendrite, and considered his situation. After repairing his knee to passable mobility, he debated walking down the sides of the vacant section of sublevel to wait for Alens and the others, or moving inwards towards what passed for civilisation in this part of the hive, but a tactic he'd learned the hard way from his time with the 8106th had appealed to him. He'd walked a good thirty metres to the left of his position before finding a rivulated support pillar with a groove most of the way up large enough to hide him from observers, and better yet a partial overhang from a collapsed badly-set concrete wall to block views from across the chasm. Even with only one working servoarm, he was able to clamber up the side of the pillar and enbed himself in cover before finishing his repairs. Malakai certainly wasn't as agile as a genestealer, but few of them had expected attacks from above in the cramped corridors of the troop ship, and he imagined less humans would expect a techpriest to do so too, even without his robes of office. They'd been reduced to support straps to reinforce the kitbag, but without them the extent of his augmentations made him resemble a more unfortunate servitor. A useful disguise, in fact. Travaz decided that he would need to lose the poor abused kitbag soon, and went to grab it from the alcove he'd shoved it into. The handles came away in his hand. Fine then, a lot sooner than he'd thought.
A little later, the contents of the kitbag were stowed around him. The meltabombs were attached to his left thigh, the boltpistol to his right, his ammunition in packs surrounding his waist, the chainaxe across his back between the servoarms and the specialist item he'd managed to persuade the Inquisitor to acquire for him hanging from a strap over his shoulder. Travaz stroked it, still hardly believing his luck. What Faelus would give to watch this in action... Malakai was ready to move on and meet up with the others. He'd eased himself halfway down the pillar when he heard a noise near him. He froze in place as the noise became distinguishable. Footsteps, and then a discussion.
"This is where they landed, alright."
"How'd they survive the lift?"
"I have no idea, Krantz, I just know we got orders to search for the techpriest. They saw the others at the checkpoint, so he's either dead or injured down here. We've got Zun and Hidera on 63 doing the same, and we know he's not on 61 or at the boss' place, so we better not mess up, alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know! I just don't like cogboys, thassall."
"You don't need to like him, you just need to kill him. Him and the ordinatus are the only two Inquisitorial people on their own, so it's better to deal with them now."
"Here! There's some red cloth here. Looks techpriestlike."
"Alright, he's around here somewhere. I'll go this way, you go up the left there. Walk up and down and shout when you see him, the Mechanicus are pretty tough on your own."
The footsteps parted, one set fading, the other getting louder. A shabby ganger with his face painted in odd patterns - Krantz, apparently - wandered beneath his pillar, and stared out over the depthless gap between sublevels. Travaz was glad at least one of the scum was stupid enough to not look up. As he watched the ganger check that his associate was gone, before unzipping and relieving himself over the edge, that feeling turned to concern that this (presumed) cultist was so much dumber then the rest that assumptions were useless. Still, he was also a couple of metres away. This would be entertaining.
Krantz sighed in relief. He'd needed that so badly. Waiting for Borun to leave had been an eternity. It was funny watching the stream fray into nothingness as it fell into the gap, though. The sounds it made were really odd, he guessed because of the echo. An odd shhhh noise, every so often. A bizarre whirring that he couldn't place, either, but anything could happen in the hive. A final burst, and he finished, zipped up, and went to keep lookin- He stopped dead. He'd finished. The sounds hadn't. Whirling around, he froze. A huge mechanical spider was less than a foot away from his face, blackened pipes and gleaming steel sticking out in all directions. Five shining limbs surrounded him on all sides, two brutal and crushing and almost embracing him, two fingered like a man's arm and so close to his face, one burning and bladed and aimed right at his stomach. He looked up at the face, a mask of metal and bone, and whimpered the first thing that came to his mind, the first thing he'd learned as a child before joining the gang to survive, "Emperor save me..." The head tilted, then spoke in Low Gothic! It spoke! "So not a cultist then. Very well, may the Omnissiah forgive you once you see him." Astonishment then recognition hit him like a hammer, and Krantz took in breath to shout. The techpriest is here! He was- The techpriest moved a hand to cup his face, then clenched it into a fist. His jaw fragmented like it was made of glass, a strangled gurgle escaping him, before the techpriest pushed him backwards and he toppled into the gap, drowning in his own blood before he hit the bottom. Emperor forgive me...
