Game One Primary Play Thread
Posted 06 December 2010 - 11:34 AM
OOC: Faelus, that sounds like a reasonable way to deal with it.
Posted 06 December 2010 - 11:40 AM
OOC: Great, I think the game will stagnate if we can't post until whichever conversation is currently in the fore is concluded. I think building your own conversations around what other people has said will be easier than us getting annoyed at getting interrupted

Posted 06 December 2010 - 11:40 AM
Cimsran blushed feeling a bit embarased as he should have rememberd that none here where his sargent and most plans that were not from the mouth of the Inquisitor or the aparently the woman that just spoke up.
looking around he hoped no one noticed the clear red in his cheeks
OOC: i dont think the retconing is a big problem aslong as its nothing major...
looking around he hoped no one noticed the clear red in his cheeks
OOC: i dont think the retconing is a big problem aslong as its nothing major...
Posted 06 December 2010 - 11:43 AM
While Starsearch fielded questions from the various members of the party, Faelus turned back to the guardsmen.
"Excuse me, we were interrupted before you mentioned your name. I can't help but notice your Lasgunn, have you had it long?"
"Excuse me, we were interrupted before you mentioned your name. I can't help but notice your Lasgunn, have you had it long?"
Posted 06 December 2010 - 11:47 AM
for the first time Cimsran looked into the eyes of the rune mechanic saying with a smile
"got it after my last one fell apart as i used it to parry a sword, it was some 5 years ago and in one of my first skirmishe, it havent let me down yet"
"got it after my last one fell apart as i used it to parry a sword, it was some 5 years ago and in one of my first skirmishe, it havent let me down yet"
Posted 06 December 2010 - 11:54 AM
He smiled when he heard the guardsmen agree, though his eyes stayed on Raquelia. You could always trust in the reactions of the Guard.
The Adeptus, Faelus talic thought he said his name was, spoke up, but before Talic could reply, the only woman other than the inquisitor decided to jump in.
Turning to her, he looked her in the eye, but answered the Adeptus first
"Each group will need different skills. The first group is obvious, it needs to be strong, with good shooters and dependable warriors like our loyal guardsmen.
The second group will need to be the most dangerous, but most of this group must remain inconspicuous. to provide hidden support.
I assume, my logical Adeptus, that your skills will be most suited to the forth group, as your skill with technology will make it easier for you to hack into the network. Also with access to the communication grid, you will be able to search for information on any of the tech here on Caligula four. Though i as you to be discrete in your search and try to avoid notice."
Putting a bit more steel into his tone he spoke to the woman who had addressed him.
"And your experience is what exactly? Perhaps if you had listened to me instead of day dreaming you would of noticed that part of the second task force is there for support if they are needed. My contacts here will be able to track any names we are given down, and with the communication grid under our surveillance we will be able to listen in and find out who there superiors are. Of course we could go in like you wish, guns blazing, killing everyone in the area, forcing the contact to flee into this warren of a city and making us have to hunt him down in an unfamiliar place, the Chaos cultist alert to our presence and tracking us down. But I don't want to see us all dead.
And I would never usurp the authority from our leader. I am simply making...suggestions"
The Adeptus, Faelus talic thought he said his name was, spoke up, but before Talic could reply, the only woman other than the inquisitor decided to jump in.
Turning to her, he looked her in the eye, but answered the Adeptus first
"Each group will need different skills. The first group is obvious, it needs to be strong, with good shooters and dependable warriors like our loyal guardsmen.
The second group will need to be the most dangerous, but most of this group must remain inconspicuous. to provide hidden support.
I assume, my logical Adeptus, that your skills will be most suited to the forth group, as your skill with technology will make it easier for you to hack into the network. Also with access to the communication grid, you will be able to search for information on any of the tech here on Caligula four. Though i as you to be discrete in your search and try to avoid notice."
Putting a bit more steel into his tone he spoke to the woman who had addressed him.
"And your experience is what exactly? Perhaps if you had listened to me instead of day dreaming you would of noticed that part of the second task force is there for support if they are needed. My contacts here will be able to track any names we are given down, and with the communication grid under our surveillance we will be able to listen in and find out who there superiors are. Of course we could go in like you wish, guns blazing, killing everyone in the area, forcing the contact to flee into this warren of a city and making us have to hunt him down in an unfamiliar place, the Chaos cultist alert to our presence and tracking us down. But I don't want to see us all dead.
