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Question re Other Lit subforums for Other Authors seeking input

#1 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 18 June 2010 - 02:41 PM

Greetings all,

Presently here at the top of the Other Lit forum we have Author dedicated subforums for certain authors who draw (or used to draw) a high level of interest and generate a decent number of threads. I'm seeking input on other authors the forumites might wish to see up here.

My thoughts at present:

Butcher stays. We do loves the Drescrack.

Sanderson/Jordan stays as is. I realize both have their own bodies of work but with the WoT link this makes sense for the relative number of threads Sanderon generates and is likely to generate in the future.

Richard Morgan. Used to generate more discussion than he presently does. I'm inclined to leave the Morgan subforum for the time being but may move the threads back into the general Other Lit forum in the future.

Wondering about:

GRRM. My present thought is to create a new subforum for GRRM only when DANCE OF DRAGONS has a definite release date.

GGK. Kay gets a lot of discussion and has a number of threads. He also produces new books on a consistent basis. He seems like a good candidate for a subforum.

Abercrombie. Seems to be generating new work on a consistent basis and a fair amount of threads. A possibility.

Not quite there:

Lynch, Rothfuss, Bakker. Not really putting out new work in any kind of consistent basis so i'm inclined to not generate new subforums for any of them, although i could be convinced otherwise.

Goodkind. Makes my eyes bleed.

Thoughts? Speak.

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Posted 18 June 2010 - 02:49 PM

I agree that GRRM and Kay should have their subforums seeing how they're more or less constantly discussed. Even if in Marrtin's case it's only to moan for the missed release of ADWD.

Abercrombie, I don't know. He doesn't seem to be discussed really that much. However many people here have read him and have enjoyed him, so it could be a possibilty.

I think Bakker should have a subforum. There seems to be a large enough fan base on here and whenever his books are published there's always a discussion thread.
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Posted 18 June 2010 - 03:07 PM

I would definitely love to see GGK on the list. He's got an extensive set or works for us to talk about, his material is well liked, and there always seems to be a good amount of discussion when he comes up in other threads. He's a fantastic author, and any one of his books has a ton of talking points. There's some major GGK love on this board for sure.

I can see the point of having GRRM there, I would just worry it's going to start a flame war. For some reason threads regarding GRRM often take a nasty turn on here. It seems most discussion surrounding his books of the forum revolve around when Dance will be coming out (if ever). There are a good number of people on here who seem to not care for ASOIF, there are some people who do like it though. If we can keep the discussion in his section civil, then I would say there is validity to adding him. If it's going to be our usual moan fest though, I'd rather he not be included because I think it's a recipe for disaster.
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#4 User is offline   Salt-Man Z 

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Posted 18 June 2010 - 03:22 PM

I guess I hardly ever venture into any of these subforums, so I'm not sure I see the point of them. I get that it allows broader discussion of an author's work, but at the same it kind of removes it from general discussion. For example, I'll happily venture into an Other Lit thread about Brent Weeks' "Night Angel" trilogy because I'm curious about the book. But I'm not going to delve into a subforum to do so.

What about a Glen Cook subforum? Seems like every month or two, someone's asking for information about the Black Company books, and he has a ton of other stuff that can be discussed there. (Of course, the problem remains: if all Glen Cook talk gets shunted to a subforum, will people seek it out there? Or will "When is the next Instrumentalities book coming out" threads keep appearing in the main forum anyway?)
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Posted 18 June 2010 - 05:02 PM

View PostAbyss, on 18 June 2010 - 02:41 PM, said:

GRRM. My present thought is to create a new subforum for GRRM only when DANCE OF DRAGONS has a definite release date.

So in other words, you're never going to put a GRRM subforum up :D
But seriously, I like your idea.

View PostAbyss, on 18 June 2010 - 02:41 PM, said:

Goodkind. Makes my eyes bleed.

But it would make a convenient shooting gallery for n00b-sniping. Just saying. :thumbsup:

I second a subforum for Glen Cook, since SE acknowledges him as an inspiration.
OK, I think I got it, but just in case, can you say the whole thing over again? I wasn't really listening.

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Posted 18 June 2010 - 05:32 PM

View PostSalt-Man Z, on 18 June 2010 - 03:22 PM, said:

I guess I hardly ever venture into any of these subforums, so I'm not sure I see the point of them. I get that it allows broader discussion of an author's work, but at the same it kind of removes it from general discussion. For example, I'll happily venture into an Other Lit thread about Brent Weeks' "Night Angel" trilogy because I'm curious about the book. But I'm not going to delve into a subforum to do so.

What about a Glen Cook subforum? Seems like every month or two, someone's asking for information about the Black Company books, and he has a ton of other stuff that can be discussed there. (Of course, the problem remains: if all Glen Cook talk gets shunted to a subforum, will people seek it out there? Or will "When is the next Instrumentalities book coming out" threads keep appearing in the main forum anyway?)