Travaz shook the blood from his hand as he straightened. He hoped preventing him from screaming would allow him to surprise the other ganger before he noticed Krantz missing. The loud crack of a boltpistol and the air screaming as the round passed his audioreceptors quashed that idea. From where the ganger was running towards him, he'd obviously been at the edge and had likely seen his friend get flung off. Taking a step back to get cover from the pillar, Travaz decided this had lasted long enough. Lifting his specialist item by the grip, he confirmed the bolter section of the combiplasma weapon was selected and in full working order, stepped out, turned, aimed at the still-charging ganger, braced, and fired once. The combiplasma bucked in his arms and into his shoulder as a huge crack heralded the ganger's head simply deciding to explode in every direction, the rest of his body managing another two stumbling steps before crashing down dead. Travaz lowered the gun, abashed. He'd aimed at the central mass and had undercompensated, unused to such quality worksmanship in a firearm. Ah well, that is what practice is for. More footsteps became audiable, and Malakai swung about, combiplasma up and ready, before he recognised them.
"I see we didn't need to hurry after all, Travaz," Alens laughed, as he, Cimsran and Stumpy approached.
"Company is always acceptable in enemy territory. We unfortunately have a problem. The enemy knows that G'kal is on her own. That's proof our coms have been tapped. They pointed out that both she and I were alone and vulnerable... where's Starsearch?"
"Oh, he pretended to be exhausted and is probably hiding in a bar somewhere nearby," Alens pulled out a small palmsized auspex and checked the screen, "about a klick and a half from here, actually."
Travaz shrugged, mechanisms grinding away. "I could have guessed you'd have sneaked trackers onto us before I found it during repairs."
"I don't doubt it. Now, we'll go pick up Talic and find a commsnode to give them a taste of their own medicine... Oh, frak, his tracker signal's just dropped out."
"Oh, for the love of... wait, his vox channel is still open and receiving. How good's your auspex? Can you trianglulate positions from a reasonable range?"
"I have no idea. Can you?"
"I can try. Just to warn you, though, if they found the tracker they found his vox unit. I don't think I have to specify how compromised our communications are at this point."
"Alright. We should head to where the signal last showed Starsearch. While you work on that trianglulation, I need to tell Kynia she's in danger, then we need to work out an alternate means of contact. Cimsran, Stumpy, can you lead the way?"
Posted 15 December 2010 - 04:28 AM
OOC = my char was exhausted at the stair, he pushed himself to the limit before alens stoped, and also my char is an experienced liar, when he says something, people tend to believe him, observe 
Talic awoke with a blinding headache. Blinking through the pain, he soon realised that he wasn’t alone, and he wasn’t in the bar. He chained down in a dimly lit cell somewhere. Quickly scanning through his memories he felt like swearing. Had he piloted his Ship “The Delightful Guest” out of a Chaos ambush just to get caught here, netted like a fish out of water?
His son Triton would laugh to see him now, the traitorous chaos addled worm that he was...Wait maybe that’s it... but can I pull it off? Sighing he thought to himself only one way to find out.
Putting all the anger and irritation he had been feeling these past few days into his voice he shouted at the only other person in his cell. A man, probably, all hidden in shadow.
“You damned idiots! What have you done?”
The voice, hidden by a synthesiser snarled back. “I think you’ll find your the idiot, and as for what we have done....”
Talic screamed back “You fools! I was so close! May the great lord devour your soul! You ork brained scum have no idea the setbacks you have created for our cause!”
“Cause? What cause?”
“Why to bring this sector under the heel of Chaos! You worthless worms!”
“You expect us to believe you serve our master? After being caught giving warning to our enemies?”
“By the eye I will have you flayed alive for your insolence! I was working undercover attempting to trap and kill the inquisitor!”
“Then why help our hunters escape our trap?”
