Without further ado:
1. Do not engage fellow player's characters in violent combat without prior consent, or the GM's permission. Do not presume to control another player's character - you post something, the other players react to it, you react to them. Don't even force another player to have a certain expression, no matter how you think they should react.
2. You may not post out of character comments in the game thread without "OOC:" preceding the comment, even if it's in a separate post. This is to avoid confusion.
3. If there is a running game, and you want to join in, contact the GM, with your character's profile, and if possible a reason for them to become part of the plot. There's nothing wrong with running a villain character, either - recurring player-controlled villains can really enhance the drame (though they tend to have a lot of PLOT ARMOUR). Or, you can always help out the GM, too!
4. Keep it clean. It's all about the character interactions - so drama is fine. But drama for drama's sake is pointless, and can often lead to grief. The same can be said of any player who takes it upon themselves to shamelessly break the game just so they can 'have fun' - but at the expense of other players.
5. Participate. Think of where your character is headed, and take them there. You have to factor in other player's reactions, and that can be hard, but if you find development in one direction blocked by the present scenario, keep it in mind, and go with what you can - it may lead you to more fun. If you can't post for some duration of time, please do your best to let us know. And secondly, promote participation! We (will probably) have a GM for each game to help guide the action, but it works a lot better if more of it is player-driven than less.
6. If you can't think of something to say, you can always ask your friendly local GM to give you some advice. Or you can make a 'filler post' and see what your fellow players give back, though this can often lead to stalled and eventually dead convos and characters. If you're really stuck, well....

7. We're all adults here, so I don't really care about 'explicit' scenes, but keep everything above-board and be sensible - it's perfectly acceptable to cut to black (***) in order to avoid being too specific.
8. If there is a concern about a post, contact the GM. Don't argue it out on thread. Some players may have different takes on what is "OK" and what isn't, etc.
9. GM decisions can be appealed if you feel they are unfair to you, or are directly detrimental to the play, but make these appeals polite and considered - the GM may have reasons you are unaware of, after all. However, the GM has final say in the matter, so don't push it.
10. HAVE FUN. This, the most important rule of all, supersedes almost all the others. When in doubt, make the choice that sounds like it will be most fun for everyone. If that means abiding by the Rule of Cool, the Rule of Drama, or so forth, that's fine too.

If you're concerned over any of the terminology here, or used elsewhere, don't worry. Most of it can be found on TV Tropes, or otherwise a quick PM will sort things out.
This post has been edited by The Lord Inquisitor: 26 November 2010 - 11:40 PM