And I would never usurp the authority from our leader. I am simply making...suggestions"
This post has been edited by Talic Starsearch: 06 December 2010 - 11:55 AM
Posted 06 December 2010 - 11:55 AM
OOC: You can't see my eyes, I wear a shiny visor, but close enough
feel free to correct me if I fluff descriptions and stuff - I have the character sheets open but I might get stuff wrong
Faelus quelled his initial disconcertment at the statement. A parry sword! Such actions bordered on Heresy.
"Aah, excellent. Several of the models issued after our investigation into hotshot technologies have been modified to allow for easier conversion to hotshot rifles in the future. May I examine your weapon?"

Faelus quelled his initial disconcertment at the statement. A parry sword! Such actions bordered on Heresy.
"Aah, excellent. Several of the models issued after our investigation into hotshot technologies have been modified to allow for easier conversion to hotshot rifles in the future. May I examine your weapon?"
Posted 06 December 2010 - 11:58 AM
after giving the story of his gun Cimsran turned his head towards talic and frowned this comand structure was more complicated than he cared for, this might get comfusing, politic was never his stong suit,
Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:01 PM
She went over the proposed details of the plan, couldn't help herself.
If the captain had contacts in different hives, they would have to be very well informed indeed to know somethign about the operations of a small group amidst the billion or so who lived in this one. It was possible, but he was probably bragging and playing up his own importance.
Her real issue was the two groups intended to infiltrate the Shady Shack. The informant knew the place, it likely had a limited clientèle, one group of strangers barging in and pretending to be patrons would be highly suspicious and basically broadcasting they didn't belong and were there for ulterior motives. And, she had to admit, she had huge problems with someone usurping the authority of the Ecclessiarchy.
It was, in any case, a far cry from her own modus operandi, which mostly consistent of catching her targets where they were weak, or using the bureaucracy.
If the captain had contacts in different hives, they would have to be very well informed indeed to know somethign about the operations of a small group amidst the billion or so who lived in this one. It was possible, but he was probably bragging and playing up his own importance.
Her real issue was the two groups intended to infiltrate the Shady Shack. The informant knew the place, it likely had a limited clientèle, one group of strangers barging in and pretending to be patrons would be highly suspicious and basically broadcasting they didn't belong and were there for ulterior motives. And, she had to admit, she had huge problems with someone usurping the authority of the Ecclessiarchy.
It was, in any case, a far cry from her own modus operandi, which mostly consistent of catching her targets where they were weak, or using the bureaucracy.
Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:02 PM
OOC: is doble post alowed?
turning back to Faelus and unslunging the rifle
"here, it has served me well, i am sure that you wil find it cared for, i prefer to clean it after each use, and atleast once a week, a wepon that stop working would quicly become the end of me"
turning back to Faelus and unslunging the rifle
"here, it has served me well, i am sure that you wil find it cared for, i prefer to clean it after each use, and atleast once a week, a wepon that stop working would quicly become the end of me"
Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:04 PM
While awaiting the guardsman's reply, Faelus turned back to Starsearch.
"Although I am as skilled as any other Adeptus who is not a Transmechanic at dealing with comminication Spirit's, my specialities lie in other areas. You would be forgiven your presumption though, those outside of the heirarchies of the Adeptus tend not to be able to distinguish the fields of our specialisation. The spirits bound to send and receive messages through the aether would reveal little to me. Perhaps the task would be better suited to our large firend across from me." Faelus inclined his head towards the enginseer sitting opposite him. "I would prefer to be placed in a position in which I could observe ballistic exchanges. Alternatively I can provide long range fire support should it be required."
"Although I am as skilled as any other Adeptus who is not a Transmechanic at dealing with comminication Spirit's, my specialities lie in other areas. You would be forgiven your presumption though, those outside of the heirarchies of the Adeptus tend not to be able to distinguish the fields of our specialisation. The spirits bound to send and receive messages through the aether would reveal little to me. Perhaps the task would be better suited to our large firend across from me." Faelus inclined his head towards the enginseer sitting opposite him. "I would prefer to be placed in a position in which I could observe ballistic exchanges. Alternatively I can provide long range fire support should it be required."
Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:12 PM
while Faelus talked Cimsran felt he needed to change his idea of the man (if that was the proper term) as he wilingly asked to be put on the front lines, no one ever asked for frontline duty no matter what the Primer said
Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:13 PM
Damn that woman, whoever she is, I hate being questioned. It ruins my authority...