“Not that foolish girl! , Farzael himself! When he learns that she is wounded and trapped here he will come, to rescue her. Then my ship will intercept, and destroy him with ease, and this whole sector will fall to our lord, not just this miserable planet! You Idiots and fools!”
“An interesting story, where’s your proof? Who are you?”
“Imbeciles I don’t answer to you!”
“If you don’t then you stay here to rot.”
“I am Captain Triton of the Chaos Flagship “Unwavering Gaze” Check my DNA and you will find out just what trouble you have gotten yourselves into! Your like children ruining our great ones plans!”
“Very well...we will check out your DNA, and if it doesn’t match then I Shall return, and things won’t be so pleasant for you...”

Talic awoke with a blinding headache. Blinking through the pain, he soon realised that he wasn’t alone, and he wasn’t in the bar. He chained down in a dimly lit cell somewhere. Quickly scanning through his memories he felt like swearing. Had he piloted his Ship “The Delightful Guest” out of a Chaos ambush just to get caught here, netted like a fish out of water?
His son Triton would laugh to see him now, the traitorous chaos addled worm that he was...Wait maybe that’s it... but can I pull it off? Sighing he thought to himself only one way to find out.
Putting all the anger and irritation he had been feeling these past few days into his voice he shouted at the only other person in his cell. A man, probably, all hidden in shadow.
“You damned idiots! What have you done?”
The voice, hidden by a synthesiser snarled back. “I think you’ll find your the idiot, and as for what we have done....”
Talic screamed back “You fools! I was so close! May the great lord devour your soul! You ork brained scum have no idea the setbacks you have created for our cause!”
“Cause? What cause?”
“Why to bring this sector under the heel of Chaos! You worthless worms!”
“You expect us to believe you serve our master? After being caught giving warning to our enemies?”
“By the eye I will have you flayed alive for your insolence! I was working undercover attempting to trap and kill the inquisitor!”
“Then why help our hunters escape our trap?”
“Not that foolish girl! , Farzael himself! When he learns that she is wounded and trapped here he will come, to rescue her. Then my ship will intercept, and destroy him with ease, and this whole sector will fall to our lord, not just this miserable planet! You Idiots and fools!”
“An interesting story, where’s your proof? Who are you?”
“Imbeciles I don’t answer to you!”
“If you don’t then you stay here to rot.”
“I am Captain Triton of the Chaos Flagship “Unwavering Gaze” Check my DNA and you will find out just what trouble you have gotten yourselves into! Your like children ruining our great ones plans!”
“Very well...we will check out your DNA, and if it doesn’t match then I Shall return, and things won’t be so pleasant for you...”
Posted 15 December 2010 - 07:55 AM
OOC: good one Talic 
"lets go then... and i think we need to do this mission soon, have never been in a mission where the damn arbites are after us, it can only end in truble..."

"lets go then... and i think we need to do this mission soon, have never been in a mission where the damn arbites are after us, it can only end in truble..."
Posted 15 December 2010 - 06:24 PM
Singular Vox transmission directed at Travaz Malakai said:
Posted 17 December 2010 - 04:44 AM
Talic was left alone for nearly 5 hours before suddenly the cell door opened. Three cultists sheepishly entered the cell. Talic recognised one as the woman from the bar. It was her that spoke first.
"My apologies Sir, we were not aware of your mission..."
"Of course you were not aware! I don’t report to the likes of you scum! now release me or by the eye you will suffer for it!" Talic roared, inwardly smiling when he saw the woman flinch back at his tone.
"Yes Sir, of course Sir. Sorry Sir."
Talic was unchained and led out of the cell, looks like their equipment wasn’t advanced enough to distinguish his DNA pattern from his sons.
Thank the emperor!
The cultist’s looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to do something... some doubts obviously lingered in the minds. What was he forgetting to do, that made him seem suspicious?
Ah, of course
Stretching out his body after being trapped in that cramp cell, he lazily turned to the woman and casually back handed her, throwing her down to the floor.