I'll second Saltman's concerns. I say Yay on a GRRM subforum - as long as there's a dedicated topic to aDwD release date/GRRM bashing. I think there's already a thread like that that could be moved to the new subforum. That would make sure folks worried about flame wars could just stay out of that topic. I also vote Yay on the Glen Cook subforum. Cook books need more love and they're some of the hardest to find info on, so a place to go for that info should be helpful.

I don't really have an opinion on the other authors mentioned.

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Posted 18 June 2010 - 05:41 PM

Can I recommend a Steven Erikson sub-forum? I've read all of his books and they don't get nearly enough love in this literature section.
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Posted 18 June 2010 - 05:59 PM

Nah. His stuff sucks.

Yes please on the Glen Cook.
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#9 User is offline   Grief 

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Posted 18 June 2010 - 06:14 PM

Butcher: Agree should stay, particularly given the rate he churns them out, the amount there is to discuss because of the ongoing plot-lines, and the number of people introduced to them on the boards.
Morgan: Agree doesn't need a sub-forum.
Sanderson/Jordan: Can stay I reckon. Certainly until the end of WoT, since each new book in the series will likely generate a lot of discussion.
GRRM: There doesn't seem to be much discussion actually related to the plot. Maybe after ADWD has a concrete date.
Abercrombie: I think a sub-forum for Abercrombie would be redundant. Most of the times he is mentioned it's just "I thought it was great" or "I thought it was terrible". He occaisionally generates a bit of discussion on whether he's good or not, but doesn't seem to generate that much discussion about the actual ins and outs of the books. So, i'd say it's pointless giving him one.
Kay: Worth giving a go, I reckon.
Lynch: Don't think he needs one. Rarely see him being discussed, other than the recommendation threads.
Bakker: Think could do with one. Has an ongoing series, and does generate book speculation more than most other authors on these boards.
Rothfuss: Doesn't need one, atm certainly. Like Martin, maybe when we have a concrete date for the next book.

Mieville I think ought to be considered as well. Not sure about Cook.

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Posted 18 June 2010 - 08:00 PM

There needs to be a Canavan/Furey forum where trying to post in it is an instant permaban.
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Posted 18 June 2010 - 08:16 PM

Surely, a Sub Forum for Robert Stanek is in order.........

After all, he PROVED Patrick Rothfuss is a fake,

he appeared in a picture with Brian Jacques,

he's a MASSIVE seller in Chad, Burkina Faso and Surinam......

clearly, he deserves a sub forum.
meh. Link was dead :(

#12 User is offline   haroos 

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Posted 18 June 2010 - 09:28 PM

lol the hate for goodkind ...
he is a wierd character, but why do people hate him ?
and i will remind you that he DID finish his series ... (ooh, what could i possibly mean by this ???)

regardless, i can give a few names, who i consider to be great authors, but they don't neccesarily have tons of books written.
also there are certain books/series that are great by themselves, but the authors are not all that great ...
i guess it's more about recomending books.

come to think of it, i have no idea why there's no sub forums for the runelords.

This post has been edited by haroos: 18 June 2010 - 09:31 PM

#13 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 18 June 2010 - 09:38 PM

I have advocated for a Goodkind forum ealier because I think it would be fun. But the discussions on Goodkind have died down recently, since Assail left us we haven't really had any fresh targets to assault. The TV series is gone I think. And the new book series doesn't seem to get much publicity. So it's not really needed.

I agree with the assessment that unless an author is producing a lot of new material fast or is otherwise the center of attention in the media, the author doesn't really need his/her own forum.

That said, my suggestion for an author that deserves a sub forum is Dan Simmons. Guy is good.

#14 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 21 June 2010 - 03:13 PM

So far, summarizing, we've got support for GGK, strong suggestion for Glen Cook, ambivalence re GRRM, and general agreement that Goodkind makes eyes bleed.

To be clear i'm going based on authors whose works generate a fair amount of discussion HERE. Everyone has their own favorites but by example Stanek, sadly and to our clear detriment, lacks attention that would merit a subforum.

@Salt-Manz - the point is to have a few subforums up top that are easy to find and centralize the threads about those authors who meet the 'generate a fair amount of discussion HERE' criteria. The Butcher subf has been, imnsho, very successful and useful and Butcher puits out a minimum book or two/year, the RJ/BS mostly Wot-centric but still worthwhile especially since Sanderson is similarly productive, and the Morgan one initially had good attention following on BLACK MAN and TSR but faded as time passed without anything new from the author.

I considered Reynolds but while each new book generates at least a thread he doesn't get that much of a following here. Ditto Asher and Hamilton on the sf side.

Still open for further thoughts peoples.