Taking the aggression out of his tone he turned to the Adeptus
"my friend my apologies. You are quite correct, I am unable to distinguish between the different orders. Perhaps when we have time you may enlighten me. Knowledge should be gained at every opportunity.If you wish to observe ballistics, then maybe you should join either the group that guards the ship, though i hope they wont see action, or the group that goes to meet our contact as there is a high probability of a fight there."
Taking the aggression out of his tone he turned to the Adeptus
"my friend my apologies. You are quite correct, I am unable to distinguish between the different orders. Perhaps when we have time you may enlighten me. Knowledge should be gained at every opportunity.If you wish to observe ballistics, then maybe you should join either the group that guards the ship, though i hope they wont see action, or the group that goes to meet our contact as there is a high probability of a fight there."
Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:14 PM
OOC: this is getting complicated 
Faelus took the guardsman's weapon and laid it across his lap. Using his right hand he safety'd the weapon and began to field strip it, occasionally reaching into his left sleeve to retrieve one small tool or another.
"Indeed, your weapon is in excellent condition. I am sure communing with its Spirit would reveal contentment and no evidence of chaotic taint. I see your model includes the adapters to power cooling cells, but not the strengthened barrels of the latest models. If you wish I could fit rudimentary hotshot converters onto it, but it will not be able to handle more than one or two rounds without needing some refurbishment. Given the nature of our mission I doubt we will encounter any opponent heavily enough armoured to require more than that. Of course I do have my conditioins - the study of hybridised lasguns is of special interest to me. I will require reports on the performance of the weapon, as well a thorough debriefing after each engagement you participate in."

Faelus took the guardsman's weapon and laid it across his lap. Using his right hand he safety'd the weapon and began to field strip it, occasionally reaching into his left sleeve to retrieve one small tool or another.
"Indeed, your weapon is in excellent condition. I am sure communing with its Spirit would reveal contentment and no evidence of chaotic taint. I see your model includes the adapters to power cooling cells, but not the strengthened barrels of the latest models. If you wish I could fit rudimentary hotshot converters onto it, but it will not be able to handle more than one or two rounds without needing some refurbishment. Given the nature of our mission I doubt we will encounter any opponent heavily enough armoured to require more than that. Of course I do have my conditioins - the study of hybridised lasguns is of special interest to me. I will require reports on the performance of the weapon, as well a thorough debriefing after each engagement you participate in."
Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:15 PM
And there you had it. He adressed her. She cursed quietly.
"First off, this... person is someone who comes with the recommendation of the Inquisitor. She can do the talking, she knows him, and he won't mess with her. Secondly, how do you propose we, or your contacts, track people in a hive consisting of millions of people, many of whom probably do not even have a name or can read, not to mention that half the Hive won't have street names?"
She paused. "I say we go by the plan as outlined in the datasheet. Contact this... Lexidius. If he is true to his word, we plan after that, if he isn't, he is working for the enemy. In that case, we find out but have not broadcasted to the them that we are having designs to take them out.
From there on, flex different sorts of muscle. Use the beaucracy to get to contacts. Get the Guard to start a recruiting razzia to flush the ones we find hard to lay a hand on, so we can use the chaos to pick up a few people and question them - that should not be too hard and half of our own men blend in. If need be, bribe the ones providing a cover, or threaten to give them to Inquisitor Raquelia. However, we start with this one informant. It would be foolishness to waste his co-operation through extreme measures and caution from our side. Moreover, if we start taking every informant as seriously as we do this one, the information gathering alone will take months.
And as you can see from my uniform, I am intimately accustomed to bureaucracy."
She leaned back, folded her arms.
"First off, this... person is someone who comes with the recommendation of the Inquisitor. She can do the talking, she knows him, and he won't mess with her. Secondly, how do you propose we, or your contacts, track people in a hive consisting of millions of people, many of whom probably do not even have a name or can read, not to mention that half the Hive won't have street names?"
She paused. "I say we go by the plan as outlined in the datasheet. Contact this... Lexidius. If he is true to his word, we plan after that, if he isn't, he is working for the enemy. In that case, we find out but have not broadcasted to the them that we are having designs to take them out.
From there on, flex different sorts of muscle. Use the beaucracy to get to contacts. Get the Guard to start a recruiting razzia to flush the ones we find hard to lay a hand on, so we can use the chaos to pick up a few people and question them - that should not be too hard and half of our own men blend in. If need be, bribe the ones providing a cover, or threaten to give them to Inquisitor Raquelia. However, we start with this one informant. It would be foolishness to waste his co-operation through extreme measures and caution from our side. Moreover, if we start taking every informant as seriously as we do this one, the information gathering alone will take months.