"If you ever so much as speak in my presence again i will peel of your skin inch by inch you fool of a woman!"
The other cultists looked at the female cultist as she picked herself up, but Talic could tell that they believed him more now.
"Whoever is in charge of this pathetic chapter of our great organisation had best make themselves known to me and soon. Until then I want a data file showing your recent activitys, some food and once you have told me where the inquisitor and her companions are, I want you to pull back your watchers. They have been noticed, and I cannot have there incompetence threaten my mission. Understood?" Talic gestured the men to guide him forwards, then strode after them imperiously. As they moved forward one of the guards started radioing in Talics demands.
"Yes Sir!"
"Good, Perhaps you are fit enough to serve the master after all....Some of you at least, I fear your chapter here must soon face a cull, but I will not see anyone’s lives wasted. I have plans for you...
The Inquisition is aware of the corruption in the administration and will soon replace there comander. I want a list of our top three high ranking officials in the administration that are true cultists, we must decide on who shall succeed in his position. The timing is not yet ripe for a true uprising here, so we must still keep the system under our control. Soon though our subterfuge will be unnecessary and we can have this worlds as a beacon to all those who serve the true god."
Talic was taken into a large waiting room, and given food and drink. Soon a dataslate was handed to him with much of the cultist information loaded on.
"Where is my vox unit that I had when I arrived?"
"I'm sorry Sir, It was broken in your capture..."
"Fools! Imbeciles! You force my hand, a plague be on your hides! The two cretins that captured me shall now receive there punishment. I must needs return to the inquisition to complete my tasks, but I must do it in a way that avoids suspicion. Therefore my captors will pretend to be hunting after me, hounding me into the arms of the inquisition, once there they will die fighting in the great Lords name, but will not kill any of my...companions, lest our lord rend their souls for eternity. In this way they will believe I have escaped capture. I will make some fool story of my heroic escape.
But I will need a covert way of contacting you should your aid be required. How do you pass your messages to your command here?"
"There are several cultist safe houses through the hive, each one is linked to a network that allows us to communicate between safe houses"
"And this network cannot be infiltrated?"
"No Sir, It’s on a separate system to the com grid, it doesn’t even show up on their scans."
"Good, This pleases me, Quickly add a list of safe houses to my data slate and prepare those two fools for their deaths. And they had best be convincing, Though if I even get a scratch as I escape I will bring our lords wroth down upon this miserable world!"
Soon, after about an hour’s travel, the cultist group stoped.
"Sir, they are proceeding down this street, If you continue on strait you will run bang into them."
"Good, Your service at least will not go unforgotten. Send the condemned after me in about 60 seconds."
Talic turned round the corner and ran as fast as he could down the street. Soon he saw his old companions and he nearly gave out a shout of joy.
Ha! no cultist fools can outsmart Talic Starsearch!
Shots streamed past him, one nearly clipping his leg.
Damn fools, that’s far to close!
The group following Alens soon heard the shots and saw Talic running towards them.
"Starsearch get down!" Alens bellowed as he and his companions opened fire and quickly killed the cultists.
Talic picked himself up of the ground and strode prideful towards the group. Digging out the data pad and handing it to Malakai he smugly said
"By the emperor you guys are lucky to have me!"
"My apologies Sir, we were not aware of your mission..."
"Of course you were not aware! I don’t report to the likes of you scum! now release me or by the eye you will suffer for it!" Talic roared, inwardly smiling when he saw the woman flinch back at his tone.
"Yes Sir, of course Sir. Sorry Sir."
Talic was unchained and led out of the cell, looks like their equipment wasn’t advanced enough to distinguish his DNA pattern from his sons.
Thank the emperor!
The cultist’s looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to do something... some doubts obviously lingered in the minds. What was he forgetting to do, that made him seem suspicious?
Ah, of course
Stretching out his body after being trapped in that cramp cell, he lazily turned to the woman and casually back handed her, throwing her down to the floor.
"If you ever so much as speak in my presence again i will peel of your skin inch by inch you fool of a woman!"
The other cultists looked at the female cultist as she picked herself up, but Talic could tell that they believed him more now.
