After moon spawn is done I'm going to take a swing at finishing the canal up with some lovely anti monster / barnyard animal fencing.
The chickens and pigs frolicking in the water are just too damn annoying.
Doo dee doo...lovely day for a boat ride ..."bawk bawk bawk" *deflect* *noiseless crash of boat* "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"
When we get hell world I'm totally adding canals to connect the portals.
I was just thinking....what if SMP updates require that we start a new world.
Is everybody up for just saying "well, them's the breaks" and start over or will it be a collective quit.
EDIT @ Kanubis,
For some reason you can't have a glass floor and get still water over your floor is going to have to be dirt. I tried to have glass floors on the sections of the canal where I went over top of somebody's cave, but it just wouldn't work for some reason.
This post has been edited by cerveza_fiesta: 26 October 2010 - 06:14 PM