Obdigore, on 16 February 2012 - 10:12 AM, said:
Dark Souls is boring.
Bastion is on my list, but from what I understand it is pretty hardcore RPG, which is tough to put down. I thought DoW2 was the same.
I know about Stronghold3 (although I loved the first one) and Anno 2070.
Like I said I'm really looking for something more light that I can just pick up and put down... I don't think bastion has that quality, and I'm not sure about DoW2.
Bastion kinda does. It's very easy to spend a while on it, but it does have distinct levels that aren't too long, so gives you a good chance to stop.
I really enjoy Dungeon Defenders, and again, has distinct stages. Although in this case once you get to a higher level the stages can take quite some time. And you can go straight from one stage to the next, without going back to the tavern, so it can be a little easy to keep playing (especially if someone else is hosting and they go straight on). If the next stage starts, as long as you leave in a build phase and drop your mana before you go, there's no detriment to you leaving.
Don't worry too much about all the extra DLC. Grab the game, decide what character you want to go (bearing in mind that for each hero, their opposite sex version has the same towers as them), grab the extra characters DLC if you really want to play one of them first, then just play. Much of the other DLC is extra stages and costumes. Costumes you can change later and most of the levels are aimed at higher characters. If you do want to buy more DLC and you're enjoying the game, consider the "Lost Eternia Shards Complete DLC" as it is a DLC pack.
Orcs Must Die is a good bit of fun too. Similar to Dungeon Defenders, but single player only and with traps instead of towers. So is also broken up into stages and they tend to be a bit shorter. Also, no RPG elemnets per se, you just unlock different weapons and traps as you complete stages.
That's all I've got, off the top of my head.