And as you can see from my uniform, I am intimately accustomed to bureaucracy."
She leaned back, folded her arms.
Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:24 PM
Faules deftly reassembled the Lasgun and handed it back to the Guardsman. The Imperial Guard tended to have a close relationship with their weaponry - even a sanctioned modification would be a large and personal decision. He would hurry the man's choice. Even observation of the standard rifle could reveal worthwhile information. After losing himself in calculations for a few seconds he realised the starship captain had once again adressed him.
"Excellent. I am mainly a researcher, specifically into ballistic weapons systems. Please notice my emphasis on the word observe - my own weaponry is only in the beginning stages of field testing. I would prefer not to have to place it under the rigours of a high conflict situation so early in the test schedule. I would however be keenly interested in the performance of group's various projectile weaponry under such circumstances. I admit I have not had any opportunity to observe field combat and am interested to gather data of actual combat conditions."
"Excellent. I am mainly a researcher, specifically into ballistic weapons systems. Please notice my emphasis on the word observe - my own weaponry is only in the beginning stages of field testing. I would prefer not to have to place it under the rigours of a high conflict situation so early in the test schedule. I would however be keenly interested in the performance of group's various projectile weaponry under such circumstances. I admit I have not had any opportunity to observe field combat and am interested to gather data of actual combat conditions."
Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:31 PM
taking back the wepon and slinging it over the shoulder Cimsran kept his smile and asked:
"have you ever fought?"
praying inside that it was not a to personal question and after a moments thoght added:
"if its not to personal of course..."
"have you ever fought?"
praying inside that it was not a to personal question and after a moments thoght added:
"if its not to personal of course..."
Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:35 PM
How i hate administators....
He growled back at her
"Do you actually think the bureaucracy can help? Do you think this place has anything like a census or a record of who lives here?
If your not in a gang, you might as well not exist. Do you think that anything as unusual as a group of Chaos worshiping Cultists could sneak around here? every neighboring gang will of noticed and sold the information to the bigger gangs. They don't report to the bureaucracy.
Not to mention that setting up a Chaos base here will require several unusual items that cant be found this far from the Eye of Terror, they will need to be imported. Or should i say smuggled. There will be no records for you to look through, but it will have been noticed. Give me a few days in the markets and Ill not only find out what was bought, but where it was delivered and who bought it."
He growled back at her
"Do you actually think the bureaucracy can help? Do you think this place has anything like a census or a record of who lives here?
If your not in a gang, you might as well not exist. Do you think that anything as unusual as a group of Chaos worshiping Cultists could sneak around here? every neighboring gang will of noticed and sold the information to the bigger gangs. They don't report to the bureaucracy.
Not to mention that setting up a Chaos base here will require several unusual items that cant be found this far from the Eye of Terror, they will need to be imported. Or should i say smuggled. There will be no records for you to look through, but it will have been noticed. Give me a few days in the markets and Ill not only find out what was bought, but where it was delivered and who bought it."
Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:43 PM
when Talic mentiond gangs Cimsrans mind raced to some of the fights he had been in back in merridan, he rememberd boys not much older than twelve given lasguns to help fight of the guardsmen that had come to arrest the gang leader,
he rememberd the order to charge them with the bayonets, and the terror in the faces of the kids
he rememberd the blood spraying from the smal bo-
no not that path again you volunteerd to get away
sudenly sullen Crimsran sat back in his chair and shaked his head slowly trying not to think
he rememberd the order to charge them with the bayonets, and the terror in the faces of the kids
he rememberd the blood spraying from the smal bo-
no not that path again you volunteerd to get away
sudenly sullen Crimsran sat back in his chair and shaked his head slowly trying not to think
Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:59 PM
OOC: My apologies for my abyssmal photoshop skills. That's kind of what I imagine my guy looks like 
"No, I have not had opportunity to perform any field testing before. I have spent several thousand hours on a shooting range, as well as attended several training sessions intended to prepare Adepts for field postings. I believe I am adequately prepared for this mission. I assume as a memeber of the Imperial Guard you have seen regular engagements?"

"No, I have not had opportunity to perform any field testing before. I have spent several thousand hours on a shooting range, as well as attended several training sessions intended to prepare Adepts for field postings. I believe I am adequately prepared for this mission. I assume as a memeber of the Imperial Guard you have seen regular engagements?"