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Posted 21 June 2010 - 03:50 PM

I forgot to add my support for Cook in my first post. He's got a lot of really good material, I know many members (myself included) have read his stuff and really enjoyed it. Not to mention Cook's Black Company was an inspiration in part for SE and the Malazan series. Those influences are apparent in the Malazan books, so I think it would be especially fitting.
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Posted 21 June 2010 - 04:01 PM

This might sound a bit odd, but can we have a 'recommendations' sub-forum. There are always threads popping as to what peoples favourites are, or people looking for specific flavours of book. It might help to have them all in the same place. Maybe we could pin topics about authors that are perennial favourites around here, but aren't really discussed often enough to warrant their own forums. Authors like Meiville, Stover, Abercrombie and possibly Morgan if his sub-forum gets nuked.

The other lit section tends to have more a of a review type feel to it than in depth discussion apporaching the level we discuss the malazan books. The only two authors that get regular spoilerific type discussion are Butcher and Sanderson, or at least that's the feel I get.

Scanning over the last two years threads in the other lit forum, GRRM and Glen Cook are the people who appear the most (although I agree he should only be given a sub-forum once there is something new to talk about), with R Scott Bakker and Dan Simmons and GGK also getting a couple of mentions.
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#17 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 21 June 2010 - 04:50 PM

View Postalt146, on 21 June 2010 - 04:01 PM, said:

This might sound a bit odd, but can we have a 'recommendations' sub-forum. ...

I thought about this but the logistics of distinguishing between recommendations, suggestions, comments and best/worse lists just seems too confusing/effort-intensive to make it effective. If i post a new thread re a totally new author, is that a review, a recommendation, a discussion..? Risks crossing the line between 'fun' and 'work'. Similarly while we have Wert's 'Featured Reviews' forum, that is essentially a mirror for his own very excellent review website and most discussion takes place elseforum.


Maybe we could pin topics about authors that are perennial favourites around here, but aren't really discussed often enough to warrant their own forums. ...

I don't know how we would make that work, since some, like Morgan or Stover, while loved, go years between books. whereas Abercrombie averages a book/year or two but doesn't generate all that much discussion...


The other lit section tends to have more a of a review type feel to it than in depth discussion apporaching the level we discuss the malazan books. The only two authors that get regular spoilerific type discussion are Butcher and Sanderson, or at least that's the feel I get.

We're slowly giving certain authors who get a fair amount of attention specifically here and seem to draw a deeper level of discussion their own subforums. That doesn't stop anyone from posting anything about any other book at whatever level of depth. And there's a dynamic element to this in that, by example, as much as i love Richard Morgan's work, there isn't much point in pinning him up top if he isn't producing and the subforum lies fallow (Mr. Morgan - if you happen to be reading this now would be an excellent time to post reassuring me that TDC/TCC is mere moments from publication and my fears are worthless and I should just shut the fnck up and prepared to be awed).


Scanning over the last two years threads in the other lit forum, GRRM and Glen Cook are the people who appear the most (although I agree he should only be given a sub-forum once there is something new to talk about), with R Scott Bakker and Dan Simmons and GGK also getting a couple of mentions.

GGK done since he actually has a new book out so might as well build on that.

Cook - his books get attention here but do those of you pro-Cook getting a subforum think the level of discussion is worthwhile? help me out here because aside from the older BLACK COMPANY stuff i haven't followed his books or his threads.

Bakker - likely. Threads re his books tend to cover a ton of topics so seems worthwhile.

GRRM - at this point it would feel like creating a subforum for the sole purpose of whinging about the lack of DoD. I remain reluctant.

Simmons - really?

#18 User is offline   Grief 

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Posted 21 June 2010 - 05:18 PM

View PostAbyss, on 21 June 2010 - 04:50 PM, said:

Cook - his books get attention here but do those of you pro-Cook getting a subforum think the level of discussion is worthwhile? help me out here because aside from the older BLACK COMPANY stuff i haven't followed his books or his threads.

Lots of people recommend cook, however I haven't actually seen that much discussion of the books themselves. The Butcher sub-forum generates a lot of discussion, imo, due to the number of plot threads, and because we aren't really sure about the specifics of what's going on with a lot of characters/plots, which leads to a lot of speculation about what might happen next.

I don't think cook would actually generate much discussion.

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Posted 21 June 2010 - 05:37 PM

I don't think that Cook really generates enough discussions to warrant his own thread. Same for Abercrombie.

While I haven't read much Bakker people do tend to talk about him a bit. So he should get his own. GRRM no please god no, it would totally devolve into a bitch fest and we have enough of those.

I would go with just adding Bakker and GGK.
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Posted 21 June 2010 - 05:41 PM

Come on Vengeance we could have an entire thread dedicated to "GRRM is fat" jokes!

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