"Whoever is in charge of this pathetic chapter of our great organisation had best make themselves known to me and soon. Until then I want a data file showing your recent activitys, some food and once you have told me where the inquisitor and her companions are, I want you to pull back your watchers. They have been noticed, and I cannot have there incompetence threaten my mission. Understood?" Talic gestured the men to guide him forwards, then strode after them imperiously. As they moved forward one of the guards started radioing in Talics demands.
"Yes Sir!"
"Good, Perhaps you are fit enough to serve the master after all....Some of you at least, I fear your chapter here must soon face a cull, but I will not see anyone’s lives wasted. I have plans for you...
The Inquisition is aware of the corruption in the administration and will soon replace there comander. I want a list of our top three high ranking officials in the administration that are true cultists, we must decide on who shall succeed in his position. The timing is not yet ripe for a true uprising here, so we must still keep the system under our control. Soon though our subterfuge will be unnecessary and we can have this worlds as a beacon to all those who serve the true god."
Talic was taken into a large waiting room, and given food and drink. Soon a dataslate was handed to him with much of the cultist information loaded on.
"Where is my vox unit that I had when I arrived?"
"I'm sorry Sir, It was broken in your capture..."
"Fools! Imbeciles! You force my hand, a plague be on your hides! The two cretins that captured me shall now receive there punishment. I must needs return to the inquisition to complete my tasks, but I must do it in a way that avoids suspicion. Therefore my captors will pretend to be hunting after me, hounding me into the arms of the inquisition, once there they will die fighting in the great Lords name, but will not kill any of my...companions, lest our lord rend their souls for eternity. In this way they will believe I have escaped capture. I will make some fool story of my heroic escape.
But I will need a covert way of contacting you should your aid be required. How do you pass your messages to your command here?"
"There are several cultist safe houses through the hive, each one is linked to a network that allows us to communicate between safe houses"
"And this network cannot be infiltrated?"
"No Sir, It’s on a separate system to the com grid, it doesn’t even show up on their scans."
"Good, This pleases me, Quickly add a list of safe houses to my data slate and prepare those two fools for their deaths. And they had best be convincing, Though if I even get a scratch as I escape I will bring our lords wroth down upon this miserable world!"
Soon, after about an hour’s travel, the cultist group stoped.
"Sir, they are proceeding down this street, If you continue on strait you will run bang into them."
"Good, Your service at least will not go unforgotten. Send the condemned after me in about 60 seconds."
Talic turned round the corner and ran as fast as he could down the street. Soon he saw his old companions and he nearly gave out a shout of joy.
Ha! no cultist fools can outsmart Talic Starsearch!
Shots streamed past him, one nearly clipping his leg.
Damn fools, that’s far to close!
The group following Alens soon heard the shots and saw Talic running towards them.
"Starsearch get down!" Alens bellowed as he and his companions opened fire and quickly killed the cultists.
Talic picked himself up of the ground and strode prideful towards the group. Digging out the data pad and handing it to Malakai he smugly said
"By the emperor you guys are lucky to have me!"
Posted 18 December 2010 - 01:06 AM
1. Talic's pimp hand is strong.
2. I think at this point we're going to have to wait for Silencer to get back, since as the GM he's probably going to want to have some imput into this at some point. I mean, I'm happy to break into a safe house and then hack into the cultist's separate system, but I'll leave that for his post. Also a few other people have internet availability issues, obviously.
1. Talic's pimp hand is strong.
2. I think at this point we're going to have to wait for Silencer to get back, since as the GM he's probably going to want to have some imput into this at some point. I mean, I'm happy to break into a safe house and then hack into the cultist's separate system, but I'll leave that for his post. Also a few other people have internet availability issues, obviously.
Posted 19 December 2010 - 11:23 PM
OOC: while a very entertaining story and a pleasure to read, are you sure you aren't overplaying your hand, Talic? Basically, you got a shitload of info that, for example, makes me being at the administratum or the other group talking to the now-demonized informant to get a scrap worth of info, even just a link to a cultist location, rather pointless